Southern California DUI experts are monitoring a breaking case out of Virginia involving a recidivist DUI driver who allegedly slammed into a car full of nuns, hurting two of them and killing one of the sisters. This epic tragedy made national headlines and sparked debate among the legal community –…
Articles Posted in DUI Consequences
A Lesson for All Would-Be Southern California DUI Drivers: From a 13-Year-Old Girl
No one disputes that driving DUI in Los Angeles is dangerous – and that conscientious people should do everything in their power to prevent friends and relatives under the influence from getting behind the wheel. But a rare story out of Islip, New York drives home this point in emotionally…
Even Los Angeles DUI Veterans Stunned by Man’s 17th DUI Arrest
You might think that Southern California DUI experts have seen at all – from celebrity arrests (e.g. Nick Nolte, Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gibson) to other bizarre stories we have covered here on this blog. But a breaking story out of Louisiana actually may take the cake for most jaw-dropping case…
Enough Prattle about Lindsey Lohan’s Los Angeles DUI Jail Sentence: Let’s Talk about Goats in Trunks
For the past several weeks, blogs and even the mainstream media have been endlessly covering Lindsey Lohan’s Los Angeles DUI related jail sentence (stemming from a 2009 arrest). And it’s not just Lohan who has had to face the music – actor Chris Klein, 80’s rocker Jani Lane, and seemingly…
Celebrity Los Angeles DUI Bloggers Weigh in on RFK Jr.’s Wife’s Charge
Two months ago, Mary Kennedy, the soon-to-be ex-wife of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was pulled over for DUI in Bedford, New York – a surprising arrest that sparked heated discussion among the bloggers and pundits who track celebrity Los Angeles DUI matters. Background of her arrest follows: On May 13th,…
Lindsay Lohan gets Jail Time for Violating Los Angeles DUI Probation Terms
When the flurry of news about Lindsay Lohan’s 90-day jail sentence for violating her Los Angeles DUI probation hit the fan a few weeks ago, this blog deliberately avoided covering it because there was simply too much sensationalism about it in the press. However, given the layers and twists and…
Los Angeles DUI Convicts to Face Mandatory Ignition Interlock Device Installation
Last Thursday, July 1, California’s new test program to curb DUI in Los Angeles by compelling first time convicts to install interlock ignition devices (IIDs) went into effect. The pilot program will affect four California counties – Los Angeles, Sacramento, Alameda, and Tulare. A study through the International Council on…
Detroit Lions’ President Busted for Driving Nearly Three Times the Southern California DUI Limit
As students of this blog know, the legal limit for Los Angeles DUI is a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08%. Well, Tom Lewand, the President of the Detroit Lions, got pulled over the Friday before last for driving with a BAC of 0.21% – nearly three times Detroit’s (and California’s)…
Ex-NFL Star Enters “Not Guilty” Plea to Southern California DUI
Corey Dillon, a former running back for the Cincinnati Bengals and the New England Patriots, pled not guilty to charges of driving under the influence in Southern California stemming from an April 21st arrest in Malibu on Mulholland Drive. According to reports, Dillon had been driving with a friend in…
Actor Chris Klein Snagged for Los Angeles DUI
Actor Chris Klein – best known for his roles in the American Pie series and the 1999 movie Election (with Reese Witherspoon) – got arrested for driving under the influence in Los Angeles last Wednesday, after police spotted him weaving in and out of lanes on the 101 in Sherman…