Penalties for Glendale DUI convictions become harsher the more times you get arrested and convicted. A simple misdemeanor DUI conviction – for the first time – might lead to a little bit of jail time, license suspension, mandatory alcohol school, significant probation, and a not-insignificant amount of embarrassment. But these…
Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog
Bizarro Burbank DUI Arrests the Blogosphere Would Go Nuts Over
Rabblerousers in the blogosphere (e.g. Perez Hilton) like to shake things up and make Burbank DUI news stories sound more bizarre then they often are. Sure, occasionally some crazy news will cross the police blotter. A B-list celebrity might be arrested for driving 80 miles per hour on Olive at…
Long Beach DUI Hit and Run Nets Fire Captain 90 Days Behind Bars
Last week, 30-year-old fire department captain John David Hines was convicted of an April Fool’s Day Long Beach DUI hit and run. According to an L.A. Times report, the captain had a blood alcohol concentration of nearly three times the legal limit for Long Beach DUI (according to California Vehicle…
Pasadena DUI Process and the News Media: When Is it Appropriate and Fair to Cover Someone’s DUI Arrest?
If you have been recently tagged for driving under the influence in Pasadena, you might have had the quite unwelcome surprise of finding your face and the intimate details of your arrest plastered all around the internet on blogs and perhaps even on local news reports. Whether your arrest was…
Beverly Hills DUI with Alcohol News – Happiest Night of Couple’s Lives Ironically Ends with Their Car Twisted around Utility Pole
A Beverly Hills DUI accident is, almost by definition, an ironic affair. The public imagination associates Beverly Hills with luxury, the good life, and good health and spirits. Likewise, when we think of “DUI” we think of horror stories, cars wrapped around telephone poles, mothers and children crying, and other…
Burbank DUI Symptoms – Even the President’s Uncle Has ’Em. Will Obama be Deported?
Last week, President Obama’s uncle, 67-year-old Onyango Obama, was arrested after he nearly hit an unmarked police car. According to a police officer, Obama exhibited “red and glassy eyes, slurred speech, and strong odor of alcohol and appeared unsteady on his feet” – identical symptoms of Burbank DUI that you,…
Burbank DUI Penalties: How Might They Measure up to Paris Hilton’s Ex’s DUI Plea Deal?
If you have been charged with driving under the influence in Burbank, you are probably biting your nails, wondering what the law might have in store for you. Meanwhile, last week, just one state away, Cy Waits, the ex-boyfriend of celebutante Paris Hilton, took a DUI plea deal stemming from…
Long Beach DUI Field Sobriety Test with Rodney King: How Did the Police Handle It?
Last week, Rodney King – the man whose videotaped beating ultimately sparked race riots that left 55 people dead and $1 billion worth of property damaged in its wake – was charged with DUI near Long Beach. Twenty years ago, King was stopped by LAPD officers and then beaten to…
Pasadena DUI Penalties for Six-time DUI Offenders – Do they Match Penalties for Greenville, South Carolina, Offenders?
What might happen if you got arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Pasadena six times in a single calendar year? What might that experience teach you? Let’s not jump to conclusions. There is always the possibility that you were just unlucky. Or maybe a local police officer…
Burbank DUI with Alcohol and Mean Girls: Lindsay Lohan Thrashes Ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson after Ronson’s DUI Bust
You might think that people who have been arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank or elsewhere in SoCal would be able to bond over their experiences. Especially if those two people were once friends and lovers. But that’s not always the case… As this blog reported a few…