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Articles Posted in DUI Consequences


Long Beach DUI Madness: News Roundup Yields DUI Goat, a 12 Time DUI offender, and More Weirdness.

Rarely do Southern California DUI stops play like something out of a bad 1980’s cop movie (or episode of Reno 911!). But last Wednesday, the California Highway Patrol pulled over a goat – yes, a goat – during a routine DUI stop in Riverside County. (Well, actually the goat wasn’t…


Beverly Hills DUI Insanity: Actor Gary Busey’s Bogus DUI Arrest in Malibu Sends Bloggers into a Froth.

Last Thursday, actor Gary Busey got pulled over on the Pacific Coast Highway under suspicion of a Los Angeles DUI, after two “reporters” told police that Busey had been driving his Mercedes erratically on the PCH. When Busey got stopped, the couple, Mark Abel and Patrice Karst, began snapping up…


Long Beach DUI Defendants Pay Attention! Seattle Politico’s Reduced Sentence May Be Instructive

When police arrest a driver for driving under the influence in Southern California, most people just assume that the driver must have failed a breathalyzer test or otherwise demonstrated a total lack of sobriety. But a hefty percentage of DUI cases involve surprisingly murky and grey situations. To wit, consider…


Burbank DUI Analysts and Sports Fans Alike Flummoxed by Former Bucs QB’s Tampa Arrest

Outlets that cover stories of sports stars busted for driving under the influence in Burbank (and elsewhere) have been spilling a lot of ink over the Sunday morning arrest of Shaun King, a former quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The 33 year-old got pulled over on US 301; after…


Pasadena DUI Madness: Two Stunning New Year’s DUI Stories Shock the Southland

With the ringing in of the New Year, one might expect to hear stories about elevated numbers of Pasadena DUI arrests and extra checkpoints around the Southland. But two breaking news events suggest that 2011 has gotten off to an extra rocky start, as far as Southern California DUI news…


Beverly Hills DUI Breaking News: Nicole Richie’s Probation Cut Short by a Month

Many stories involving Beverly Hills DUI deal with tragedy and heavy circumstances. But a recent tabloidesque story out of The Hills has riveted the nation’s attention for its sheer frivolity. Reality TV star Nicole Richie has received a reprieve: her probation for 2006 arrest has been cut short by a…


Burbank DUI Bombshell: Local Poker Players Shocked as World Series Runner Up Socked with Third DUI

Everyone in the world of poker knows that driving under the influence in Burbank (or, really, anywhere in the United States) is bad news. Unfortunately, John Racener, Runner Up in the 2010 World Series of Poker’s Main Event, may not have gotten the memo. According to a report out of…


Los Angeles DUI News has Amazing Breakthrough: Suspect Accused of DUI Falls Down Drunk in Front of Judge

Let’s face it: many Malibu DUIs stories take wild turns towards the bizarre. Witness Mel Gibson’s infamous 2006 arrest on PCH or the many incidences of lawnmower DUIs here in California and elsewhere in 2010. If someone you care about has been arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank,…


Pasadena DUI and Other Southern California Cities See Trouble for Gary Collins

Gary Collins, the former host of Hour Magazine and emcee of Circus of the Stars, is facing some serious Los Angeles DUI problems. Last week, a judge in L.A. slapped him with a $100,000 arrest warrant after the ex-actor did not show up to a November 14 progress report regarding…


Los Angeles DUI for David Cassidy and his plea of “Not Guilty”has Celebrity DUI Bloggers Gossiping up a Storm

As this blog and other news sources that follow Los Angeles DUI arrests reported a few weeks ago, Partridge Family star David Cassidy got pulled over on November 3rd by the Florida Highway Patrol for driving under the influence. Last week, Cassidy (via his attorney) entered a “not guilty” plea…

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