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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Beverly Hills DUI Mystery: Was Jackass Star, Ryan Dunn, DUI When His Porsche Drove Off the Road at 130 Miles Per Hour?

The blogosphere was ablaze (no pun intended) last week with horrific Beverly Hills DUI news – 34-year-old Ryan Dunn, co-star of the popular TV series and movie franchise “Jackass,” died last week in a catastrophic fireball. The disaster led some pundits to declare that Dunn “died as he lived” and…


Beverly Hills DUI Destruction – Rapper Flo Rida Popped for DUI in South Beach with BAC of 0.185

Many arrests for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills involve celebrities driving multimillion dollar cars. Perhaps the only other place on earth that involves as many Maserati, Ferrari, and Bugatti DUI stops is South Beach, Florida. Indeed, South Miami was the scene of a major celebrity DUI bust last…


Burbank DUI Reflections: Terrifying Checkpoint Escape in Kansas City, Missouri Seriously Injures Civilian

This blog has scrutinized dozens of Burbank DUI news items since its inception. One of the big takeaways is that drivers have a propensity to act irrationally and dangerously even after they have been stopped and arrested; and it’s often these “post-DUI” behaviors that transform ordinary, simple charges of Pasadena…


Glendale DUI News Goes from Bad to Worse for MLB, as Video Emerges of Braves’ Derek Lowe Yelling at Police

Sports fans – particularly baseball fans – have not had a good 2011, at least judging from the news stories picked up on by Glendale DUI blogs (and other blogs that follow sports and celebrity criminal behavior). 37-year-old Atlanta Braves pitcher Derek Lowe was arrested on April 28 in a…


Beverly Hills DUI? How About the Opposite – DUI in Middle of Yellowstone National Park!

Let’s face it: There are a lot more stories about celebrities driving under the influence in Beverly Hills and similar places (e.g. Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, Glendale DUI, Los Angeles DUI) than there are newsworthy events about people driving under the influence in national parks. And for good reason. The…


Burbank DUI Bonanza: Multiple Lawmakers in Trouble for Driving Under the Influence

The Burbank DUI news blotter was hopping last week with stories about East Coast politicians in trouble for driving under the influence. So in this post, we will extend beyond our typical coverage of Los Angeles DUI, Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI and DUI in Pasadena news to discuss the twin…


Pasadena Breath Test Implications: Will Tainted Santa Clara County Breathalyzer Tests Ultimately Impact Southern California Cases?

If you have recently been arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Pasadena or elsewhere in Southern California (e.g. DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Los Angeles) chances are you’ve tuned into some very curious news out of Santa Clara County, California. Over…


Los Angeles DUI Memorial Day Numbers Are In – Stats are Similar to 2010s, and That’s Kind of a Shame

The California Highway Patrol released its Los Angeles DUI Memorial Day weekend statistics. According to various sources, CHP officers arrested 230 motorists in L.A. County from the period starting midnight Friday, May 27th, through midnight Monday, May 30th. All told, statewide, nearly 900 people were arrested for DUI – 132…


Burbank DUI Checkpoints Violating Civil Liberties?

The police officers who stop drivers at Burbank DUI checkpoints are empowered to remove dangerous drivers from the roads to enhance public safety. And while everyone can agree that we want to reduce and ideally eliminate Burbank DUI, Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Los Angeles DUI, etc., civil liberties groups are…


Pasadena DUI Breathalyzer Machines: Could They Be Next on the Chopping Block?

Attorneys and pundits who follow news about Pasadena DUI (and DUI throughout the country) are keeping a keen eye on Sarasota County, Florida, where an otherwise boring and workaday DUI trial may have profound implications for the use of DUI breath tests in Florida – and perhaps, indirectly, Southern California…

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