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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Are You Reliving Your Los Angeles DUI…Over And Over And Over Again?

You just got arrested for DUI in Los Angeles. Your mind is racing with questions: •    “What attorney should I hire?” •    “What can I do, if anything, to fight the automatic drivers license suspension?” •    “How will I manage my life, if I have to spend substantial time behind…


KPCC Reports on Spike in Female DUI Arrests in Los Angeles and California

Reporting for KPCC, journalist Erica Aguilar recently published a “deep dive” examination into female DUI arrests in Los Angeles. Her two-part series is obviously well worth read. Let’s examine a few key themes she discusses in her article. The information will probably shock you! Aguilar opens by quoting Rosemary Earl,…


Kate Major, Girlfriend of Michael Lohan, Busted for DUI — Dashcam Video Shows Her Crying… a Lot

One of the worst aspects of being arrested for DUI in Los Angeles is the fact that your private moments of weakness can suddenly turn into viral video hits, causing obvious humiliation and potential damage to your brand and future employment and relationship possibilities. Of course, online tabloids, like TMZ,…


3-year-old Hurt Badly in DUI Crash: Also, Woman Lets Baby Fall Out of Her Car. What’s Going on with These Parents?

As someone who was stopped and charged recently with a Los Angeles DUI, you’re probably inherently pretty sympathetic when you read stories about DUI offenses in the paper or online. That said, you also resent being “lumped in” with offenders who have committed crimes that you consider to be far…


Horrific Alaska Tale: Driver Suspected of DUI Shot and Killed, After He Failed to Stop

When Los Angeles DUI stops “go wrong,” the consequences can be awful, even occasionally fatal. Consider the following “worst case scenario” out of Wasilla, Alaska: local authorities say that an Alaska State Trooper shot and skilled a suspected DUI driver. According to reports, police stopped the vehicle north of Parks…


Beyond Mr. Checkpoint: How Else Can You Avert a Los Angeles DUI Charge?

Recently, we discussed a controversial tool that’s divided the Los Angeles DUI community: a popular cell phone app called “Mr. Checkpoint.” Mr. Checkpoint alerts drivers in real time to the presence of checkpoints throughout the Southland. The app has bloomed into a social media sensation. Sennett Devermont — the man…


Anybody Can Get Arrested for DUI Hit and Run – Even a 70-year-old

Imagine a “stereotypical” Los Angeles DUI driver. You might be picturing a young man in his late 20s or early 30s. He returns from a party or a club, and cops pull him over on the 101 for veering across five lanes of traffic in five seconds. This driver is…


Did Your Son’s Friend Get a DUI in Los Angeles?

This Los Angeles DUI blog spends a lot of time talking directly to offenders and direct relatives of offenders. But what if you’re concerned about a person who isn’t in your family? What if one of your teenage son’s good friends, for instance, got arrested for driving under the influence?…


Justin Bieber Turns Up His Nose at Plea Deal in DUI Case

Let’s say you’re pulled over for a Los Angeles DUI, after drag-racing on Olympic (between Bundy and Lincoln) in a rented Lamborghini — all while allegedly under the influence of marijuana, prescription medications, and alcohol. What if the police offered you a plea deal? You can clear your DUI, if…


Finding Self-Compassion After Your Los Angeles DUI Arrest

Your Los Angeles DUI charges have thrown your life totally out of balance. You’re not just worried about the immediate penalties – although you’d like to avoid jail time and losing your license, if possible. You’re also worried about the longer term ramifications for your life, career, and relationships. •  …

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