The act of driving DUI in Los Angeles is dangerous enough. But when you combine a DUI charge with animal cruelty, the situation is almost unspeakable. People do bad things, for reasons both understandable and opaque. Bearing that in mind, let’s take a look at a recent Los Angeles Weekly…
Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog
Long Beach DUI Celebrity News: Rapper DMX Arrested for DUI
As someone who’s been recently charged with DUI in Long Beach – or who knows a friend or family member recently charged – you might be inclined to be sympathetic to rapper DMX, who was busted for DUI recently in South Carolina. According to reports, the 42-year-old rapper, who goes…
So You Got a Second DUI in Pasadena. At Least You’re Not a High Profile Public Official, Like Todd Huff from Baltimore…
You recently got arrested for your second Pasadena DUI within 10 years. You know the drill. You’re scared of what lies before you because you’ve been down this road before. You’re especially agitated, since you know that prosecutors like to hit recidivists (repeat offenders) hard to “teach them a lesson”…
Beverly Hills DUI Showdown: “Teen Mom” Star Pleads Not Guilty to DUI… and Sells Sex Tape to Vivid for $1 Million!
Hopefully, your Beverly Hills DUI story is less dramatic – and less publicly fraught – than Farrah Abraham’s. The ex-star of MTV’s Teen Mom was pulled over in March for driving under the influence in Nebraska (as this blog and many other media sources reported). At the time, she blew…
North Dakota Passes HB 1302, Ratcheting Up DUI Penalties. Implications for Burbank DUI Law?
As someone who has been recently stopped and arrested for Burbank DUI at a checkpoint (or elsewhere), your mind is obviously focused on your urgent situation and not on national news involvements. But you should try to understand the context of your arrest on a broader level, since that context…
Sam Donaldson Pleads Not Guilty to DUI Charge. Los Angeles Pundits React…
You might be surprised by the size of the list of “upright” celebrities, politicians, and public figures who’ve been arrested and convicted of driving under the influence in Los Angeles. Veteran ABC News political correspondent and reporter, Sam Donaldson, for instance, got tagged for DUI last December in Delaware. Donaldson,…
Glendale DUI Sports Drama: ex-NBA Star, Kenny Anderson, Busted For DUI in Broward County
The act of driving under the influence in Glendale (or wherever) is a fundamentally dangerous and potentially destructive act. It’s often the tip of a more disturbing iceberg. But DUI defendants are a diverse lot. Some suspects just make simple “dumb” errors of judgment and wind up sitting in the…
Beverly Hills DUI Golf Cart Stories: Back in the News! (Unfortunately, This One Involved a Significant Injury…)
Our Beverly Hills DUI blog has catalogued numerous instances of “golf cart DUI.” At first blush, this crime sounds funny – like something out of a Caddyshack outtake. But it can actually be a quite dangerous situation. Consider, for instance, a recent scary case out of Charlotte County, Florida, where…
Talking to Your Kids about Your Long Beach DUI Arrest
You just got arrested for DUI in Long Beach. You’re not happy about it. But you’re brave enough to acknowledge the difficulty of your reality. Although you fear going to jail, losing your license, paying thousands of dollars in court costs and fees, and having to attend alcohol classes for…
Talking to Your Boss and Coworkers about Your DUI in Glendale
Your Glendale DUI arrest is not going to go over well with the folks at work, or at least so you’re afraid. Perhaps you already were struggling at work — on the verge of getting demoted or even fired. Once your employer finds out about the arrest – particularly if…