It’s the scenario we all hope never happens—and one that in truth should never happen. Someone has a lapse in judgment, gets behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or another substance, gets into an accident—and another person dies as a result. Aside from the overwhelming sense of…
Articles Posted in dui murder
DUI Driver Kills Cyclist, Causes Two More Crashes
Motorists involved in a Los Angeles DUI accident sometimes cause property damage and (fortunately, more rarely) death or injury to themselves or someone else. But very few of them are involved in three incidents–one deadly–in the same day. A Las Vegas driver who reportedly caused three accidents on Thursday, June…
This DUI Driver Isn’t a Fast Learner
How many times can police charge a driver with a Los Angeles DUI before that driver gets the message that he (or she) is doing something wrong? Many people change their ways after cops arrest them just once for that offense. But one driver from Rhode Island doesn’t seem to…
DUI Murder Conviction Stands for Adam Harrison Hall: 17 Years-to-Life Prison Sentence Upheld
Driving under the influence of drugs in Los Angeles is a dangerous crime, as even a child could tell you. But what distinguishes a “run of the mill” drug DUI from an arrest that leads to a second degree murder conviction and a 17 year-to-life jail sentence? The answer is:…
Colorado Man Might Face First Degree Murder Charges for DUI Death
If you’ve been arrested on a Los Angeles DUI charge, odds are that you’re probably facing a relatively minor (but still serious) charge, such as misdemeanor DUI. If your case is extreme – for instance if you hurt someone – you might face a felony. This is a very serious…