Recent changes to Southern California DUI laws — mandating that first-time offenders install interlock ignition devices (IIDs) in their vehicles — have made Southland residents more keenly aware of the consequences of driving under the influence. A breaking story out of Pittsburgh reinforces this message: According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,…
Given the potentially devastating penalties that could result if you’re convicted of a Southern California DUI charge, you want to exercise an abundance of caution before getting behind the wheel after you’ve consumed any amount of alcohol. What are some ‘red flags’ that indicate that you might want to turn…
It’s a case that rivals a celebrity Los Angeles DUI escapade — and it took place in Montana, of all places. At the center of the storm is Senator Greg Barkus (R- Montana) who, on the night of August 7th, allegedly drove a boat into a rocky coastline at speeds…
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