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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Police Will Remember This Crazy DUI Arrest

When people are arrested for DUI in Los Angeles, they may harbor the hope that the arresting officer will go easy on them. But it probably won’t help their case if some unpleasant incident—like getting sick all over the back of the police cruiser–occurs during the arrest. Police in Seminole…


Stats and Facts on DUI – Where Does California Rank?’s recent ranking of the strictest states for DUI enforcement (California came out 31st) also contained some interesting statistics about impaired driving. If California follows the national trend, for example, the number of people killed in incidents involving a DUI in Los Angeles should be going down. DUI-related fatalities have…


California’s DUI Laws: Not As Tough As Many

People picked up for a DUI in Los Angeles may be luckier than they think. If they were arrested in other states, the penalties could be much higher, especially for repeat offenders. The website recently released the results of its study on the strictest and most lenient states for…


DUI Driver Kills Cyclist, Causes Two More Crashes

Motorists involved in a Los Angeles DUI accident sometimes cause property damage and (fortunately, more rarely) death or injury to themselves or someone else. But very few of them are involved in three incidents–one deadly–in the same day. A Las Vegas driver who reportedly caused three accidents on Thursday, June…


Will New Technology (DADSS) Make DUIs Disappear?

A new technology introduced by the DADSS program (the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety) holds the potential for eliminating arrests for DUI in Los Angeles and all over the country. DADSS is building prototypes of an alcohol detection system (ADS) that would prevent a car from moving if the…


Victim Corrals DUI Driver

If you were to see someone driving erratically down a street in your neighborhood, hitting other cars, what would you do? For most people, the instinct would be to get out of the way; they would want to avoid getting in the path of a DUI driver or in the…


DUI Driver Causes Demolition Derby

Even when no one is injured, drivers involved in crashes related to DUI in Los Angeles can impact the lives of others in a fairly significant way. When an out-of-control motorist crashes into a home or another car, for example, the owners of those homes and vehicles have to spend…


Authorities Mean Business When It Comes to Los Angeles DUI Charges

Although it won’t ultimately solve the problem, some people respond to a Los Angeles DUI arrest by simply ignoring it. They miss their trials or continue to drive even if they’ve temporarily lost their licenses. That won’t work in Riverside County, California. When you’re charged with a DUI in that…


City’s DUI Saturation Patrols Yield Six Arrests in One Weekend

Angels Camp, California, may have a heavenly-sounding name but during the weekend of May 15-17th the behavior of drivers in the area was more on the devilish side. While six arrests for a Los Angeles DUI within a few days may not be surprising—LA does have more than 3.8 million…

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