Could Burbank DUI Breathalyzer Test Be Next on the Chopping Block? Massive Breath Test Dismissals in Florida Spark National Excitement
If you got arrested after failing a Burbank DUI breathalyzer test – blowing significantly over the legal limit of 0.08% BAC, for instance – you may feel sour, sad, and scared that the breathalyzer test failure will doom you to a lengthy prison sentence? Now that you’ve been “tarred and feathered” as a DUI driver, will your insurance rates go to the roof? What will your friends, family and colleagues think about you now? Etc, etc.
Before you go down this rabbit hole of fear and catastrophic thinking, pull out of your nose dive for a minute and consider a very curious story out of Manatee County, Florida, of all places. According to a local Florida paper, the Bradenton Herald, “prosecutors in Manatee County have decided not to use the alcohol breath test results from one or two local intoxilyzer 8000 machines, saying the volume of blown air wasn’t accurately measured.”
In other words, the machines screwed up!
And the “positive” DUI readings the machines collected are no longer valid as evidence!
As a Division Chief in the Florida State Attorney’s Office noted, “it was the right thing for the integrity of the pending cases to not use the breath results.” Not all analysts agreed with the decision to throw out the breath test results. A spokesperson for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Heather Smith, countered that “the volume is separate and independent from the subject’s alcohol content results … the amount of breath you blow cannot result in a higher or lower alcohol content reading.”
We will leave it to the reader to find the holes in Ms. Smith’s reasoning here. But let’s not get lost in the minutiae of the case – Florida officials already believe that the problem has been solved and the machines are now “fixed,” back in action, ready to help officers tag DUI drivers.
The greater point here is that Burbank DUI breathalyzer tests may not be as “bullet proof” as the common driver assumes they are. As this blog has documented many times over, breathalyzer tests can be corrupted by a diverse array of factors, including:
• Whether you are a man or woman;
• Whether you are a diabetic, or on a special ketogenic diet;
• How deeply you blow into the machines (Ms. Smith’s protestations to the contrary, notwithstanding);
• Calibration or officer reading errors;
• Sample contamination;
• etc, etc.
A Burbank DUI defense attorney, such as a Michael Kraut of San Fernando Valley’s Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810), can help you understand the charges you face, figure out what to do about them, and resolve any questions, concerns, or fears you have regarding your situation and legal prognosis.
Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor for the city. He is often called upon by major media institutions to provide expert analysis on Burbank DUI matters.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Burbank or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.