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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


License Suspended Due to a Los Angeles DUI? 3 Tips to Deal with the Annoyances

One of the most stinging, annoying punishments for a DUI in Los Angeles is the license suspension. Even if this is your first ever DUI – indeed, your first time doing anything illegal – prosecutors can ask the Court to suspend your license for six months or a year or…


Glendale DUI Debacle: Did DUI Firefighter Nearly Kill a Motorcyclist?

Picture in your mind someone who’s been charged with driving under the influence in Glendale. Odds are, you’ll conjure up a stereotype, like: • A recidivist alcoholic; • A college student at UCLA or USC who got busted after a night of partying; • A debouched celebrity who’s been in…


Los Angeles DUI Legal Update: National Transportation Safety Board wants BAC Cutoff Dropped from 0.08% to 0.05%

As regular readers know, the Los Angeles DUI limit, as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 23152(b), is 0.08% BAC, as it is for most of the country. However, that might all be about to change, thanks to a new initiative spearheaded by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). According…


Too Injured And/Or Sick to Deal With Your Glendale DUI Charge?

As a Glendale DUI offender — who caused an accident or suffered an illness or accident after the fact — you face a catch 22. You know that you need to build a sound defense. But you also have almost no energy to get the process started. That you’re even…


Why It’s Helpful to Have an Ex-Prosecutor Work on Your Los Angeles DUI Defense Case

Why do so many Los Angeles DUI defendants trust Attorney Michael Kraut of Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers? One reason is that Mr. Kraut spent 14 years “on the other side” as a widely respected, highly accomplished criminal prosecutor. Here are three reasons why working with an ex-prosecutor makes tons…


No Two Burbank DUIs Arrests Are Alike

Your Burbank DUI arrest might have been pretty “garden variety.” Maybe you blew a 0.13% BAC on a breath test, after spending the night drinking and playing pool at Burbank Town Center. A sheriff saw you swerve on Hollywood Way, while you were driving to an after-party at an acquaintance’s…


Pasadena DUI Sports News: Evan Rodriguez (of the Chicago Bears) Nearly Twice the Legal Limit (0.17%)

The story of Chicago Bears’ fullback Evan Rodriguez may be an important cautionary tale for Pasadena DUI defendants. On May 31, Illinois State Police stopped Rodriguez on the Kennedy Expressway (early in the morning) and tested him to have a BAC of 0.17%. For those of you keeping score, that’s…


Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog Analyses Ambitious New NTSB Guidelines

In a recent blog post, this Los Angeles DUI defense blog summarized some of the dramatic anti-DUI recommendations proposed on May 14th by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The Board, together with groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), wants states like California to institute a rash of enforcement…


When Should You Accept a Plea Deal for Your Pasadena DUI Charge?

At what point should you plead guilty to your Pasadena DUI charges? How do you know whether to fight all the way to trial or whether to cut your losses and accept a reduced set of punishments? Believe it or not, the answers to these questions are not clear cut.…


DUI in Burbank Arrest: A Few Seconds of Bad Judgment, a Lifetime of Regret?

On some level, you recognize that your Burbank DUI arrest could have lingering effects for months or even years. You can’t help but wonder: “what if?” • What if you had taken a different route home and avoided the checkpoint on Olive? • What if you’d had one fewer drink,…

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