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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Could Drinking Too Little Get You Arrested for a DUI?

Getting caught driving after you’ve had a few too many drinks could land you in jail on a charge of DUI in Los Angeles. But apparently you could also be in trouble, at least as far as your driving abilities, if you drink too few non-alcoholic beverages before you hit…


DUI May Not Be the Worst Charge for Senator’s Brother

What could be worse than getting picked up for a Los Angeles DUI? Getting picked up in Nevada while driving under the influence and carrying a gun–and then punching a state trooper in the face. Under those circumstances, being the brother of a high-profile U.S. Senator may not be of…


No Class Action Suit for Questionable DUI Arrests

People involved in Los Angeles DUI cases–and in DUI cases across the country–often allege that the cops who have charged them have lied about the evidence that was used against them. Whether that’s true or not, drivers in Utah won’t be getting the chance to collectively make their case against…


Driving High Could Get You a DUI

California’s police officers don’t yet have to worry about issuing a DUI in Los Angeles for someone who is driving erratically after legally smoking marijuana in the state. (They’ve undoubtedly arrested many for that offense who have been smoking it illegally.) But Colorado, which became in 2012 one of the…


After Killing Teen, Illinois Driver Arrested Again for DUI

It would be devastating to learn that someone you loved had been killed or seriously injured by someone arrested for a Los Angeles DUI. It would make matters even worse if you found out that ten years later that driver hadn’t learned his lesson. The family of 17-year-old Caitlin Weese…


Mother Charged in DUI Death of Child in San Diego County

Police working Los Angeles DUI cases have to deal with some pretty difficult accident scenes. But there are probably few worse things than having to handle the aftermath of a DUI incident that involves young children, especially when one of them dies. When El Cajon police officers arrived at an…


New Jersey Cop Kills Two Friends in Wrong-Way DUI

You’d think that police officers charged with enforcing DUI laws would learn a lesson if they got themselves arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles or some other jurisdiction. But that that wasn’t the case for Pedro Abad, Jr., age 27, a six-year veteran of the Linden police department in…


Vehicle Destroyed, But Police Officer Charged with DUI Survives Train Wreck

A police officer in southern Texas may be recalling the old saying about people who live in glass houses never throwing stones. We don’t know if Devon Brittany New, a member of the Nixon, Texas, police force, ever arrested anyone for driving under the influence. But after her own recent…


Will You Use Your Smartphone to Avoid Charges of DUI in Los Angeles?

People who have had a drink or two (or three) often don’t realize that they shouldn’t drive because they’re over the legal limit for blood alcohol content. That could change if Uber (the app that connects people needing rides to those willing to offer them) is successful in a new…


Better Call the Right Cab If You’re Worried about DUI in Los Angeles

Motorists who know they’ve had too much to drink do the right thing when they call a cab to take them home. But if they get into the wrong cab, they could end up talking to a Los Angeles DUI lawyer, not as a client but as a witness. Television…

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