Beverly Hills DUI Lessons: How (Not) to Party!

Partying too hard is a great way to earn yourself a citation for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills. But what if you try to party “the safe way” – i.e. by renting a party to tool around Rodeo Drive or zip up to the Hollywood Hills for a night of safe debauchery and ridiculousness?Party-Bus-dui-in-beverly-hills.jpg

Apparently, even then, you can run into problems.

Witness last week’s disaster on Illinois’ Eisenhower Expressway: an SUV driver whammed a “party bus” and flipped it over, injuring 19 people. Fortunately, everyone involved in the accident survived. The most serious injury appears to be “just” a broken leg. But it’s easy to see how the situation could have turned a lot more ugly.

Here are details, accordingly to local news sources.

Per NBC Chicago: 20-year-old Andy Taylor apparently hit the “party bus” from behind, causing it to wipe out on the expressway and rollover near the Ashland Avenue exit. 15 people onboard the bus suffered injuries, and four people in Taylor’s SUV also got hurt. Interestingly, the driver of the party bus, Ammar Wachaa, was not playing by the rules. He had overloaded the bus, and he was driving without valid insurance on a suspended registration.

Sadly, the people on the bus were not just out for a good time – they were celebrating the birthday of a loved one/friend who recently had passed away.

Lessons for Beverly Hills DUI Defendants from the Illinois Party Bus Debacle
1. Even if you take maximum precautions, you can never be sure what’s “out there” on the roads.

The people who rented that party bus obviously thought that they would enjoy a safe and easy ride around town. They almost surely did not know that the bus driver had “overloaded” the vehicle; and they could never have anticipated that the SUV would have hit them. The reality is that, no matter how well we protect ourselves against disaster, the world is chaotic, and random “stuff” can happen to us. What we can do is to understand our risks in a sober and somewhat scientific fashion and do our best to “outthink” our risks.

2. Tiny mistakes or lapses of reason can redound to huge and potentially horrific effect.

In this case, fortunately, no one died. But people obviously could have died – or could have been severely, permanently injured. If you made a mistake behind the wheel – drank too many sips of wine before driving home, for instance – your life could change forever, and you could be forced to serve a long time in jail.

3. Your legal situation is almost certainly “very much in play.”

Jail time and a ruined life/reputation is not a fait accompli. You might be surprised by the versatility, diversity, and power of the defense options available to you, whether you were arrested for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills with a BAC of 0.20% or you hurt someone while DUI in Pasadena. You need to understand what to do next. The steps you take in the days and weeks to follow could be instrumental in helping you build a stiff defense – or in sealing your fate in a less than ideal way. Connect with the team here at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. in Beverly Hills (8484 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 660B Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3220 Phone: (310) 550-6935) to explore options for your best defense. Attorney Kraut is a highly regarded and very well known criminal defense attorney who specializes in Beverly Hills DUI defenses.

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Beverly Hills or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.

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