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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


DUI Driver: It’s Jerry Springer’s Fault

When police come upon an accident involving a DUI in Los Angeles, they may sometimes find that all the vehicle’s occupants have exited the car. That scenario can make it more difficult for the officers to figure out who was actually driving at the time of the crash. Thinking to…


A Natural Way to Discourage DUIs?

Police officers, prosecutors and judges can get discouraged when they’re trying to reduce the number of DUIs in Los Angeles. Some people never seem to get the message about the dangers they pose to themselves and other people. But Noah Elkins of Laurel County, Kentucky, had the message about the…


Drivers Using Pokémon Go As DUI Excuse

Police who arrest drivers arrested for DUIs in Los Angeles sometimes observe the motorist engaging in additional risky behaviors behind the wheel: talking on a cell phone or texting, for example. Now you can add another item to the list of dangerous distractions: Pokémon Go. A young driver in Port…


DUI Driver Misses Chance for Chicken Dinner

The properties damaged by DUIs in Los Angeles can include everything from vehicles to homes to businesses and retail establishments. Sometimes a DUI driver will take out a neighborhood landmark, destroying a bar or a restaurant that’s a favorite with locals. Residents and regular visitors to Dewey Beach, Delaware, are…


DUI Driver Shuts Down BART Service

Accidents involving drivers DUI in Los Angeles can snarl highways and city streets, resulting in backups that prevent motorists from reaching their destinations for hours. Involve a mass transit system like BART in a DUI crash, and the potential for transportation headaches gets even larger. Opara Maurice Green crashed through…


Golf Cart DUI Results in Death

When the media reports on a death involving a Los Angeles DUI, the victim is usually a pedestrian or the driver or passenger in one of the vehicles that crashed. But deadly DUIs can also result from incidents involving much smaller, off-the-road vehicles. Police in Gallatin, Tennessee, charged Lori Doyle,…


Bad Parking Job Leads to DUI Arrest

When police officers are out on patrol looking for drivers who might be DUI in Los Angeles, they watch for vehicles weaving in and out of traffic, veering over the center line and blowing through stop signs and other traffic signals. In Sommers, Connecticut, however, it was a poor parking…


DUI Firefighter Will Cost City $5 Million

Courts don’t hold a city responsible when an off-duty employee drinks too much and faces charges of DUI. But if that city employee is DUI in Los Angeles when on the job, the result could be costly for his/her employer. One recent example comes from San Francisco. The City is…


Spokane Prosecutor Gets Tough on DUI Drivers

In 2014, 9,967 people in the U.S. lost their lives in DUI-related crashes. Of that number, 882 deaths occurred in California, with some of those due to Los Angeles DUIs. But these figures don’t reflect the number of people whose lives are affected by DUI drivers, the victims’ families and…


Charges Dismissed, Accused DUI Driver Sues Prosecutors

It’s rare for drivers to file suit when prosecutors or a judge dismiss a charge of DUI in Los Angeles. In Bozeman, Montana, however, a man once charged with felony vehicular homicide in his wife’s death is seeking his day in court. According to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, prosecutors had…

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