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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


DUI Drivers Who Demand Attention – Setting Off Fireworks Is Not a Way to Lay Low

Intoxicated drivers trying to avoid charges of DUI in Los Angeles should always try to avoid calling attention to themselves. If they attract the eye of a police officer, a pedestrian or another driver, they may find themselves spending several hours in jail. One man in California and two men…


Déjà Vu for Chicago-Area DUI Arrest

Police officers who constantly have to arrest people for a Los Angeles DUI probably experience a sense of déjà vu each time they stop someone suspected of a DUI. Or maybe they feel trapped in an endless loop that keeps repeating (like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day). But…


Five Times the Legal Limit for DUI Driver (a Police Officer): What Happens Next?

Police officers see all kinds of BAC numbers when they arrest people for DUI in Los Angeles. But officers don’t often come across a person whose BAC measures five times the legal limit–especially when the driver turns out to be another policeman. Newspaper accounts say that Officer John Finley of…


Taking Care of Young Children After You’ve Been Arrested for Los Angeles DUI

Many people have a cartoonish view of what a Los Angeles DUI defendant looks like. Obviously, driving under the influence – or even close to under the influence – is dangerous business, and it can (and does) lead to thousands of death and countless injuries and traumas every year. However,…


The Very First Time You Get Behind the Wheel After a Los Angeles DUI Arrest

Before your arrest for Los Angeles DUI, you probably never gave much thought to getting behind the wheel – what it would be like to pull out of your driveway, tool down Olympic Blvd., and park your car in a parking garage after muscling through traffic on the 405. But…


Dumb DUI Moves

The last thing drivers arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles want to do is call attention to themselves; they don’t want friends, family or employers to know what’s happened. But stories about DUI incidents get a lot more play in the news media when they are out of the…


Police Learn to Distinguish Other Types of DUI

Although the majority of cases of DUI in Los Angeles involve excessive alcohol consumption, police in California and other states are seeing more and more DUI incidents caused by illegal and/or prescription drugs. The Los Angeles Police Department has been a pioneer in training officers to distinguish these types of…


Missing Tires Result in DUI Arrests

Note to drivers who want to avoid an arrest for a DUI in Los Angeles: Try to make sure that your vehicle has all its parts before you get on the road. A lack of important features—like tires–are a dead giveaway that you may not be operating at peak performance.…


Drivers Attempt to Evade DUI Charges

When it comes to DUI arrests, many drivers would like to avoid the consequences of their actions. Facing charges of DUI in Los Angeles, they may try to flee the scene (usually unsuccessfully) or find some alternate explanation for a crash. Take the case of a 38-year-old, who lives in…


DUI Driver Appeared Threatening Even While Asleep

Pulling over and taking a nap instead of operating a vehicle might appear to be a good way to avoid charges of DUI in Los Angeles. But people who decide to try this approach might want to double check what else is in the car before they close their eyes…

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