Long Beach DUI blogs, like this one, typically don’t stretch to include extraneous news events, like the April 29 royal wedding in Britain. But some interesting controversies regarding the wedding plans may shed light on crucial issues relevant to anybody who has been tagged for Los Angeles DUI, driving under…
Articles Posted in DUI Consequences
Los Angeles DUI Blog Discusses the Upcoming Royal Wedding
The last place you think you’d look for an analysis of the upcoming royal wedding between Prince William and his betrothed, Kate Middleton, is a blog devoted mainly to conversations about driving under the influence in Los Angeles. But with literally every single news organization – from the largest papers…
Pasadena DUI Debacle: Montana Judge Who Oversees DUI Court Charged with Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
If you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Pasadena, and you’re a normal citizen (or a sports star or celebrity), chances are, you will receive your fair share of censure from friends, family, and even the public at large. But if you’re a judge whose job…
Burbank DUI Shocker: Attorney Arrested for Driving Under the Influence
If you’ve been stuck on Victory Boulevard or Burbank Boulevard in heavy traffic, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to gaze at billboards for lawyers who specialize in Los Angeles DUI and criminal defense. Whatever you feel about the attorneys who put up these ads, you’d think they’d know enough…
Pasadena DUI “Century Club” – Texas Man Faces 99 Years behind Bars for 16th DUI
Many recidivist Pasadena DUI drivers – people who’ve been arrested more than once for a crime like driving under the influence in Pasadena, Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Los Angeles DUI, etc — wrestle with deep and hard to crystallize psychological problems. A DUI can happen to the best of people…
Long Beach DUI Sexual Battery: San Diego Officer Slapped with 10 Felony Counts for Harassing Women
Most salacious stories involving Southern California DUI involve drivers doing or saying queer things that illicit eye-rolling, head-shaking, or other condemnation. But last week, the tables turned: Instead of a DUI defendant getting charged with a crime like DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, Pasadena DUI, or Los Angeles DUI,…
Burbank DUI Disaster for NFL Hopeful – Will Michael Floyd Ever Again Play for Notre Dame?
The annals of Burbank DUI arrests are filled with sad stories of honest people making honest mistakes and careless people making dumb mistakes. Sometimes a situation like a Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, Glendale DUI, or Los Angeles DUI will end in tragedy – for instance, someone gets severely hurt or…
Long Beach DUI Madness — Miguel Cabrera Tells Officers: “Shoot Me, Kill Me”
When a police officer pulls over a driver for suspicion of driving under the influence in Long Beach (or elsewhere throughout the Los Angeles/Southland region), tempers can flare and the situation can even become violent. It’s all too easy to compound a Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, DUI in Glendale or…
Burbank DUI Celebrity Arrest Alert: ESPN Commentator Harry Teinowitz Slapped with DUI in Illinois
When sports stars and celebrities get pulled over for driving under the influence in Burbank, Southern California, or elsewhere in the nation, the national news media and the blogosphere react with shock, awe, and dismay. In many situations, defendants are deemed “guilty” in the eyes of the public, even before…
Long Beach DUI Sports Update: Coco Crisp Popped for DUI at Spring Training
Last Wednesday, Oakland A’s outfielder (and former Red Sox icon) Coco Crisp got pulled over in Scottsdale, Arizona on suspicion of DUI – blogs that follow sports and Long Beach DUI news jumped on the story, possibly because the outspoken outfielder had been driving a 2009 Rolls-Royce Phantom (valued at…