Articles Posted in Domestic Violence defense

pexels-photomix-company-887751-300x200If you’ve recently been arrested for and/or charged with domestic battery, stalking, or other forms of domestic violence, you already know what a disruption it can be to your life and your family. Of course, your first course of action is to navigate this process with the help of an experienced attorney–but when the initial crisis is over, your next most important step is to find ways to avoid a repeat incident. 

Fortunately, as with so many other problems in our lives, the digital age now offers solutions that we didn’t have even a few years ago. Let’s explore some technological innovations you can leverage to help you address the issues that may have caused this incident, move past this crisis, and, most of all, avoid future incidents.

Helpful Mobile Apps

pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3760069-300x200Being accused or convicted of domestic violence can have serious consequences, not only on your personal life but also your professional life. A domestic violence conviction can make it difficult to find and secure a job for anyone looking for employment in California. Even if you’re sentenced to probation in lieu of jail time, not only will employers often not hire someone with a criminal history, but in some cases, an employer has the right to fire you over a domestic violence conviction, especially if it reflects on the nature of the type of job you hold. 

The good news is that being accused of domestic violence does not automatically make you unemployable. You have some rights and options, although you may have to jump through a few more hoops to become gainfully employed. Let’s take a closer look at how domestic violence can impact your job prospects in California and what you can do about it.

An Overview of How Domestic Violence Impacts Employment

divorce-300x200It can feel like being thrown out of the frying pan into the fire. You’re suffering through a particularly messy and contentious divorce, when one day, there’s a knock on your door, and the police are holding a warrant for your arrest on allegations of domestic violence or child abuse. Suddenly, a complex situation has become even more complicated because while you’re fighting for your rights on the custody and property fronts on one side, you’re now facing possible criminal charges and jail time on the other. Not to mention a domestic violence arrest and/or conviction can have a negative impact on your divorce settlement and even your parental rights. What can you do to protect your rights? How should you respond?

There are no easy answers here, especially considering that the laws in California are particularly designed to protect the victims more than they are the defendants. But let’s discuss some of the ramifications of what can happen if you’re accused of domestic violence in the midst of a divorce process, and the best way to respond in that situation.

Why Domestic Violence Accusations May Arise During a Divorce

domestic-violence-charges-200x300You never intended for it to happen. You had a disagreement with a member of your family (perhaps a spouse or someone else you love). Emotions escalated, and you lost your temper. Now, you’re facing possible charges of domestic violence. Perhaps you’ve alienated your loved one, and they’re now seeking a protective order against you. The idea fills you with regret—and with shame. What do you do?

Let’s be honest: it is natural to experience feelings of shame and regret after a domestic violence incident—and they can be very difficult to process. But these emotions can also be used as a force for positive change in your life. Let’s explore how to take those negative feelings of shame and regret and use them to create healthier relationships with the people close to you.  

Understanding the Gravity of Domestic Violence 

Gaslighting-DV-300x199In domestic violence cases, whether in protective order hearings or during a trial, the term “gaslighting” is often used to describe a pattern of behavior in which the defendant’s denial of wrongdoing actually furthers the abuse. In reality, gaslighting IS a form of abuse, and if you do it to your partner, the state gives your partner recourse against you. But in this day and age, if you’re accused of domestic violence, false allegations of “gaslighting” can actually strengthen an unfair case against you. Let’s delve deeper into the subject of gaslighting–what the term means, how it can further a pattern of abuse, and how it could even be used against you in a domestic violence case.

What is Gaslighting? 

In California, domestic violence is defined as abuse committed against an intimate partner, cohabitant, or family member. This abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, economic, and psychological abuse. “Gaslighting” is a type of psychological abuse in which the abuser attempts to make the victim doubt their own perceptions, memories, and even sanity in order to keep the victim under their abusive control. The term “gaslight” comes from a British stage play Gas Light, later remade into the famous film Gaslight starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman, in which a husband uses trickery to convince his wife she is losing her mind.

pexels-kuncheek-210990-300x225When most people think of domestic violence, they think of some sort of physical abuse—and indeed, most domestic violence incidents in California that result in criminal charges have something to do with assault and/or domestic battery. However, domestic violence can take many forms besides just physical assault. In fact, one element of domestic violence that is more difficult to pinpoint, but no less damaging to the victim, is financial abuse. 

Financial abuse is rarely targeted directly in domestic violence cases, but it is remarkably pervasive. In fact, the NNEDV says that financial abuse plays a role in up to 99 percent of domestic violence cases. The State of California has recently enacted new laws that offer more protections for domestic violence victims suffering financial abuse from their partners. If you have been accused of domestic violence in California, whether or not you believe finances played a role, it is important to understand how financial abuse might be used against you in your case. Let’s discuss this topic in more detail to provide a better understanding of it.

What is Financial Abuse?

pexels-pixabay-208745-300x199Within the State of California, domestic violence law is fairly straightforward, as is the process for arresting and charging someone with domestic battery or another domestic violence crime. But what happens if the victim or the assailant is from another state? What if the offense occurred against a California resident while in another state, or if a partner crosses into California to threaten or attack the victim? Or what if the crime itself crosses state lines (for example, if it involves kidnapping)?

These issues make jurisdiction a bit more complicated, but there are no real “loopholes” where an alleged perpetrator can avoid prosecution because of where the crime occurred. Let’s discuss some basic examples in which a domestic violence case might involve more than one state, and how each scenario might be handled.

If the Act of Violence Occurs in Another State

pexels-cottonbro-3944454-300x200In California, which has some of the most stringent domestic violence laws in the country, simply being accused of domestic violence can be incredibly disruptive and stress-inducing. But when those allegations become “news,” whether in the press or through social media, the situation can be exponentially more complicated. Now, on top of facing the hassles of a protective order, possibly being forced from your home, and possible criminal charges, you’re also being tried in the so-called “court of public opinion,” which often considers a person guilty until proven innocent. Let’s talk about some of the ways your domestic violence case could find its way into the public dialogue and what additional challenges you might face as a result.

Ways Your Domestic Violence Allegations Could Become Public

In many cases, family disputes that devolve into accusations of domestic violence happen within the privacy of people’s homes. But the fact remains that in our society, nothing really happens in a vacuum–and many times, people accused of it are surprised to find out how many people know about it. Some ways that your domestic violence case could become a public matter include:

pexels-dids-1424538-300x200You’re not exactly sure how you got here. It’s not uncommon for you to get into a disagreement with your spouse or partner, but this time, things got out of hand. You felt an unusual sense of rage, and before you realized it, things had escalated into violence. Perhaps you felt like you were standing outside yourself, watching yourself do something you never believed you were capable of doing. Now, you’re facing domestic violence charges (and possibly a protective order), and you’re devastated. How did this happen?

Then a thought crosses your mind: Could this have been a reaction caused by my medication?

Depending on the medication(s) you’re taking, the answer might be yes. In fact, research has identified at least 31 medications that have been linked to violent behavior in a disproportionate number of patients. While it’s impossible to say for certain whether any given person will become violent while taking these medications, the connection between certain drugs and violence is significant enough that it merits further discussion.

In thpexels-nastyasensei-335393-300x200e State of California, being charged with domestic violence is a serious matter and can be highly disruptive to your life—no matter who you are. But if you happen to be a foreign national (i.e., a non-U.S. citizen), charged with domestic battery, criminal threats, or another form of domestic violence, the stakes may be much higher. A domestic violence conviction can have significant negative repercussions on your immigration status, resulting in your deportation, denial of re-entry into the United States, or exclusion from naturalization (i.e., the process of becoming a U.S. citizen). And even if you are not convicted, simply being arrested for domestic violence can trigger an investigation by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and potentially lead to your removal from the country.

If you are a foreign national facing domestic violence charges, it is important to understand how these charges may impact your immigration status and to consult with an experienced defense attorney who can help you navigate the complex intersection of U.S. immigration and criminal law. Let’s discuss the laws that address domestic violence when it comes to non-citizens and talk about how to protect your interests if you’re a non-citizen facing these charges.

Domestic Violence and the Immigration and Nationality Act

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