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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Burbank DUI Sports News: Drake Britton, Star Pitcher for Red Sox, Socked with DUI in Fort Myers, Florida

Some disappointing Burbank DUI sports news: 23-year-old Drake Britton, a left-handed pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, got arrested on March 2 for driving under the influence in Fort Myers, Florida. According to the arrest report, Britton made multiple mistakes that may make his case legally fraught and complex. A…


Involved in a Horrendous Glendale DUI Accident? Life Feels Out of Control?

You got involved in a serious Glendale DUI accident. You survived the event. Not everyone who drives DUI in Glendale does. But even if your event involved no injuries and/or vehicle damage, you’re frightened about your future, your freedom, your reputation, your license, whether or not you will have to…


When Someone You Love Refuses to Get Help After a Long Beach DUI

You are at your wits’ end and also very sad. Someone you love dearly recently got arrested for DUI in Long Beach, and that person — at least to you — seems to be living in denial. As you are no doubt aware, after you get arrested and charged according…


Finding Empowerment After Your Burbank DUI

Your recent Burbank DUI arrest has proven to you, beyond all doubt, one thing: namely, that you are powerless over the effects of alcohol. Or at least so you believe. Narcotics, alcohol, and other substances can cause otherwise rational, compassionate, good citizens to engage in all sorts of wild and…


Burbank DUI Sports News: David Diehl of the New York Giants Pleads Guilty to DUI Charges, Avoids Jail…

Breaking Burbank DUI sports news — David Diehl, an offensive lineman for the New York Giants, has pled guilty to DUI charges, stemming from a June 2012 accident. In early 2012, Diehl had been walking around with a shiny new Super Bowl championship ring on his hand. In early 2013,…


Not a Good Adventure for Bonaventura: Constable Charged With DUI… Implications for Your Los Angeles DUI Defense?

As someone who was recently arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Los Angeles, you’re feeling pretty sheepish and scared and regretful. You wish you had use more common sense — handed the keys to a friend or associate or just cabbed it home. As much as you…


Fatal Malibu DUI Disaster: Woman Kills Tow Truck Driver and Leaves the Scene…

A woman faces felony hit and run charges for a fatal Malibu DUI crash that took the life of 40-year old tow truck driver. According to local reports from KABC, the woman hit the driver, who was rendering aid to a stranded vehicle. She then fled the scene. She made…


Hollywood DUI Disaster for American Idol Winner’s Family — Phillip Phillips’ Mom Busted in Albany, Georgia

If you recently got arrested for drug DUI in Hollywood or elsewhere in the Southland, you have plenty of company. Often, DUI events represent the tip of the iceberg — the manifestation of longer brewing and ultimately very tragic situations. Consider, in that context, the recent stop and arrest of…


Glendale DUI News Update — South Florida’s “Party Princess” Hit With DUI Manslaughter Charge in Death of Chef

Hopefully your Glendale DUI accident and/or arrest was not nearly as horrendous as was 20-year-old Karlie Tomica’s. The South Beach, Florida bartender recently pled not guilty to DUI manslaughter charges stemming from the hit-and-run death of Stefano Riccioletti, a chef at the local Shore Club. The Circuit Judge in the…


Did You Try to Bribe Your Way Out of Your Los Angeles DUI? Hopefully Not! Look What Happened to This 24-Year Old…

When you got pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence in Long Beach, you felt terrible and scared. You can be forgiven if you allowed yourself to envision doing “something, anything” to escape the charges, the humiliation, and the punishment. But there is a difference between thinking such…

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