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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Driving Under the Influence in Los Angeles With Kids in the Car? Don’t Do It!

You’ve already been arrested for DUI in Los Angeles, so what’s done is done. God willing, you didn’t hurt anyone or do serious damage to yourself. But whether you did or didn’t, your life is chaotic and scary right now — and it’s not just because you feel guilty about…


Parallels Between Your Long Beach DUI Arrest and the Meteorite That Blew Up Over Russia’s Ural Mountains

Why on Earth would you want to waste time reading or thinking about a meteorite explosion, when you have a serious Long Beach DUI charge on your hands, and your freedom and future literally hang in the balance? There’s a good reason why. Many defendants, who face charges like driving…


What Beverly Hills DUI Arrest Is This for You? First? Second? This Guy Just Got His 14th!

Whether you got pulled over for your first-ever Beverly Hills DUI on Wilshire & Rodeo after a tony film industry soirée; or you just racked up your second or third DUI within 10 years, consider yourself fortunate that you are not 55-year-old William Grussing. The Montana man was just sentenced…


How Playing Tetris Too Much is (Kinda Sorta) Like Getting into a DUI Crash in Los Angeles

If you’ve recently been in a DUI crash in Los Angeles, the memories of the disaster have likely seared their way into your brain. When you close your eyes at night, you may re-imagine your DUI arrest in L.A. in vivid detail, particularly if you got seriously hurt or hurt…


Your Second Pasadena DUI: Bad Luck or Warning Sign?

When you got arrested the first time for driving under the influence in Pasadena, you wrote if off as a fluke. Perhaps you had one too many drinks while chilling with old college friends at the Cheesecake Factory in Old Pasadena. Or maybe you had a few glasses of wine…


Reduce Your Risk of Burbank DUI by Reducing Your Commuting Time!

Ever since you got arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank, you’ve been racking your brain. How should you handle your case? How can avoid ever again experiencing the humiliation of getting arrested? Here’s an intriguing and potentially hugely useful (over the long term) strategy for shielding yourself from…


Miscellaneous Los Angeles DUI News–Crazy DUI Induced Explosion on the 10 and Other Astonishing Stories…

If you thought your Los Angeles DUI arrest was hair-raising, think again. On February 7th, a DUI suspect fled police on the 10 and crashed into the sidewall after losing control of his red Mustang. The car literally exploded and burst into flames. The suspect had been fleeing police. Officers…


Arrest of Top Illinois Government Watchdog Proves No One’s Above Getting a DUI in Beverly Hills (Or Anywhere Else)

If you were recently busted for DUI in Beverly Hills, you’re probably hugely embarrassed as well as frightened about serving time in prison, seeing your license suspended, and so forth. Whether you’re a film producer, celebrity, entertainment executive, or even somebody who works outside of the industry (believe it or…


Pasadena DUI Celebrity News Blotter: David Hasselhoff’s Daughter and Alanzo Mourning’s Wife Both Whacked with DUI Charges

When celebrities (or their spouses or children) get arrested for driving under the influence in Pasadena, people notice. There’s a reason why sites like generate boatloads of internet traffic. For whatever reason, people find themselves intuitively fascinated by the lives, lifestyles, and flaws of famous people. To that end,…


Long Beach DUI News Update: Country Singer Randy Travis Pleads Guilty to DUI, Won’t Get Jail Time

If you’ve recently been arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach, odds are that you’ve been too busy to read the celebrity gossip news. To fill you in… last summer, country singer Randy drove his Trans Am off the road in Tioga, Texas, smashed into barricades, and then…

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