Articles Posted in DUI and Child Endangerment

Getting arrested for DUI in UCLA or USC – or any other local Log Angeles school – can be an exquisitely unpleasant experience, whether you are a student or not. As any Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, if you’re convicted for a standard misdemeanor DUI — a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a), for instance — your possible penalties could pack a wallop: mandatory jail time, mandatory alcohol school, mandatory installation of an IID device in your car, strict probation, one year driver’s license suspension, heaping fees and court costs, long-term spikes on your insurance rates, and a big fat logistical headache. And that’s if you are an adult who didn’t hurt anyone while driving DUI and you had no prior criminal record!DUI-near-UCLA-or-USC.jpg

If you’re underage and you get convicted for DUI near UCLA as well as possession of a fraudulent ID, your legal crisis can be escalated. And if you caused property damage or injuries (even minor ones) to other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians… let’s just say the punishments could be life-changing. An injury DUI in Los Angeles, for instance, might be charged per California Vehicle Code Section 23153 instead of CVC 23152. That may not be seen like a big switch. But the change empowers prosecutors to charge what would normally be a misdemeanor DUI as a felony. This means that, if you are convicted, you could face more than a year behind bars – and that’s for starters.

A UCLA DUI can also, unsurprisingly, cause you horrific academic fallout. If you’re on an athletic team, you could be kicked off the squad. You could also get into serious trouble with the school itself, depending on the nature of your crime. And even if you manage to sort everything out correctly, it wasn’t like you had “nothing to do” before the DUI. You could face time and money consuming headaches for weeks or months or even years to come. For instance, UCLA is pretty “get aroundable” for pedestrians. But what if you have a job or internship off campus? You used to drive to the job, but now what will you do? Will you take the bus? What if the bus doesn’t go to where you want to go? These questions and hundreds more like them can plague you and cause you uncertainty, stress, and anxiety.

Fortunately, the team here at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028) can help you understand what you are up against and deal resourcefully and strategically with the charges. Attorney Michael Kraut is a Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor (he spent 14 plus years as one of the city’s top district attorneys). He has been a featured Los Angeles DUI expert for KTLA News, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.

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It’s a theme this blog often covers: Someone gets stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence in Burbank (or elsewhere)… and that’s when the REAL trouble starts. Like-father-like-son-dui-burbank.jpg

In other words, the suspect does something stupid after the police have already stopped him or her, and the net result is a hugely more problematic situation.

As an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, your Burbank DUI penalties can escalate wildly if you commit crimes after the fact, such as hitting a police officer, spitting a breathalyzer test back at the police officer, resisting arrest, committing a hit and run, etc.

A crazy case out of Central Pennsylvania illustrates how badly things can go wrong after the fact. Twenty-four year old David Peterson, Jr., was arrested after police found him passed out in his vehicle. The young man had a BAC of over twice the legal limit (the Burbank DUI legal limit, as defined by CVC Section 23152(b) is 0.08% BAC). No doubt scared and intimidated, Mr. Peterson called his father, 44 year old David Peterson, Sr., who promptly hopped in his vehicle and drove to the station to pick him up.

Surprise—the elder Mr. Peterson also had alcohol on his breath. After admitting to police that he had driven to the station, Mr. Peterson submitted to a breathalyzer test and was found to have a blood alcohol concentration of 1.5 times the state’s legal limit. So guess what? He, too, got arrested for DUI.

On some level, this father-son DUI arrest sounds amusing: We leave it to the reader to speculate on the potential Freudian issues at play. On another level, it speaks to the point we were talking about earlier about how Burbank DUI suspects often engage in, shall we say, less-than-strategic behavior after the police arrive.

The younger Mr. Peterson faces a preliminary hearing on February 15, while his father faces a hearing on February 22.

Here are some good rules of thumb to help you stay out of trouble AFTER you’ve been tagged for a Burbank DUI:

1. Speak with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer as quickly as possible.

A good attorney can help you collect and synthesize evidence and statements, challenge police reports and tests, and generally give you a strategic path to avoid things like significant jail time, massive fees and court costs, California drivers’ license-related punishments, etc.

2. Remember that the past is past.

Although you may regret consuming alcohol, narcotics, or medications and then getting behind the wheel, you can’t undo the past. If you get stuck ruminating over what went wrong, you won’t learn the appropriate lessons from what happened. Accept that what happened, happened. And move on by making smarter choices going forward.

3. Learn from what went wrong.

Even if the police wrongfully arrested you or messed up their investigative work or breathalyzer testing, you likely made some mistakes that put you in a position to become a criminal defendant. Spend some time thinking about and writing about what went wrong, and what you can do next time to circumvent that kind of problem.

For help with your defense needs, connect with an experienced Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810). Michael Kraut is an experienced former prosecutor (Harvard Law School educated) who has won the respect of peers and delivered results time and again at jury trials.

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In a post earlier this week, we talked about how Burbank DUI prevention theory is stuck. burbank-dui-paradigm-shift.jpg

Law enforcement agents, politicians, and even defense attorneys and defendants in LA all often assume that they understand why DUIs occur and what needs to be done to prevent them. For instance, if you were recently stopped for Burbank DUI, your first thought might have been to blame yourself:

• Why did you “act out” and refuse to accept the ride from your designated driver?
• Why did you decide to get behind the wheel after consuming a prescription medication?
• Alternatively, perhaps you are ruminating over how “unfair” the stop was. You believe, for instance, that the Burbank DUI stop was Unconstitutional, or that the breathalyzer test was administrated poorly, or that the police made an error.

Odds are, however, that you have not stopped to contextualize your Burbank DUI stop outside of your own actions and the actions of police. It’s hard to have a 30,000 foot view when contemplating jail time.

Problem is, decoupling your experience from larger trends can be dangerous! (Ask any Burbank DUI lawyer.)

For instance, it’s well documented that Burbank DUIs occur disproportionately on holidays like New Year’s Eve, Super Bowl Sunday, etc. Clearly, events outside of an individual’s control cause or at least heighten the possibility that you will get stopped for driving under the influence in Burbank. Sure, your own misjudgments and the police’s actions might have been important as well. But a national holiday may have played a key, particularly decisive, role in your situation.

The point here is that we can probably make substantial progress in managing and even preventing many Burbank DUIs, if we consider different strategies and tactics to address the root problems. Sure, let’s definitely continue to focus on how to modify driver behavior and educate law enforcement agents about best practices.

But let’s ALSO consider how the engineering of Burbank’s freeways and surface streets might play a role in dangerous driving. And let’s ALSO consider how seemingly tangential, indirectly related factors might play a role in either incentivizing or disincentivizing DUI behavior.

For instance, perhaps drivers who drive on dirty freeways or who drive under stress are more likely to commit a DUI. A Burbank DUI attorny can only infer so much about causality from correlation. But we can at least look at different associations among seemingly unrelated factors.

The amount of trash you have in your car, for instance, hypothetically could be correlated with your likelihood to drive DUI. If so, it may turn out that doing something as simple as keeping your car clean reduces your likelihood of getting arrested for Burbank DUI.

The point is to illustrate that good solutions to your problems might be out there… and they might be unexpected. The way to find these solutions might be to conduct experiments, ideally in conjunction with law enforcement, to try to “out-think” ourselves and our own destructive instincts and impulses.

On a less theoretical note, if you or someone you love needs help with a Burbank DUI defense, connect immediately with the team at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810). Attorney Michael Kraut is a pre-eminent Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney. He was a successful prosecutor for over 14 years.

As a Burbank DUI lawyer, he remains a “go to” expert on Burbank DUI for media like the Los Angeles Times, KTLA, Fox News, The New York Times, etc. Attorney Kraut can give you a free consultation to help you figure out your strategy.

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Celebrities often do awful, and awfully crazy, things. In 2011, we saw some crazy and scary Beverly Hills DUI stories. In this post, we will review four of the year’s most scandalous celebrity moments.lindsay-lohan-beverly-hills-dui.jpg

1. Lindsay Lohan – Still Reeling from Her 2007 Los Angeles DUI
Unless you were living under a rock, you tuned into the Lindsay Lohan’s seemingly never-ending Los Angeles DUI probation violation saga. Ms. Lohan’s 2011 got off to a bad start on January 22, when she allegedly pilfered a necklace worth $2,500 from a store in Venice. She pleaded not guilty to the resultant felony grand theft charge, but the karmic dye had been cast for Ms. Lohan in 2011, and she proceeded to make headline after headline: she violated her probation, got sentenced, made tearful appeals, etc. Then she made headlines once again by agreeing to pose nude in Playboy for nearly $1 million. Her father, meanwhile, got arrested twice in one week for domestic violence charges.

Altogether, not a great scene for the Lohans in 2011.

2. Christina Aguilera – Watches as Her Boyfriend Gets Tagged for DUI
2011 was not a great year for pop princesses, was it?

On March 1, Christina Aguilera was arrested for public intoxication, while her boyfriend was tagged for DUI. Aguilera had come off of a rough 2010, but she rebounded magnificently in the latter half of 2011, thanks in part to her widely successful TV vehicle, The Voice. It goes to show that Beverly Hills DUI does not commit you to certain and permanent debauchery
3. Estella Warren’s Hit and Run DUI (with a Bit of Cop Kicking Thrown in There As Well)

Estella Warren, an actress in Planet of the Apes, was arrested for DUI back in May. She allegedly resisted arrest and kicked the cop who tried to handcuff her. Warren smashed her Prius into three separate cars and then drove away from the scene. All told, she got hit with charges of assault, felony escape, hit and run, and DUI.

4. Charlie Sheen – Not Busted for Beverly Hills DUI, but Might As Well Have Been
2011 was the year of Charlie Sheen’s epic, magnificent public meltdown. The year started out crazy, when Sheen was arrested after trashing his Las Vegas hotel room and partying with an adult film star. Charlie thus began a headline-grabbing rampage that included getting fired from Two and a Half Men after calling his boss “a contaminated maggot” among other things and then waxing similarly poetic (and vitriolic) about everyone from his ex-wife to Alcoholics Anonymous to Thomas Jefferson.

If you were arrested for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills in 2011, connect with a respected, highly successful Beverly Hills DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935). Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor with a terrific record at jury trials.

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Americans love glamour and beauty, and we are fascinated by stories of “celebrities gone wrong.” Hence, our obsession with Beverly Hills DUI stories and news events involving pop princesses, celebutantes, fashionistas, powerful politicians, and others who get into trouble with the law. Sometimes, these stories are bittersweet; sometimes they are tragic, sometimes they are purely humorous. But we can learn a lot more from Beverly Hills DUI defendants than the tabloids (and even the mainstream news media) are willing to teach us.Rima-Fakih-DUI.jpg

Take the recent arrest of 2010 Miss USA, Rima Fakih. The 26-year-old captured America’s heart in 2010, but police captured her last week. Although police did not release details about the DUI arrest, the story is practically pregnant with object lessons for Beverly Hills DUI defendants and friends and family members of defendants.

According to the Detroit Free Press and other local news reports, Fakih had appointed herself designated driver last Saturday evening, when she went out with some friends. After noticing that her friend seemed too intoxicated to drive, Fakih took over the wheel. She quickly realized that she, too, was too intoxicated to drive. So she pulled the car over. Too late. Police had already spotted her, and she was quickly rounded up and charged with DUI. After news of her arrest broke, she, like so many Beverly Hills DUI arrestees – reached for her Twitter account to deny her reality: “Let’s clear things up now…I’m not in Michigan and I’m not in jail! Wrong Fakih.”

She later removed that post. But it’s instructive for us to talk about that.

We can see two lessons from here:

Number one, when people “have a few drinks” while trying to be a designated driver, bad things happen. In Fakih’s case, fortunately, no one was hurt and no property was damaged.

Number two, defendants can enter a period of abject denial after being arrested. This is a human reaction. But it can be a compromising reaction, in that you may do or say things after your arrest (because of your denial) that will compromise your ability to build a case.

To protect yourself and your rights, connect with the Beverly Hills’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935). Attorney Michael Kraut is an experienced, highly confident, Harvard Law School-educated Beverly Hills DUI criminal defense attorney. He served as a prosecutor for 14 years, so he knows how prosecutors will treat your case.

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Driving under the influence in Long Beach and driving in a school zone don’t mix. This truism is obvious enough. However, unfortunately, common sense is one of the first things that goes out the window when driving intoxicated.long-beach-dui-jail.jpg

Two weeks ago, Marie Lippincott of Costa Mesa struck and nearly killed a 17-year-old senior, Crystal Morales, at her son’s high school in Newport Harbor. Lippincott was arrested for causing an injury DUI and held at an Orange County jail in lieu of bail set at $100,000. Investigators suspect that she was driving under the influence when she hit Morales at a crosswalk on Margaret Drive, right before school let out. Court records show that Lippincott has a criminal history. In 2005, she pleaded guilty to prescription drug fraud, burglary, and theft. As for poor Ms. Morales, she was hospitalized in a coma with internal bleeding, swelling of the brain, internal injuries, and head trauma. A spokesperson said that Morales would be on assisted breathing for at least two weeks to recover optimally.

When reading the reports of Long Beach DUI accidents like this one, it’s easy to quickly judge people and “explain away” the facts of the accident. However, jumping to conclusions can be dangerous business. For instance, in a Los Angeles Times blog post about the accident, Laura Boss, a spokesman for the school district, highlighted that the section of Irvine Avenue where the accident occurred “has been a safety concern for school officials.”

This is not to excuse the bad driving or DUI driving, if it did occur. However, it does suggest that Long Beach DUI accidents do not occur in a vacuum. Often, a constellation of factors plays a role. Yes, a driver may be DUI. Yes, a driver may make misjudgments. But other factors, such as poor road engineering, auto malfunctions, and the dangerous or less-than-ideal actions of others can all come together to create the “perfect storm” of an accident.

If you have been recently arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach, connect with an experienced Long Beach DUI criminal defense attorney, such as Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454). Attorney Kraut is a former DUI prosecutor (14-plus years in the Deputy District Attorney’s office), so he understands the dynamics, nuances, and emotional complexities of DUI cases. Tragedies like what happened to Ms. Morales are not inevitable, and they do not need to be repeated. It’s important for all of us to understand what goes wrong in these kinds of situations and to deal with the repercussions in a fair and compassionate way.

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Over the weekend, Los Angeles DUI Saturation Patrols were on red alert looking for dangerous drivers on California’s freeways and surface streets. halloween-dui-los-angeles.jpeg

A local police chief in Glendora issued a press statement summarizing the intent and purpose of the extra saturation patrols: “there isn’t a Halloween costume clever enough to hide an impaired driver who has made the poor decision to get behind the wheel.”

Halloween is notoriously a dangerous time for drivers. Like most national holidays, including Super Bowl Sunday, New Years Eve, Memorial Day Weekend, and 4th of July, Halloween is a time for community revelry. As a result, more people go out partying, and thus more DUI or near DUI drivers populate the roads, particularly at night.

National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics from 2009 found that nearly half of all Halloween night fatalities involved motorcycle riders or drivers who had BACs of 0.08% or higher – the legal limit for Los Angeles DUI, as per California Vehicle Code Section 23152.

The California Office of Traffic Safety, via the NHTSA, is funding the extra Los Angeles DUI Halloween saturation patrols.

What’s particularly scary about a Halloween DUI is the extra vulnerability of children.

While many conscientious parents make sure that their children wear highly visible costumes – like a white ghost or a princess with lots of silver glitter on her costume – some parents don’t give nearly enough thought to road safety and children. When you mix these two potentially dangerous elements – more “post-revelry” drivers on the road and lots of kids wandering around unfamiliar neighborhoods in difficult to see costumes – it’s not particularly surprising that you see accident rates spike and more people hurt and even killed.

What can be done to change the situation?

First of all, Halloween has always been a notoriously strange and unpredictable and in some ways dangerous holiday. Even the trick or treating itself – beyond the dangers posed by Los Angeles DUI drivers and potential child abusers – is risky in and of itself simply because of the nature of the treats given out to our children.

Candy is not exactly the healthiest food. All parents know that. However, riveting and compelling new scientific research suggests that eating sugar may actually precipitate a gamut of long term, complicated health problems, including but not limited to: insulin resistance, obesity, Type II diabetes, heart disease, and even many kinds of cancer.

So we may need to protect children not only against Los Angeles DUI drivers but also against more insidious threats, such as high fructose corn syrup in their trick or treat bags.

If someone you know and care about has been recently arrested for Halloween Los Angeles DUI, the team at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028) can help. Attorney Michael Kraut is a former Deputy District Attorney with a fantastic success rate at jury trials and an impressive background – including 14 years as a former prosecutor and a Harvard Law School education.

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Amidst the circus of the Conrad Murray trial in Los Angeles Supreme Court (Murray, as you might know, is the infamous doctor accused of giving Michael Jackson the propofol and other drugs that ultimately killed him), our city recently witnessed some extremely disturbing, scary, and sad Los Angeles DUI accident news.suv_rollover-Los-Angeles-DUI.jpg

Last week, six children and one adult woman were injured in a Lancaster DUI crash. According to a Los Angeles Times report, 31-year-old Stanesha Allen crashed her 2002 Toyota Sequoia very early last Sunday morning on East Avenue I. Apparently, Allen was at a wedding the night before.

Here is the complete stomach-churning description straight from the Los Angeles Times story: after she lost control of her vehicle, according to the California Highway Patrol, her “SUV flipped four times, leaving some of the children partially ejected… two of the children were airlifted to Antelope Valley Hospital with critical injuries. The other four and Allen were taken to the hospital by ambulance with minor to moderate injuries… the two seriously injured children, a 4-year-old girl and a 22-month-old boy, were transferred to Kaiser Permanente Medical Center and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, respectively.”

Allen was arrested. But since she is injured, she is allowed to remain at the hospital for treatment.

Everyone knows that the crime of driving under the influence in Los Angeles can be a terrible and scary crime. But the consequences for everyone involved and for your own future can ratchet up hugely if there are injuries involved – especially, injuries to children.

The California Vehicle Code sections actually spell out entirely different punishments for people who hurt others while DUI. California Vehicle Code Sections 23152 (a) and 23152 (b) are written to punish standard non-injury misdemeanor DUIs. The punishments can still be quite hefty and can include jail time, steep fines, mandatory alcohol classes, license suspension, probation, and mandatory installation of an IID device in your car.

But if you hurt someone while driving DUI in Los Angeles, two very different vehicle code sections might apply. Pay attention because they differ by only one number: 23153 (a) and 23153 (b) give prosecutors several extra legal “weapons” and allows them to elevate what ordinarily might be a simple misdemeanor to a felony. In case you don’t know the difference, a felony is a much, much more serious charge. Convicted felons lose the right to vote, among other things, and they can face multiple years behind bars.

Fortunately, a qualified Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, such as Michael Kraut of Los Angeles’ Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028), can help you understand and organize a sound and ethical and logically thought defense. Attorney Kraut is an experienced, compassionate, Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor. He has the tools, connections and agility to help you fight to get to your charges dismissed or at least get the best deal possible – and help you figure out how to plan your future after you have put the incident behind you.

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One of the reasons why stories about driving under the influence in Beverly Hills capture media attention is that Beverly Hills is well, Beverly Hills. Celebrities, sports stars, movie executives, politicos and other A-listers live, visit and celebrate the city. Thus, stories about DUI in Beverly Hills as well as Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Burbank DUI, and Los Angeles DUI tend to get a ton of press because they involve famous people and, often, very weird

But Boulder, Colorado – of all places – was in the news twice last week for gripping, bizarre, jaw-dropping stories. We already covered the sad story of a 32-year-old woman who allegedly committed a DUI homicide then tried to flee by swimming into a reservoir. The other big story involved a 19-year-old Boulder man who was arrested and held on a $10,000 bond after he allegedly stole a school bus and then smashed the bus into his house. According to an Associated Press article, “police found a privately-owned school bus parked and still running in the yard of William Levin Goodrich on Tuesday.” Officers said Goodrich’s license had been revoked for multiple DUIs. Goodrich told officers he felt weird after eating something a friend gave him. Police said Goodrich then told them the friend gave him the bus keys and told him to drive home.

Goodrich was held in a county jail on multiple charges, including leaving the scene of an accident, aggravated motor vehicle theft, careless driving and DUI.

Here’s a key takeaway from both these bowl-you-over-in-Boulder stories: the Beverly DUI arrest and conviction process can be complicated – and your situation can be made FAR worse — if you continue to make bad decisions after you’ve been tagged with a DUI.

In this case, assuming the allegations are true, Goodrich already would have been in trouble for stealing the schools bus. But he wildly aggravated the situation by crashing the school bus into his yard. It’s a bit like the “Butch and Sundance syndrome” – once you’ve become an outlaw, you take your crime to the “nth level” because you come to believe “there’s no turning back.” Not that this line of thinking makes sense. But apparently that’s how some people react once they realize that they have committed a crime, like Beverly Hills DUI.

Your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney – no matter how good – can only do so much for you if you compound and “complexify” your crime. It’s time to break the cycle. Connect immediately with the reputable Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935) for a free and confidential case evaluation.

Attorney Kraut served as a prosecutor of DUI crimes for 14 years for the City of Los Angeles, rising to the level of Senior Deputy District Attorney. So he knows how prosecutors typically approach DUI crimes, and he can walk you through the ins and outs of what to do – and what not to do – to develop and execute a plan to restore your name, reputation and freedom.

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The dark side of driving under the influence in Glendale (or really, anywhere in the United States) is that fatal accidents can strike anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. A vivid example of why it’s so important to beat the problem of Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI and Los Angeles DUI occurred the Saturday before last, when a Boulder, Colorado woman, 32-year-old Lisa Norton, was arrested on a smorgasbord of charges, including DUI-related vehicular homicide. DUI-escape-in-Reservoir.jpg

Norton allegedly crashed her Ford pick up into a Nissan coup at around 6:30 PM, killing the driver, 33-year-old Gabriel Nielsen, and severely hurting his wife and young child. After the crash, Ms. Norton allegedly fled the scene by diving into the nearby Clover Basin reservoir. Area boaters eventually fished her out of the water and delivered to her to Longmont Colorado police. According to her arrest warrant affidavit: “Witness statements from the boaters indicate that Ms. Norton was combative and denied having any involvement in the crash…that she was combative and verbally abusive to both officers and rescue personnel who were attempting to render aid.”

All told, her charges include:

• DUI homicide
• Failing to remain on the scene of a crash resulting in death
• Two counts of DUI vehicular assault
• Two counts of reckless vehicular assault
• Driving with a revoked license
• Failing to provide proof of insurance
• Possession of drug paraphernalia (a glass marijuana pipe)
• Child abuse causing serious bodily injury
Obviously, any Glendale DUI homicide is a serious and horrific situation. But many defendants needlessly complicate their situation by assaulting officers, fleeing the scene, acting belligerently, or otherwise “digging their hole deeper.” These acts will ultimately make the job that your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney has a lot more difficult and challenging. Much like how panicked investors throw good money after bad, recently arrested Glendale DUI suspects often radically compound their own problems.

Fortunately, there is a smart way to begin to get clarity on your situation and to stop the downward spiral. Connect with Glendale’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (located at: 121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123) to start to synthesize and execute a smart strategy. Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor who has a terrific record at jury trials and glowing reviews not only from past clients but also from legal peers and respected figures in the media.

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