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Articles Posted in DUI Punishment


Beverly Hills DUI Stories Have Nothing On Boulder Colorado This Week: Another Crazy Story as 19 Year-Old Steals a School Bus and Smashes It into His House

One of the reasons why stories about driving under the influence in Beverly Hills capture media attention is that Beverly Hills is well, Beverly Hills. Celebrities, sports stars, movie executives, politicos and other A-listers live, visit and celebrate the city. Thus, stories about DUI in Beverly Hills as well as…


Long Beach DUI Disaster for R&B Fans – Singer Nivea (Baby Mama Number 4 for Lil Wayne) Smashes Into a Tree While Allegedly DUI

Last Sunday was not a good day for R&B singer Nivea. Her story of DUI in Atlanta was largely drowned out in the Long Beach DUI blogosphere by Ryan Dunn’s (of “Jackass” fame) explosive 130 mile per hour fatal wipe out in Pennsylvania. But pundits and celebrity watchers who listen…


Burbank DUI Reflections: Terrifying Checkpoint Escape in Kansas City, Missouri Seriously Injures Civilian

This blog has scrutinized dozens of Burbank DUI news items since its inception. One of the big takeaways is that drivers have a propensity to act irrationally and dangerously even after they have been stopped and arrested; and it’s often these “post-DUI” behaviors that transform ordinary, simple charges of Pasadena…


Glendale DUI News Goes from Bad to Worse for MLB, as Video Emerges of Braves’ Derek Lowe Yelling at Police

Sports fans – particularly baseball fans – have not had a good 2011, at least judging from the news stories picked up on by Glendale DUI blogs (and other blogs that follow sports and celebrity criminal behavior). 37-year-old Atlanta Braves pitcher Derek Lowe was arrested on April 28 in a…


Pasadena DUI Breathalyzer Machines: Could They Be Next on the Chopping Block?

Attorneys and pundits who follow news about Pasadena DUI (and DUI throughout the country) are keeping a keen eye on Sarasota County, Florida, where an otherwise boring and workaday DUI trial may have profound implications for the use of DUI breath tests in Florida – and perhaps, indirectly, Southern California…


Los Angeles DUI For Estella Warren Complicated by Charges of Hit and Run, Kicking a Cop, and a Felony Escape!

Most celebrity arrests for driving under the influence in Los Angeles are relatively pedestrian as far as the details are concerned. Yes, you can occasionally find salacious stories – such as Mel Gibson’s famous anti-Semitic rant or Lindsay Lohan’s notorious probation violation situation. But most celebrity arrests are simply workaday…


Pasadena DUI Implications of Vermont DUI Breath Test Failures?

Those who cover Pasadena DUI stories often set their sites on parochial stories – that is, police blotter news items about things like Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Los Angeles DUI, and Pasadena DUI. But it’s often helpful to analyze national news as well to get perspective on how the goings…


Glendale DUI Brouhaha Brews in Senate over Google and Apple Apps

Mobile apps designed and provided by the likes of Google and Apple can “yield up” the locations of Glendale DUI checkpoints (and DUI checkpoints throughout the US). These apps have raised the hackles of lawmakers. Last Tuesday, a US Senate Subcommittee held a hearing with Apple’s VP of Software Technology…


Los Angeles DUI for Rick Springfield: “Jessie’s Girl” Crooner Stopped in Malibu in His Corvette

Last Sunday, while the entire world and possibly part of our space was focused on the breathtaking mission in Pakistan that resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, some critical celebrity Los Angeles DUI news occurred that’s only just beginning to nab the attention of the blogosphere. Rick Springfield,…


More DUI in Long Beach Sports News – Another Major Leaguer, Shin Soo Choo, Cited for DUI

Not EVERY sports celebrity has been pulled over on charges of driving under the influence in Long Beach (and elsewhere) this year. But it sure seems that way, sometimes, doesn’t it? The sheer number of sports celebs who’ve been tagged in 2011 for driving under the influence in Burbank, Glendale…

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