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Articles Posted in DUI Consequences


Los Angeles DUI Bloggers Note Explosion of Baseball Related DUI Arrests

Austin Kearns, a Cleveland Indians outfielder charged with DUI few weeks ago, will appear in Jessamine County District Court on March 10th: those who follow Los Angeles DUI news have noticed that major leaguers like Kearns, Miguel Cabrera, and Coco Crisp have all been snagged by DUI charges recently. Is…


Pasadena DUI Gossip: Juicy DUI Stories from Last Week

Let’s face it: Most Pasadena DUI stops involve work-a-day misdemeanors – generally well-meaning folks who make errors in judgment or take undue risks. But sometimes, stories about DUI in Burbank, DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Los Angeles, and Glendale DUI take turns for the bizarre, spectacular, or simply queer. In…


Beverly Hills DUI Stunner: Judge Says to Lindsay Lohan: “You’re Going to Jail”

Lindsay Lohan’s post Los Angeles DUI saga took a scary new turn today, when Judge Schwartz warned the wayward actress “this case will involve jail time. Period.” No, Judge Schwartz was not talking about another incident in which Lohan drove DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, or…


Pasadena DUI Sports Spotlight – Raiders Runningback’s DUI Charge Tops Off a Bad Weekend for the NFL

Scan the weekly headlines for Pasadena DUI, celebrity DUI, and other related posts, and chances are that you will see a surprisingly large number of sports related arrests, injuries, and other bad news — particularly related to NFL players. While national DUI-related news, like Lindsay Lohan’s recent grand theft felony…


Long Beach DUI Sports News – Bobsledding Champion Pleads Guilty to DUI, Narrowly Avoids Half Year Jail Sentence

30-year-old Olympic gold medalist Steve Holcomb, the pilot for the US bobsledding team in the 2010 Winter Olympics, pled guilty last Wednesday to DUI charges, prompting analysts who cover sports news about driving under the influence in Southern California (and elsewhere) to ponder the effects of the sentencing. For anyone…


Beverly Hills DUI Shocker: Lindsay Lohan Charged with Felony Grand Theft. Electrified Blogosphere Reacts

In 2007, former child starlet and prominent celebutante Lindsay Lohan got arrested for driving under the influence in Los Angeles. Since that fateful stop, the beleaguered Lohan has been sent to jail three separate times for drug possession and violating her Los Angeles DUI probation. Today, the Los Angeles District…


Beverly Hills DUI Update: Actress Jaime Pressly’s Woes Mount as Prosecutors Hit Her with Charges

Last Tuesday, prosecutors in Santa Monica formally charged actress Jaime Pressly (“My Name is Earl”) with driving under the influence in Southern California. As this blog reported several weeks ago, the 33-year old actress got arrested on January 5th on suspicion of DUI and allegedly tested to have a BAC…


Pasadena DUI Story of the Week: Trooper Arrested for DUI for Hitting Other Cop

Okay, although this is not exactly a Pasadena DUI case – it happened in the small town of Warwick, Rhode Island – but the sheer zaniness and coincidence of it all merits a blip on this blog’s radar. If you’ve been pulled over for Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Burbank DUI,…


Burbank DUI Nightmare Tragedy Avoided by Sheer Chance

What could have been a horrifically bloody Los Angeles DUI story fortunately ended with just a minor fender-bender and an arrest. Last week, a man apparently under the influence of alcohol pulled his car onto some railroad tracks parallel to San Fernando Road and fell asleep – literally with his…


Long Beach DUI and Huntington Beach Dilemma: Should Busted Drivers be Outed on Facebook?

One of the biggest debates roiling the Southern California DUI community today concerns whether or not Huntington Beach was correct in rejecting a proposal that would have allowed police to post mug shots of DUI offenders on Facebook. Last Tuesday, the Huntington City Council voted down this “shaming proposal” proposed…

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