Every once in a while, a case of driving under the influence in Glendale (or elsewhere) is so odd that you’re left scratching your head. Huh? Is that really possible? Events that prove exceedingly rare – such as “hitting for the cycle” in baseball or a “blue” moon (two full…
Los Angeles DUI Attorney Blog
Long Beach DUI Shenanigans – Reality Star Joe Giudice Could Face a Decade Behind Bars for Drivers License Fraud
Discussions about Long Beach DUI and DUI elsewhere in the US inevitably pivot back to celebrity drama. It’s unfortunate, given that most cases of DUI in Glendale, DUI in Pasadena, Burbank DUI, and Los Angeles DUI involve ordinarily law abiding citizens who make miscalculations or errors of judgment. But DUI…
Pasadena DUI “Century Club” – Texas Man Faces 99 Years behind Bars for 16th DUI
Many recidivist Pasadena DUI drivers – people who’ve been arrested more than once for a crime like driving under the influence in Pasadena, Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Los Angeles DUI, etc — wrestle with deep and hard to crystallize psychological problems. A DUI can happen to the best of people…
Long Beach DUI Sexual Battery: San Diego Officer Slapped with 10 Felony Counts for Harassing Women
Most salacious stories involving Southern California DUI involve drivers doing or saying queer things that illicit eye-rolling, head-shaking, or other condemnation. But last week, the tables turned: Instead of a DUI defendant getting charged with a crime like DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, Pasadena DUI, or Los Angeles DUI,…
Burbank DUI Disaster for NFL Hopeful – Will Michael Floyd Ever Again Play for Notre Dame?
The annals of Burbank DUI arrests are filled with sad stories of honest people making honest mistakes and careless people making dumb mistakes. Sometimes a situation like a Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, Glendale DUI, or Los Angeles DUI will end in tragedy – for instance, someone gets severely hurt or…
Los Angeles DUI Law Ineffective? Sacramento Bee Questions Wisdom of IID Law
As this blog reported many months ago, the world of Los Angeles DUI got shaken up significantly last year when a pilot program went into effect in Los Angeles, Sacramento, Tulare, and Alameda Counties that mandated that convicted DUI drivers install ignition interlock devices (IIDs) in their vehicles – even…
Long Beach DUI Dilemma: What to do about all these sports stars getting arrested?
A week ago Sunday, Bryson Smith, a 22-year-old baseball player for the University of Florida, got smacked with a DUI charge and taken to Alachua County Jail – Long Beach DUI experts and others who follow the world of sports news have noticed an uptick in stories about young athletes…
Glendale DUI Setups: Divorced Dads Targeted in Nefarious “Dirty DUI” Scam
Here is how the scam typically happened. A divorced dad in the midst of a bitter custody battle finds himself approached by two gorgeous women at a local watering hole, gets seduced into driving to a “hot tub party” and then suddenly, out of nowhere, finds himself pulled over and…
Long Beach DUI Madness — Miguel Cabrera Tells Officers: “Shoot Me, Kill Me”
When a police officer pulls over a driver for suspicion of driving under the influence in Long Beach (or elsewhere throughout the Los Angeles/Southland region), tempers can flare and the situation can even become violent. It’s all too easy to compound a Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, DUI in Glendale or…
Burbank DUI Celebrity Arrest Alert: ESPN Commentator Harry Teinowitz Slapped with DUI in Illinois
When sports stars and celebrities get pulled over for driving under the influence in Burbank, Southern California, or elsewhere in the nation, the national news media and the blogosphere react with shock, awe, and dismay. In many situations, defendants are deemed “guilty” in the eyes of the public, even before…