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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Are Burbank DUI Breathalyzers Tests Based on Bad Science? Can That Really Be?

If you failed a breathalyzer and got arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank or elsewhere in the Southland, odds are you are beating yourself up right now. You’re scrambling to figure out how your life will change once your California driver’s license is stripped away, you’re forced to…


Are Glendale DUI Defendants Being Treated Fairly?

The typical Glendale DUI defendant often has a lot to complain about. Sketchy police behavior, a daunting bureaucracy, and less than sympathetic colleagues and family members can make your situation more complicated and fraught than it already is. However, the real problem may lie even deeper. Say you have substance…


How Many Long Beach DUI Arrests Does It Take to Make the National News Headlines?

If you’re tagged for driving under the influence in Long Beach one time or twice, your story likely won’t make the AP,, or any other high-profile media outlet. Unless, of course, there is something extravagant or strange about your arrest—you are a celebrity, a politician, you drove a lawnmower…


Long Beach DUI News Blotter: Mel Gibson DUI Arresting Officer Settles Suit for 50K

The Long Beach DUI news was rather pedestrian last week—but not the DUI news out of Malibu. No, Mel Gibson did not get arrested yet again for driving under the influence on the PCH. However, the deputy who arrested him that fateful night back in 2006 has won a settlement…


DUI in Glendale Sports News Blotter: Broncos’ Knowshon Moreno Busted for DUI in his Bentley

The Super Bowl may be over (sorry, Pats fans), but the Glendale DUI sports news keeps pumping out interesting stories. The Associated Press reports that Knowshon Moreno, a running back for the Denver Broncos, was pulled over in South Denver last week on charges that he had been speeding in…


The Whitney Houston Tragedy: Lessons for Los Angeles DUI Defendants?

The death of pop icon Whitney Houston has vast cultural implication; whether you are a Los Angeles DUI defendant, recovering narcotics addict, or merely a fan of the great late star’s music. So it’s worth it to spend a bit of time reflecting on her legacy and discussing the implications…


Pasadena DUI Football News: Stanford Linebacker’s Arrest Throws His NFL Prospects into Doubt

A Pasadena DUI arrest can be a devastating blow not just to your freedom and your pocket book, but also to your potential career advancement. Witness a sad and frustrating story reported in the Stanford Daily last week: College linebacker Shayne Skov got stopped and arrested Sunday morning for driving…


Burbank DUI Insanity—Like Father, Like Son

It’s a theme this blog often covers: Someone gets stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence in Burbank (or elsewhere)… and that’s when the REAL trouble starts. In other words, the suspect does something stupid after the police have already stopped him or her, and the net result is…


Are All Pasadena DUI Defendants Treated Equal? Story Out of Denver Suggests…Maybe Not

The law is the law. Driving under the influence in Pasadena (or elsewhere in the Southland) can be punished pursuant to California Vehicle Codes 23152(a) or 23152(b)…or, if you caused injury to someone, by the harsher CVC Codes 22153(a) and 22153(b). No one wants to have to find a Los…


Los Angeles Dodger Dodges Los Angeles DUI Charge

Last November 14th, LA Dodgers first baseman James Loney was busted and charged with driving under the influence in Los Angeles, after he crashed his Maserati into two other cars on the freeway. The 27-year old apparently spat a breathalyzer mouthpiece at one of the police officers and demonstrated symptoms…

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