Last Monday, hip-hop icon Bobby Brown pled not guilty to charges of driving under the influence in Los Angeles and additional charges stemming from his March 26th arrest. On top of driving DUI, Brown got slapped with driving under a suspended license and driving with an illegal BAC content. As regular readers of this blog know, the limit for driving under the influence in Los Angeles, per California Vehicle Section 23152(B), is 0.08%.
(Interesting and random note! Did you know that sleep researchers in Australia found that people who stay awake for 24 hours or longer may be as impaired behind the wheel as are people who drive with a 0.10% BAC?!)
Getting back to the main story… Bobby Brown has obviously had a hard 2012. His ex-wife, Whitney Houston, died, and he could serve half a year behind bars if he gets convicted. Brown’s pretrial hearing has been scheduled for May 16th. In the meantime, he is forbidden from drinking alcohol. His Los Angeles DUI attorney tried to get that requirement dropped – to no avail.
Brown allegedly blew a 0.12&% BAC on his Los Angeles DUI breathalyzer test – one and a half times the state’s legal limit.
California Highway Patrol got suspicious when they saw Brown yapping on his cell phone while driving (never a good idea). He allegedly exhibited classic symptoms of Los Angeles DUI (such as smelling like alcohol) and he also performed less than stellarly on his field sobriety tests.
Having said all that, be aware that Los Angeles field sobriety tests can be scary and confusing… even for stone cold sober drivers. So just because you can’t “walk the line” or balance correctly does not mean that you are under the influence or you should be punished. Conversely, it’s very possible to be under the influence of alcohol – to have a high BAC, for instance — and to pass your field sobriety tests with flying colors.
In other words, DUI charges are not as cut and dry as the tabloids would make them sound. Yes, there are certain instances where it’s pretty obvious that the driver has done not just one but many stupid things behind the wheel, and he almost certainly will face punishment.
That being said, every case is different. Fortunately, a responsible and highly astute Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers can help you understand your rights and fight for justice – whether you are a high profile celebrity like Brown, a UCLA or USC student stopped at checkpoint on the 5, or someone who got arrested for DUI while visiting the City of Angels. Connect with the Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor Kraut now to get powerful results to protect your rights.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.