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Articles Posted in Los Angeles domestic violence lawyer


Why People Falsely Report Domestic Violence

While domestic violence is a serious public health issue, and while the State of California rightfully implements strong laws to protect victims, there are also many instances in which someone may be unfairly accused of domestic violence. In fact, research has shown that in as many as 25-35 percent of…


Common Patterns and Phases in Abusive Relationships

Being arrested on domestic violence charges can be confusing, humiliating, and disconcerting, especially if it’s the first time it’s happened to you. But facing domestic violence charges a second or third time can be utterly demoralizing. The first time it happened, you were unsure of how you got here (perhaps…


When Teens Are Accused of Domestic Violence: How to Avoid Long-Term Repercussions

Domestic violence is an issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Unfortunately, teens are not immune to this problem; statistics show that about 10 percent of adolescents have been victims of dating violence. It might not necessarily be a sign of an emerging violent pattern in your child;…


How a Domestic Violence Accusation or Conviction Impacts Your Job Prospects

Being accused or convicted of domestic violence can have serious consequences, not only on your personal life but also your professional life. A domestic violence conviction can make it difficult to find and secure a job for anyone looking for employment in California. Even if you’re sentenced to probation in…


When Your Domestic Violence Case “Goes Public”

In California, which has some of the most stringent domestic violence laws in the country, simply being accused of domestic violence can be incredibly disruptive and stress-inducing. But when those allegations become “news,” whether in the press or through social media, the situation can be exponentially more complicated. Now, on…


Domestic Violence Among Military Families

While domestic violence continues to be an epidemic globally, the problem is apparently worse within military families. Numerous studies have indicated that the rates of domestic violence within military households are substantially greater than those in the civilian population. Given the numerous military bases in and around Southern California, many…


Biggest Domestic Violence Stories of the 2020s So Far (Part 2)

The 2020s have been a time of both positive and negative change for domestic violence victims in the United States. On the one hand, we’ve witnessed many cases that raised awareness of DV and other forms of abuse–and on the other, the increased rates of domestic violence during the pandemic…


When Does Emotional Abuse Become a Criminal Act in California?

It’s a scenario that can be both surprising and shocking. You have a verbal disagreement with your spouse or domestic partner (as most couples do). Emotions get heated, and you say some things you shouldn’t have said—and maybe didn’t mean. Someone observes the argument and calls the cops—or maybe your…


Domestic Violence Stories of the 2020s (So Far)–Part Two

Given both the increase and the heightened awareness of domestic violence cases since the 2020s began, it’s important once in a while to look at the news stories talking about domestic violence to see both what we can learn and how we can improve the situation for families at risk.…


When You Are Both a Victim and a Defendant in a Domestic Violence Dispute

Being arrested on suspicion of domestic violence can be highly disruptive to your life—and of course, being the victim of domestic violence is nothing short of traumatic. But what happens when you are both a victim of domestic violence and the person accused of it—at the same time? What if…

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