The police officers who stop drivers at Burbank DUI checkpoints are empowered to remove dangerous drivers from the roads to enhance public safety. And while everyone can agree that we want to reduce and ideally eliminate Burbank DUI, Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Los Angeles DUI, etc., civil liberties groups are…
Articles Posted in DUI Crime and Punishment
Pasadena DUI Implications of Vermont DUI Breath Test Failures?
Those who cover Pasadena DUI stories often set their sites on parochial stories – that is, police blotter news items about things like Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Los Angeles DUI, and Pasadena DUI. But it’s often helpful to analyze national news as well to get perspective on how the goings…
Burbank DUI is Not the Worst Thing That Could Happen to You. You Could be Charlie Sheen…
Obviously, no one wants to get arrested and charged for a crime like driving under the influence in Burbank or elsewhere in the Southland (e.g. DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Los Angeles, et cetera). But it’s helpful to put your problems in perspective. Consider…
Pasadena DUI Sports News: Ravens’ Sergio Kindle Pleads Guilty to DUI Charge, Gets Probation
Driving under the influence in Pasadena with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.17% – more than twice the legal limit – is very likely to get you into trouble. If you doubt this notion, just talk to Ravens’ rookie linebacker Sergio Kindle. The 23-year pled guilty last Tuesday in a…
More DUI in Long Beach Sports News – Another Major Leaguer, Shin Soo Choo, Cited for DUI
Not EVERY sports celebrity has been pulled over on charges of driving under the influence in Long Beach (and elsewhere) this year. But it sure seems that way, sometimes, doesn’t it? The sheer number of sports celebs who’ve been tagged in 2011 for driving under the influence in Burbank, Glendale…
Los Angeles DUI Debacle – LAPD Officer Busted for DUI Near LAX
We expect LAPD officers to pull people over and arrest them for crimes like driving under the influence in Los Angeles; what we don’t expect is for police officers to speed the wrong way down the Sepulveda Tunnel on their motorcycles and then themselves get busted for misdemeanor DUI. But that’s…
Burbank DUI Breathalyzer Disaster – Alco-Sensor V Breathalyzers Found to Be “Erratic” – Hundreds of Cases Could Be Affected
Last week saw some major breaking Burbank DUI news – the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office released memos showing that Intoximeter’s Alcohol Sensor V breathalyzer tests — used in the field between January 20 and March 31st this year — have demonstrated “erratic results.” The upshot is that many people…
Long Beach DUI Twofer – GOP’s Kittle Avoids Jail Time… and a Big Controversy over the Royal Wedding!
Long Beach DUI blogs, like this one, typically don’t stretch to include extraneous news events, like the April 29 royal wedding in Britain. But some interesting controversies regarding the wedding plans may shed light on crucial issues relevant to anybody who has been tagged for Los Angeles DUI, driving under…
Pasadena DUI Debacle: Montana Judge Who Oversees DUI Court Charged with Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
If you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Pasadena, and you’re a normal citizen (or a sports star or celebrity), chances are, you will receive your fair share of censure from friends, family, and even the public at large. But if you’re a judge whose job…
Burbank DUI Shocker: Attorney Arrested for Driving Under the Influence
If you’ve been stuck on Victory Boulevard or Burbank Boulevard in heavy traffic, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to gaze at billboards for lawyers who specialize in Los Angeles DUI and criminal defense. Whatever you feel about the attorneys who put up these ads, you’d think they’d know enough…