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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Long Beach DUI News: Tragedy Out of Florida — Student Jumps to His Death After DUI

The experience of getting arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach is an experience that few people can really appreciate on a visceral, emotional level. If you or someone you care about was stopped at a check point or arrested after an accident for DUI, your world probably…


Odds Are, Your Burbank DUI Arrest Didn’t Have This Much Drama (or At Least, Let’s Hope Not!)

You recently got stopped for driving under the influence in Burbank – perhaps while thoughtlessly cruising on Olive after partying in Burbank Center. Your life has been higgledy-piggledy ever since. You are scared about possibly losing your license, serving jail time, paying fines and fees that you can barely afford,…


DUI in Los Angeles? “No Thanks” says Bobby Brown, “Not For Me”

Last Monday, hip-hop icon Bobby Brown pled not guilty to charges of driving under the influence in Los Angeles and additional charges stemming from his March 26th arrest. On top of driving DUI, Brown got slapped with driving under a suspended license and driving with an illegal BAC content. As…


How to Never Get Arrested For DUI in Beverly Hills Again

You recently got stopped for DUI in Beverly Hills. Perhaps you ran a light while cruising Wilshire at 2 AM following a raucous industry party. Perhaps you had one-too-many wine coolers at the Sunday Beverly Hills Farmers’ Market and hopped behind the wheel of your Beamer…while a police officer saw…


Life After a DUI near USC or UCLA

Perhaps you were stopped for driving under the influence near UCLA on Westwood Boulevard after munching on one-too-many late night warm Diddy Reese cookies and sipping on beers with friends. Or maybe you were stopped on Vermont near USC for speeding and reckless driving after a frat house party. In…


How to Make Your Long Beach DUI Situation Much, Much Worse – Just Do What This Guy Did…

You or a friend or fellow student recently got arrested for DUI in Long Beach or DUI elsewhere in LA (like UCLA or USC). Frankly speaking, you’re pretty scared. You don’t want to go to jail. You’re nervous about the potential of losing your license, having to a transit through…


Beverly Hills DUI Sports News: Cristhian Martinez, Pitcher for Braves, Snagged for DUI in Atlanta

After blowing a breathalyzer result of 0.13% (0.5% percent higher than the legal limit for Beverly Hills DUI), Cristhian Martinez, a star reliever for the Atlanta Braves, was arrested and hit with a DUI last week. Martinez’s arrest came on the heels of another Atlanta Braves DUI debacle – former…


Busted for DUI in UCLA or USC? The Consequences May Not Be Pretty…

Getting arrested for DUI in UCLA or USC – or any other local Log Angeles school – can be an exquisitely unpleasant experience, whether you are a student or not. As any Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, if you’re convicted for a standard misdemeanor DUI — a violation…


A Long Beach DUI Debate: Was Korn Drummer DUI…Or Just Drowsy Behind the Wheel?

Some instances of driving under the influence in Long Beach are pretty cut and dry. It’s obvious to everyone involved – not only to the police but also to the driver himself – that grave wrongs were committed. Other times… not so much. Last week, Korn’s ex drummer, David Silveria,…


Whitney Houston’s Ex, Bobby Brown, Hit with DUI in Los Angeles Charges

Just weeks after his ex-wife, Whitney Houston, drowned on the eve of the Grammy’s, singer Bobby Brown got stopped and arrested for driving under the influence in Los Angeles. The R&B singer (and founder of New Edition) was charged with driving on a suspended license as well as two Los…

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