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Articles Posted in Driving Under the Influence


DUI News Updates

Court rulings and new laws in other states don’t have an immediate impact on California DUI laws and the outcome of arrests for DUI in Los Angeles.  But it’s always interesting to take a look and see how other states are dealing with challenges and updates to DUI law. •  …


DUI Drivers As Fire Starters

Drivers arrested for DUI in Los Angeles often leave a very visible trail of damage in their wake: wrecked vehicles (theirs and/or others’), downed utility poles or traffic signals, broken windows in storefronts. But sometimes the damage spreads a lot further. According to a story in the August 29th Los…


Bad Moves By DUI Drivers

Intoxicated drivers often make bad decisions that draw police officers’ attention and leave the drivers vulnerable to arrest on a charge of DUI in Los Angeles. But California drivers aren’t the only ones making mistakes, as these arrest stories from around the country clearly demonstrate. In Madison, Wisconsin, a 42-year-old…


Many Repeat DUI Offenders Never Seem To Learn

For some people, one charge of DUI in Los Angeles is enough to make them resolve they will never again drive under the influence. They never want to go through the humiliating experience of arrest, a bond hearing and a court trial again. There are others, however, who never seem…


California: Good State to Get a DUI?

While it’s probably little consolation to someone convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles, California is apparently far down on the list when it comes to states with the strictest DUI enforcement. WalletHub, a personal finance website, looked at several factors in each state’s DUI laws to identify the strictest…


DUI Driver: It’s Jerry Springer’s Fault

When police come upon an accident involving a DUI in Los Angeles, they may sometimes find that all the vehicle’s occupants have exited the car. That scenario can make it more difficult for the officers to figure out who was actually driving at the time of the crash. Thinking to…


A Natural Way to Discourage DUIs?

Police officers, prosecutors and judges can get discouraged when they’re trying to reduce the number of DUIs in Los Angeles. Some people never seem to get the message about the dangers they pose to themselves and other people. But Noah Elkins of Laurel County, Kentucky, had the message about the…


Drivers Using Pokémon Go As DUI Excuse

Police who arrest drivers arrested for DUIs in Los Angeles sometimes observe the motorist engaging in additional risky behaviors behind the wheel: talking on a cell phone or texting, for example. Now you can add another item to the list of dangerous distractions: Pokémon Go. A young driver in Port…


DUI Driver Misses Chance for Chicken Dinner

The properties damaged by DUIs in Los Angeles can include everything from vehicles to homes to businesses and retail establishments. Sometimes a DUI driver will take out a neighborhood landmark, destroying a bar or a restaurant that’s a favorite with locals. Residents and regular visitors to Dewey Beach, Delaware, are…


DUI Driver Shuts Down BART Service

Accidents involving drivers DUI in Los Angeles can snarl highways and city streets, resulting in backups that prevent motorists from reaching their destinations for hours. Involve a mass transit system like BART in a DUI crash, and the potential for transportation headaches gets even larger. Opara Maurice Green crashed through…

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