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Articles Posted in dui accident


DUI Driver Misses Chance for Chicken Dinner

The properties damaged by DUIs in Los Angeles can include everything from vehicles to homes to businesses and retail establishments. Sometimes a DUI driver will take out a neighborhood landmark, destroying a bar or a restaurant that’s a favorite with locals. Residents and regular visitors to Dewey Beach, Delaware, are…


DUI Driver Causes Demolition Derby

Even when no one is injured, drivers involved in crashes related to DUI in Los Angeles can impact the lives of others in a fairly significant way. When an out-of-control motorist crashes into a home or another car, for example, the owners of those homes and vehicles have to spend…


Two Insane, Unrelated DUI Incidences — a Drag Race Car Flip and a Fast Food Drive-Thru (Literally)

Most Los Angeles DUI incidences don’t make the news because they are mundane and commonplace. Cases involving celebrities, politicians, athletes, etc., do get media attention, but some of the most interesting cases are also the most bizarre events. Today, we’re going to look at two such “wild DUI” crashes. The…

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