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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Celebrity Pasadena DUI News: Cat Cora Arrest Videos Surface: Host Makes Fun of “Two Nerds” She Hit While DUI

We’ve covered some pretty hairy and scary Pasadena DUI mug shots on this blog. Even if you’ve been hiding under a rock over the past decade, you likely still remember Nick Nolte’s grizzled DUI visage from several years ago. He looked like he had just gotten out of bed. On…


Ridiculous Long Beach DUI Exploits: DUI Suspect Ignores Officer’s Pleas to Pull Over…and Heads to Burger King Drive-In, Instead!

At first blush, many of the Glendale DUI stories that we’ve recently reported on sound almost made up – as if they were something ripped from the pages of The Onion (Jim Anchower’s “The Cruise” column, perhaps?) But sometimes real life is actually more ridiculous than satire. Case in point:…


Long Beach DUI Sports News: Trumaine Johnson of St. Louis Rams Busted for Misdemeanor DUI in Missoula

Although this blog focuses on Long Beach DUI cases, we’ve been covering a surprisingly sizable number of cases out of the Big Sky State of Montana recently. To wit, The Associated Press is reporting that Trumaine Johnson, a cornerback with the St. Louis Rams, got arrested for a misdemeanor DUI,…


Lucky for Yovani Gallardo, Brewers Pitcher Got Arrested in Milwaukee, Not Burbank, for DUI

A first offense for driving under the influence in Burbank is punishable as a misdemeanor (or felony if you hurt someone). But a first time DUI in Wisconsin is just a citation. That’s probably very good news to Yovani Gallardo, a pitcher for Milwaukee Brewers who was busted last Tuesday…


Long Beach DUI Sports News Update: Josiah Turner Nets Two Days Behind Bars for April 2012 DUI Arrest

Getting stopped and arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach (or anywhere else) can have profound, long-lasting implications, even if you manage to reduce your charges. Consider, for instance, the highly publicized ordeal of Josiah Turner. The former guard for Arizona just received a two-day jail sentence in…


Hollywood DUI Mega Drama – Reese Witherspoon Arrested for Disorderly Conduct After Husband, James Toth, Gets DUI

Our Hollywood DUI story of the week is clearly the Reese Witherspoon incident. The “Legally Blonde” actress didn’t nab the DUI, though. That honor goes to her husband, CAA uber-agent, James Toth. Witherspoon and Toth had been in Atlanta, where the actress was shooting a movie (The Good Lie), when…


Al Michaels, Sportscasting Icon, Busted for DUI in Santa Monica

If you’ve recently been arrested for DUI in Santa Monica, you have company — famous company. In particular: legendary sportscaster, Al Michaels, who was busted last Friday night, after he made an illegal U-turn right in front of a police manning a DUI checkpoint. The officers quickly pulled over the…


Bobby Brown Los Angeles DUI Redux — My Prerogative to Wear an Ankle Bracelet?

Driving DUI in Los Angeles just doesn’t pay. And celebrity musician, Bobby Brown, would probably be the first to tell you why. After pleading no contest to October 2012 charges in February, Brown finally received his sentence: 55 days behind bars and an electronic surveillance ankle bracelet. Although Brown only…


Note to Prospective Burbank DUI Defendants: Make Sure Your Story is Plausible! (Lessons from “Teen Mom” Farrah Abraham’s DUI Arrest)

When you got arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank, you might have been tempted to “fight back” against the police or engage in destructive (perhaps illegal) behavior. Hopefully, you restrained yourself from making your situation worse. For an object lesson about what can happen, let’s take a look…


Long Beach DUI News Update: Sad Case of South Beach’s Party Princess Takes Quirky Turn…

In a recent Long Beach DUI post, we told the terrible story of 20-year-old Karlie Tomica, a self-described “party princess” in South Beach who allegedly hit and killed a chef while under the influence then fled the scene of the accident. Tomica’s story made national headlines for many reasons. It…

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