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Articles Posted in child abuse


Facing Accusations of Domestic Violence Against Special Needs Children

One of the most challenging and distressing situations a parent can encounter is being accused of committing an act of domestic violence against their own child. When the child in question is a special needs child with behavioral issues, the stress is compounded even more as criminal charges of child…


The Unseen Impact: How Witnessing Domestic Violence Shapes a Child’s Future

When thinking about domestic violence, especially from the standpoint of criminal charges, we typically think of it in terms of the perpetrator (the defendant) and the victim (the accuser). But domestic violence spares no one in the families where it happens, and there are other victims to consider. As many…


Accused of Domestic Violence During a Complex Divorce: What You Need to Know

It can feel like being thrown out of the frying pan into the fire. You’re suffering through a particularly messy and contentious divorce, when one day, there’s a knock on your door, and the police are holding a warrant for your arrest on allegations of domestic violence or child abuse.…

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