When we think on a fundamental level about domestic violence, we sometimes think in stereotypical terms based on our ideas of who/what an abuser is. Maybe we imagine an abuser as someone who has no job or no ambition; maybe in our minds, they’ve got mental health issues or are…
Articles Posted in Domestic Violence
Power and Control: The Underlying Motivation for Domestic Violence
It’s a reality of life that couples sometimes disagree–sometimes even loudly. Sometimes, an argument can get out of hand, leading one to accuse the other of domestic violence. If you’ve recently been arrested over such an argument, and it’s your first offense, you might be able to explain it as…
The Unseen Impact: How Witnessing Domestic Violence Shapes a Child’s Future
When thinking about domestic violence, especially from the standpoint of criminal charges, we typically think of it in terms of the perpetrator (the defendant) and the victim (the accuser). But domestic violence spares no one in the families where it happens, and there are other victims to consider. As many…
Accusing Each Other of Domestic Violence: How Mutual Abuse Works in California
People tend to think of domestic violence in simplistic, one-way terms. There is an abuser, and there is a victim–and that is the case in many situations. But in reality, many abusive relationships are mutually abusive–that is, both parties are physically violent with each other. Multiple studies have revealed that…
Common Patterns and Phases in Abusive Relationships
Being arrested on domestic violence charges can be confusing, humiliating, and disconcerting, especially if it’s the first time it’s happened to you. But facing domestic violence charges a second or third time can be utterly demoralizing. The first time it happened, you were unsure of how you got here (perhaps…
Using Technology to Avoid a Repeat Domestic Violence Arrest
If you’ve recently been arrested for and/or charged with domestic battery, stalking, or other forms of domestic violence, you already know what a disruption it can be to your life and your family. Of course, your first course of action is to navigate this process with the help of an…
When Teens Are Accused of Domestic Violence: How to Avoid Long-Term Repercussions
Domestic violence is an issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Unfortunately, teens are not immune to this problem; statistics show that about 10 percent of adolescents have been victims of dating violence. It might not necessarily be a sign of an emerging violent pattern in your child;…
How a Domestic Violence Accusation or Conviction Impacts Your Job Prospects
Being accused or convicted of domestic violence can have serious consequences, not only on your personal life but also your professional life. A domestic violence conviction can make it difficult to find and secure a job for anyone looking for employment in California. Even if you’re sentenced to probation in…
Accused of Domestic Violence During a Complex Divorce: What You Need to Know
It can feel like being thrown out of the frying pan into the fire. You’re suffering through a particularly messy and contentious divorce, when one day, there’s a knock on your door, and the police are holding a warrant for your arrest on allegations of domestic violence or child abuse.…
Dealing with Shame and Regret After Domestic Violence
You never intended for it to happen. You had a disagreement with a member of your family (perhaps a spouse or someone else you love). Emotions escalated, and you lost your temper. Now, you’re facing possible charges of domestic violence. Perhaps you’ve alienated your loved one, and they’re now seeking…