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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Detroit Lions’ Eric Wright Got His Los Angeles DUI Charge Dropped? What about You?

On the Monday before last, the Los Angeles County District Attorney dropped Los Angeles DUI charges against Eric Wright, a former cornerback for the Detroit Lions. Per the Los Angeles Times, Wright had gotten into a car crash near the Staples Center. Police said he refused to take a Los…


If Arrested for DUI in Long Beach, Do NOT, Under Any Circumstances, Spit in the Police Officer’s Face

When you got arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach, you were not exactly pleased. No one is. The decisions you make after you get stopped, however, can have an enormously profound impact on your ability to fight the charges — i.e. to get them dropped or pled…


Glendale DUI Celebrity News: Ted Nugent’s Drummer Hit With a Golf Cart DUI Charge

As regular readers of our Glendale DUI blog know, golf cart DUIs are surprisingly common, both here in the Southland and throughout America. The crime sounds a bit preposterous – like something out of a Caddyshack outtake, perhaps. But we keep seeing examples of it in the news. For instance,…


Beverly Hills DUI Epidemic – 3 NFLers Busted for DUI in a Single Week, Brings Total Since Super Bowl Up to 27 Separate Arrests!

If you’ve recently gotten in trouble for a Beverly Hills DUI, you have company, in the form of 27 National Football League professional athletes. That’s right. Since the conclusion of the Super Bowl on February 5th, there have been 27 DUI arrests involving professional NFL athletes. Things really started to…


More NFL Glendale DUI Drama: Marshawn Lynch Slapped with a DUI in California

Driving under the influence in Glendale or anywhere else in California can lead to conviction under California Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) or 23152(b), which can result in serious jail time, fines, fees, and other radically harsh punishments – even if you didn’t hurt anybody and even if you were just…


The Same Old Pasadena DUI Story, Different Place: 3 Doors Down Bassist Busted in Mississippi

A Pasadena DUI arrest can be a folly or a tragedy, depending on your perspective. Often, there are aspects of both folly and tragedy in the story. Consider, for instance, the arrest of Todd Harrell, the 40-year-old bassist for the rock group 3 Doors Down. According to a Mississippi police…


Long Beach DUI News: Ugh, Yet Another Revered Sports Celebrity Busted for DUI – This Time It’s Jason Kidd of the New York Knicks!

Everybody knows that you’re not supposed to drive under the influence in Long Beach or anywhere else in the country. Yet it seems like sports celebrities, in particular, have been forgetting this fundamental rule. In a recent post, we talked about the rash of recent NFL-related DUIs. Today, we’re going…


A Contraption to Douse Burbank DUIs? Could Wisecracking Urinal Cakes Be the Answer?

Policymakers, police, and lawmakers are in a perpetual desperate scramble to stop Burbank DUIs. This is an admirable quest. Even an A-list Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney, like the Harvard Law School educated Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers, would agree that reducing DUI arrests is a…


An Object Lesson in How to Make Your Glendale DUI Situation Worse – Way Worse – Almost Instantly

No one wants to get arrested for DUI in Glendale or anywhere else. But there is a time and a place for pleading your defense. And that time is not when police are waving you and other cars over to pass through a Glendale DUI checkpoint. Consider, for instance, what…


Just How Dangerous is it to Drive DUI in Los Angeles on the 4th of July?

Independence Day has come and gone – and whether you or someone you love got arrested for DUI in Los Angeles over the holiday or after all the celebrations died down – you may find it useful to understand your situation in a broader context, so you can put forward…

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