Actor Chris Klein Snagged for Los Angeles DUI

Actor Chris Klein – best known for his roles in the American Pie series and the 1999 movie Election (with Reese Witherspoon) – got arrested for driving under the influence in Los Angeles last Wednesday, after police spotted him weaving in and out of lanes on the 101 in Sherman Oaks. Chris-Klein-DUI.jpg

According to reports from outlets like, CHP officers pulled Klein over around 3:15 a.m. and gave him a Field Sobriety Test, which he failed. He was taken into police custody and later released on his own recognizance. The 31-year-old actor has been arrested for driving under the influence in Southern California before. In 2004, he got pulled over in San Diego County. He pled guilty to a misdemeanor DUI charge. The court penalized him with 150 hours of community service and a fine of $1,800. More recently, footage surfaced of Klein auditioning for the musical Mama Mia. On tape, the actor behaved in a bizarrely overeager fashion. Was he creating a spoof, or was he legitimately trying hard to win the audition? Who knows. But the tape certainly fired up the blogosphere. And this latest Los Angeles DUI arrest will likely only fuel the blaze.

If, like Klein, you get pulled over multiple times for driving under the influence in Southern California – whether for DUI in Burbank or DUI in Long Beach – you may face penalties above and beyond what a first time conviction will net you. Second time misdemeanor offenders will get additional jail time (at least 4 days as opposed to 48 hours in custody), a longer driver’s license suspension (two years instead of one year), longer forced DUI alcohol school (minimum of 18 months as opposed to six weeks), and increases in the intensity and restrictions of probation as well as court costs and fines.

Third and fourth time DUI in Burbank offenders will obviously get even stricter penalties tossed their way. Jail time, for instance, increases to a minimum of 120 days with a maximum of a full year. Your CA driver’s license will be suspended for three years minimum, and so forth. A fourth Southern California DUI within 10 years can be elevated to a felony – even if no complicating factors exist (such as injury or excessive negligence).

What should you do if you or a loved one finds yourself facing a charge similar to Klein’s?

Given the scary realities of a potential conviction, it makes sense to consult with a reputable and results-proven lawyer.

Consider talking to Michael Kraut of the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. in Los Angeles. Here are three reasons why:

1. Attorney Kraut is Harvard Law School educated.

2. He worked for 14 years as a Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles (prosecuting DUI cases), and he knows the tactics that state prosecutors will use and how to combat them.

3. Attorney Kraut has a fantastic record, including a 98% success rate with jury trials.

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Burbank or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.

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