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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Actor David Cassidy, of “Partridge Family” Fame, Charged with Los Angeles DUI

Early this month, actor David Cassidy faced his Los Angeles DUI charges in court. Police arrested the Florida resident at LAX in January. It was Cassidy’s third DUI arrest and his second in less than six months. Cassidy allegedly blew a 0.16% BAC on his breath test – twice the…


Driver in Fatal Los Angeles DUI Collision [That Killed 6] Had Been Convicted of DUI

We recently reported on a horrifying Los Angeles DUI story: 21-year-old Olivia Carolee Culbreath allegedly caused a three car accident in Diamond Bar, which killed six people. California Highway Patrol authorities say Culbreath had been driving in excess of 100 miles per hour, when she crashed her 2013 Camaro on the…


Be Grateful Your Los Angeles DUI Arrest Didn’t Happen in El Salvador…

As someone who was recently arrested for DUI in Los Angeles, you’re feeling pretty down about your situation. California Vehicle Code Section 23512 spells out a variety of punishments — all unpleasant — that could be in your near-term future. These could include fines and fees, court costs, probation, alcohol…


Los Angeles DUI Crash Leads to 6 Deaths

A horrendous Los Angeles DUI accident has left six people dead – including an entire family of four – and the 21-year-old female driver faces profound criminal charges. Police allege that a young woman, , drove the wrong way on the 60 Freeway in Diamond Bar early Sunday morning, causing…


Sheriff Accused of Driving DUI Rolls Over Pickup Truck with 4 Kids Inside…

People who are intimately familiar with the dangers of Los Angeles DUI (or DUI anywhere) can still make horrendous mistakes – mistakes which can kill people and traumatize whole communities. Some people make bad mistakes, which, miraculously, do not lead to serious harm. Fortunately for Utah Sheriff Lieutenant, Jake Adams,…


3 Common Los Angeles DUI Defense Mistakes

You’re desperate to build an effective defense to recent Los Angeles DUI charges. But if you’re like many (perhaps most) defendants, odds are you will make one of the following mistakes that could compromise your chances to fight your charges and potentially lead to unnecessarily long and harsh punishments, like…


Guilty Verdict in Dallas Cowboy Josh Brent’s DUI Manslaughter Case

Breaking Los Angeles DUI news… A jury has found ex-Dallas Cowboy lineman, Josh Brent, guilty of DUI manslaughter after deliberating for only two days. Brent crashed his Mercedes in the early morning hours of December 8, 2012, killing his passenger, Jerry Brown, a fellow Cowboy, in an awful crash. The…


19-year-old Walloped with Six DUI Charges in Four Car Accident

19-year-old Kayla Garcia, a Miami woman who allegedly caused a four-car crash on Hallandale Beach Boulevard, faces six DUI charges. The wreck allegedly caused over $27,000 in damage. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Officers who responded said Garcia displayed classic signs of DUI in Los Angeles (or anywhere), including: •…


Justin Bieber Walloped with DUI Charge: Pop Singer Arrested in $250,000 Lamborghini

If you recently got arrested for Los Angeles DUI, at least be grateful that your arrest is not international front page news. The same CAN’T be said for 19-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber, who was arrested Thursday morning in a rented Gallardo LP 550-2 Spyder Lamborghini in Miami Beach and…


Los Angeles DUI Demolition: MMA Fighter, Tito Ortiz, Whacked with DUI After Smashing Up his Porsche

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard something about the big Los Angeles DUI news story of the week: MMA Champion, Tito Ortiz, smashed up his 2012 Porsche Panamera on the 405 at around 4:00 a.m. earlier this week. The California Highway Patrol reports that the crash…

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