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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


What if Driving While Texting was Punished the Same Way We Punish Driving Under the Influence in Pasadena?

Driving under the influence in Pasadena (or anywhere else on earth, for that matter) is a dangerous and reckless act. Countless studies show that drivers who are DUI are less capable of responding to surprises on the road, more likely to get into injury accidents and cause property damage, and…


Glendale DUI Lessons: Recognizing Your Patterns

Getting stopped, arrested and prosecuted for driving under the influence in Glendale is no picnic. Even if you emerge successfully from the experience – you manage to get the charges dropped or manage to get a favorable plea bargain – you likely you will have to spend significant time, money,…


The Burbank DUI Ripple Effect: A Moment of Indiscretion, Diverse Results

If you or a family member recently got stopped for a DUI in Burbank or elsewhere in Southern California, you might be tempted to think of the event as a kind of independent occurrence—a hiccup in your life. If you face penalties for a DUI conviction in Burbank (e.g., jail…


Beverly Hills DUI Education: Should Our Educators Take a Hint From Folks Up In Sacramento?

Getting caught for driving under the influence (DUI) in Beverly Hills can be a big, big deal, not only because it can lead to life-changing legal repercussions, like prison time and loss of your driver’s license, but also to massive spikes in your insurance rates that can persist for years…


Long Beach DUI Lessons: Mets’ Catcher’s DUI Rollover Holds Clues for Defendants

If you recently got stopped for driving under the influence (DUI) in Long Beach – or got into a serious accident while DUI (or allegedly DUI), your life likely feels rather out of control right now. It can be useful to take a look at relevant DUI news items to…


Pasadena DUI Breathalyzer News: Hundreds of San Francisco DUIs Could Be Tossed Due to Breathalyzer Test Issues

If you’ve recently been arrested and convicted of a Pasadena DUI due to a breathalyzer test, some breaking news should be of profound interest for you. This knowledge could be crucial, if you want to understand what defenses might be available to protect you from penalties like jail, alcohol school,…


Interlock Ignition Device after Los Angeles DUI? Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Jumps into the Fray

Should someone who has been convicted of a Los Angeles DUI be forced to install an interlock ignition device on his (or her) vehicle? This seems like a straightforward question. But the debate over the effectiveness and ethics of IIDs is roiling the blogosphere. Last week, the Insurance Institute for…


Long Beach DUI Multiple Offender? Not Necessarily a Problem: Ask Rodney King

If you got arrested and convicted more than once for a crime like DUI in Long Beach, your prospects may be grim, indeed. Prosecutors like to “throw the book” at so called recidivists – people who commit the same crimes more than one time. As any Los Angeles DUI attorney…


Burbank Drug DUI News: Cloud from Colorado Bill Debate Spreads to Southern California

As regular readers know, driving under the influence of drugs like marijuana in Burbank is a crime punishable with penalties like jail time, mandatory substance abuse education classes, license suspension, and other penalties. Those direct consequences probably don’t even paint a full enough picture. If you lose your license, you…


The Root Cause of Your Pasadena DUI Arrest?

You recently got stopped for driving under the influence in Pasadena. Whether you got tagged at a checkpoint or pulled over on the 5 or 210, the arrest has thrown your life into chaos. It wasn’t as if your life was “perfectly in order” before. But now, you’re faced with…

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