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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


District Court Requires Shorter Appeal in DUI Manslaughter Case

If courts convicted you of a DUI in Los Angeles that caused serious injury and sentenced you to harsh penalties, you’d likely want to explore the possibility of appealing your conviction. But a court in Florida has ruled that one defendant needs to limit his appeal. March 7, 2012 –…


St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Bring Out the DUI Drivers

Planning to celebrate the March 17th holiday honoring the Irish saint? Better make sure that you have a designated driver–or at least an alternate form of transportation–for that night if you want to avoid charges of DUI in Los Angeles or any other jurisdiction. Police departments across the country are…


DUI Driver on Probation After Sending 2 Men into Ravine Goes Back to Jail

Most people who spent time in prison after a conviction for a Los Angeles DUI would try to do everything they could to avoid going back behind bars. But one woman in Maryland wasn’t willing (or able) to take advantage of her opportunity to remain free. The Washington Post reported…


Town Wants to Fire Highway Superintendent After His DUI

Elected officials convicted of crimes–like a DUI in Los Angeles–frequently end up resigning their positions due to their constituents’ disapproval of their actions. But others hold onto their jobs, despite the public outcry. The only recourse that citizens usually have is to vote them out during the next election. But…


Video Release Embarrasses DUI Solicitor

In earlier days, people arrested for DUI in Los Angeles could concoct an involved story about what really happened when they crashed their vehicles into a light pole or ended up in a highway median. It was always somebody else’s fault. But in the age of video surveillance, it’s getting…


DUI & Distractions Pose Biggest Accident Risks [Increasing Risk by 36X!]

Traffic safety organizations repeatedly warn that DUI in Los Angeles greatly increases accident risk. But how dangerous is DUI compared to other types of distracted behavior, such as texting or reading or just fiddling with the controls on your dashboard? The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute tracked 3,500 drivers who had…


Educators Learn Firsthand [the Hard Way] About Los Angeles DUI Dangers

People charged with DUI in Los Angeles come from many different professions, including schoolteachers, college professors, principals and other educators. Since the public usually holds educators to a higher standard of behavior–they are supposed to be role models for our children–their arrests for DUI generally get a fair amount of…


The Math Is Simple: DUI + Cell Phone = Bad Accident

Although the penalties for a Los Angeles DUI can be fairly severe–first time offenders can spend up to a year in jail under California Vehicle Code 23152 (a)–the punishment for talking on a hand-held cell phone isn’t nearly as severe. (No points, and a fine of just $76 for a…


February 2016’s Three Most Unusual DUIs?

Although it’s the shortest month in the year, February usually seems to drag on forever. Maybe that’s why some DUI drivers–no doubt including a few charged with DUI in Los Angeles–have exhibited some rather unusual behavior this month. DCIM100SPORT •    When a Sumter County, Florida, deputy pulled over Christopher Beauchemin…


Florida Supreme Court Pressures DUI Judge To Resign

What would happen to a judge convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles? When a court in Broward County, Florida, found a circuit judge guilty of that offense, she ended up losing her job. On November 5, 2013, a 911 caller alerted police that a white Mercedes was driving erratically…

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