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Articles Posted in DUI Punishment


More Arrests for Stoned Driving? Cannibuster Could Make It Happen

Testing drivers for an alcohol-related DUI in Los Angeles is a relatively straightforward process that may involve a breathalyzer and blood tests. But when pot is a driver’s choice for getting high, it’s been a lot harder for police to identify just how much cannabis is in a driver’s bloodstream…


Daredevil Does Damage While DUI

People who enjoy a few too many drinks before getting behind the wheel may attempt to show off their driving skills—speeding along busy highways, taking tight turns, and similar maneuvers that are likely to get them involved in an accident or picked up for a Los Angeles DUI. So what…


Drivers Can Run But They Can’t Get Away

Motorists who cause an accident while driving under the influence may try to escape the consequences by fleeing the scene. But their respite from arrest is usually brief, and they’re picked up and charged with a Los Angeles DUI or some similar offense. But it’s not always easy to make…


Could Drinking Too Little Get You Arrested for a DUI?

Getting caught driving after you’ve had a few too many drinks could land you in jail on a charge of DUI in Los Angeles. But apparently you could also be in trouble, at least as far as your driving abilities, if you drink too few non-alcoholic beverages before you hit…


After Killing Teen, Illinois Driver Arrested Again for DUI

It would be devastating to learn that someone you loved had been killed or seriously injured by someone arrested for a Los Angeles DUI. It would make matters even worse if you found out that ten years later that driver hadn’t learned his lesson. The family of 17-year-old Caitlin Weese…


Mother Charged in DUI Death of Child in San Diego County

Police working Los Angeles DUI cases have to deal with some pretty difficult accident scenes. But there are probably few worse things than having to handle the aftermath of a DUI incident that involves young children, especially when one of them dies. When El Cajon police officers arrived at an…


Vehicle Destroyed, But Police Officer Charged with DUI Survives Train Wreck

A police officer in southern Texas may be recalling the old saying about people who live in glass houses never throwing stones. We don’t know if Devon Brittany New, a member of the Nixon, Texas, police force, ever arrested anyone for driving under the influence. But after her own recent…


Suspected DUI Driver Rockets Down Interstate the Wrong Way, Nearly Kills 20 Year Old Woman

Driving under the influence is never the right way to travel, and sometimes that lesson is quite literally true. Even an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney could have difficulty making a case for someone who decides to drive along an interstate highway while under the influence—especially when that driver is…


Outrageous Mug Shots: Part 2 — More Crazy Mug Shot Analysis from the Los Angeles DUI Community

Even Los Angeles DUI attorneys appreciate the comic relief of a funny mug shot. Mug shots have a history of use dating back to the 19th century for record keeping, identification, and investigation purposes. Most mug shots appear benign. Occasionally, however, we come across some doozies. Below we’ve detailed some…


Outrageous DUI Mugshots: Part 1

The practice of taking a mugshot after a person’s arrest began in the mid-1840s. Law enforcement used the pictures for record keeping and to aid investigations. The Los Angeles DUI community has seen some pretty outrageous mugshots come through over the years. Getting arrested for a DUI fades out of…

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