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Articles Posted in Celebrity DUI Arrests


Hollywood DUI Update: Happy Gilmore Star, Christopher McDonald (a.k.a. Shooter McGavin), Busted in North Carolina for DUI

Some late breaking Hollywood DUI news: 50-year-old actor, Christopher McDonald, was just arrested for DUI in North Carolina, after he blew 0.15% on a breathalyzer test. 0.15% BAC is nearly twice the legal limit, as stipulated by California Vehicle Code Section 23152 (b). McDonald, who’s been a working actor for…


Horrendous Hollywood DUI News: Barbara Walters’ Daughter Busted with 0.218% BAC

Some breaking Hollywood DUI news. Jacqueline Walters Danforth, the 44-year-old daughter of recently retired news anchor Barbara Walters, was recently arrested for DUI in Naples, Florida. According to reports from the New York Daily News and TMZ, Jacqueline and her boyfriend had been driving a Honda Pilot on the highway,…


Beverly Hills DUI Update: Amanda Bynes Not Fit To Stand Trial for Her Arrest, Claims Lawyer

Many Beverly Hills DUI stories are tragic-comic tales of celebrities upstaged by their own hubris and overreach. Millions of Americans like to ponder the odd behavior of divas like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears – as well as the atrocious rants and acts committed by the likes of celebrities like…


Long Beach DUI Blotter: A Tale of Two Joneses

As someone who has recently been stopped for DUI in Long Beach, you may or may not be a football fan. But before you construct your defense, you might be well served to stop and consider the fate of two NFL Players named Jones, both of whom recently got into…


Pasadena DUI Celebrity News Update: Dina Lohan (Lindsay’s Mom) Pleads Not Guilty to DUI Charges

As someone who’s been arrested for Pasadena DUI, you were probably more sympathetic than most when you learned that 50-year-old Dina Lohan (mother of actress, Lindsay Lohan) got arrested on September 12th for driving under the influence in Long Island, New York. Police pulled Dina Lohan over, after they saw…


Uncommon Facts about Los Angeles DUI

As someone who’s hoping to defend against a Los Angeles DUI charge, you need solid, objective facts. According to one survey from 10 years ago, 1.4 million drivers on U.S. roads get busted for DUI annually, and crashes that are “alcohol related” lead to $45 billon of damages a year.…


DUI and Burbank Sports News: Bernie Kosar, ex-Browns QB, Busted for DUI in Cleveland

If you think that your DUI in Burbank has been a depressing turn of events, try being a Cleveland Browns fan. All kidding aside, Cleveland sports fans received some pretty harsh news last Sunday, tempered only slightly by a victory against AFC rivals, Cincinnati Bengals. Police in Solon, Ohio arrested…


Bishop’s DUI Arrest Puts Your Own Glendale DUI Charge in Perspective

As someone arrested for DUI in Glendale, you’ve been beating yourself up pretty badly. You’re not the only one showering you with negative emotions. Odds are high that you’ve encountered at least one friend or relative who responded to the news of your arrest in a less than congenial or…


Beverly Hills DUI Sports News Update – Todd Helton of the Colorado Rockies Pleads Guilty to DUI charges

Time for your Beverly Hills DUI celebrity arrest fix… Back in February, Rockies star Todd Helton whacked into a curve with his black Ford F-150 truck. Witnesses called police to report the likely-DUI driver. In early May, Helton wound up in court and pled guilty to DUI charges stemming from…


John Clark Gable, Son of Screen Icon Clark Gable, Charged With DUI Malibu. He Allegedly Hit 6 Cars and Left the Scene!

Not every celebrity Malibu DUI story is as crazy as Mel Gibson or Nick Nolte’s. But strange stuff seems to happen out there on PCH – often involving the most legendary icons of Tinsel Town. To wit, John Clark Gable – son of “old school” film star Clack Gable –…

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