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Articles Posted in DUI


November’s High Profile Los Angeles DUI Cases

The City of Angels attracts a fair number of celebrities who party too hard and end up facing charges of DUI in Los Angeles. The most recent case was Michael Weatherly, a longtime actor on the television show NCIS. He spent 15 hours in jail in early November after police…


Do Double Los Angeles DUI Drivers Get Their Vehicles Back Too Soon?

Police officers who arrest motorists for DUI in Los Angeles occasionally run across drivers who don’t learn from their initial mistakes. As soon as these alleged DUI drivers are out of jail, they get behind the wheel again. One woman in Somerset, Pennsylvania, may hold the record for the least…


Teachers Need Education on DUI

Students who take drivers education in the Southern California area hear numerous warnings during their classes about the dangers of DUI in Los Angeles. But sometimes the teachers of these classes ignore their own good advice. Take the case of 51-year-old, Richard Bull. The Fort Myers, Florida, CBS affiliate WINK…


DUI Arrests Declining in Chicago—But Is That Really A Good Sign?

If the number of arrests for DUI in Los Angeles decreased, would it mean that the roads are getting safer? Maybe not. A recent article in Illinois’ Daily Herald newspaper raised some questions about the real meaning behind a decline in DUI arrests in several suburban Chicago neighborhoods. Columnist Jack…


Gotten Multiple Los Angeles DUI Arrests? How to Make Sure 2016 is “DUI Free”

As the year winds towards the holidays, and you look back on 2015, you have to admit that this one wasn’t exactly your best. Your Los Angeles DUI arrest, in some sense, was the tip of the iceberg. Maybe you faced rejection at work or financial problems. Perhaps you had…


An Alternative and More Humane Approach to the Los Angeles DUI Problem?

Drivers arrested for DUI in Los Angeles often have a history of repeated offenses. Taking away their drivers’ licenses doesn’t seem to prevent them from driving while intoxicated; neither does jail time. But each time they get behind the wheel, they not only put other people at risk of injury…


Lessons from California’s Big Drought for Los Angeles DUI Defendants

Even if you’ve been consumed by concern over a recent Los Angeles DUI arrest, you’ve no doubt at least been aware of the hand wringing and impassioned discussion about California’s epic drought and the impact that it will have on industry, communities and homeowners. Despite California’s implementation of water conservation…


Warning: El Niño’s Rains May Make Los Angeles DUI Events That Much More Dangerous

Everyone knows that driving under the influence in Los Angeles (or anywhere, frankly) puts drivers at an elevated risk of getting into accidents, hurting themselves and others, and causing property damage. However, to understand the true risks associated with dangerous driving of any kind, you need context. Someone just barely…


Unusual Los Angeles DUIs Make Headlines… Including DUI in a Wheelchair

Arrests for DUI in Los Angeles aren’t usually big news unless the person arrested is some sort of celebrity. But sometimes a story about a DUI arrest—in any part of the country–is so unusual that online news outlets and social media provide widespread coverage. Here are two crazy breaking stories:…


Déjà Vu for Chicago-Area DUI Arrest

Police officers who constantly have to arrest people for a Los Angeles DUI probably experience a sense of déjà vu each time they stop someone suspected of a DUI. Or maybe they feel trapped in an endless loop that keeps repeating (like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day). But…

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