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Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog


Los Angeles DUI Debacle – LAPD Officer Busted for DUI Near LAX

We expect LAPD officers to pull people over and arrest them for crimes like driving under the influence in Los Angeles; what we don’t expect is for police officers to speed the wrong way down the Sepulveda Tunnel on their motorcycles and then themselves get busted for misdemeanor DUI. But that’s…


Beverly Hills DUI Drama No More (At Least for Christina Aguilera’s BF – Not So Much for Lindsay Lohan)

Last week’s news about driving under the influence in Beverly Hills was not all about Lindsay Lohan – although the blogosphere did once again erupt in an avalanche of comments after Lohan got sentenced to serve her community service as a janitor at a morgue. If you’re like most people,…


Beverly Hills DUI Lessons – Tampa Bay Buc Exec’s DUI May Hold Lessons for How to Contain the Problem

Analysts and policy experts who look at the problem of driving under the influence in Beverly Hills (and elsewhere in the Southland) often examine data on a surprisingly superficial level. In other words, it’s often a “quick fix” game – blame the driver, and get on with it. But a…


Los Angeles DUI Tragedy That is Lindsay Lohan… and What We Can All Learn from Her

Last Friday, a judge made the call to sentence starlet Lindsay Lohan to 120 days behind bars for violating probation connected with her 2007 Los Angeles DUI bust. As one might predict, news outlets across the nation lit up with provocative (and at times unseemly) discussions about the “Freaky Friday”…


Burbank DUI Breathalyzer Disaster – Alco-Sensor V Breathalyzers Found to Be “Erratic” – Hundreds of Cases Could Be Affected

Last week saw some major breaking Burbank DUI news – the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office released memos showing that Intoximeter’s Alcohol Sensor V breathalyzer tests — used in the field between January 20 and March 31st this year — have demonstrated “erratic results.” The upshot is that many people…


Glendale DUI Penalty Shot – Florida Basketball Superstar Slapped with DUI in Gainesville

Dan Werner, a former basketball player for Florida, got knocked with a DUI in Gainesville last week, and the arrest has echoed across the country – even Glendale DUI bloggers are talking about it. The 23-year-old Werner was pulled over because police noticed that one of his taillights had gone…


Long Beach DUI Twofer – GOP’s Kittle Avoids Jail Time… and a Big Controversy over the Royal Wedding!

Long Beach DUI blogs, like this one, typically don’t stretch to include extraneous news events, like the April 29 royal wedding in Britain. But some interesting controversies regarding the wedding plans may shed light on crucial issues relevant to anybody who has been tagged for Los Angeles DUI, driving under…


Los Angeles DUI Blog Discusses the Upcoming Royal Wedding

The last place you think you’d look for an analysis of the upcoming royal wedding between Prince William and his betrothed, Kate Middleton, is a blog devoted mainly to conversations about driving under the influence in Los Angeles. But with literally every single news organization – from the largest papers…


Pasadena DUI Debacle: Montana Judge Who Oversees DUI Court Charged with Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

If you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Pasadena, and you’re a normal citizen (or a sports star or celebrity), chances are, you will receive your fair share of censure from friends, family, and even the public at large. But if you’re a judge whose job…


Burbank DUI Shocker: Attorney Arrested for Driving Under the Influence

If you’ve been stuck on Victory Boulevard or Burbank Boulevard in heavy traffic, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to gaze at billboards for lawyers who specialize in Los Angeles DUI and criminal defense. Whatever you feel about the attorneys who put up these ads, you’d think they’d know enough…

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