Arrested for DUI in Los Angeles on New Year’s Eve 2013?

Tonight is New Year’s Eve. That means that your risk of getting arrested for Los Angeles DUI is at its apogee. New-Years-Eve-DUI-in-los-angeles.jpg

More people get arrested for DUI on New Year’s than on any other day of the year. DUI injuries, fatalities, and other “bad stuff” also tend to spike over the holiday. The Los Angeles Police Department is well aware of the enhanced revere-induced risk, so expect lots of patrols and DUI checkpoints in Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, and beyond. After the holiday, we’ll blog on the statistics for the holiday weekend. But just understand that today is a dangerous day to drive — even more so than Memorial Day, Super Bowl Sunday, July 4th and St. Patty’s Day.

So be careful out there!

What can you do to reduce your risk of getting into a crash or getting arrested for DUI in Los Angeles? Here are three ideas:

1. Reduce your driving AND walking.

Say you live in Silver Lake. You have a choice between going to an awesome beachside party in Manhattan Beach or a rockin’ shindig in nearby Los Feliz. Choose the Los Feliz option! Do what you can to stay off the road. Also, avoid walking, if possible. Being a pedestrian puts you at risk of being hit by a DUI driver. If you walk while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you’re at heightened risk of getting hurt or indirectly hurting others.

2. Create multiple “plan B’s.”

One of the problems with so many designated driving plans is that they usually only contain one “escape hatch.” For instance, say your friend Steve is the designated driver. But then Steve gets sick or bails on the party. Now, you have no designated driver, so you’ll be tempted to do something dumb in the moment.

Plan ahead. Work out multiple escape hatches. For instance, keep the number of a cab company in your back pocket AND find a designated driver. If your first plan B fails, you’ve got a back up plan B to leverage instantly.

3. If you do get arrested, get in touch quickly with an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney.

The Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. offers exemplary, effective, and professional representation for Los Angeles DUI criminal defendants. Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor who spent 14 plus years on the other side of criminal cases… before switching over to represent defendants like you. He knows exactly how to negotiate with and talk to prosecutors to get excellent results for his clients. Get in touch today for a free consultation.

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.

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