DUI Arrests in Los Angeles Drop But Fatalities Up in 2015
While police are making fewer arrests for DUI in Los Angeles and the rest of the state, they’ve been seeing more deaths as a result of DUI-related accidents.
The Sacramento Bee took a look at California’s DUI statistics from 2013 (the latest figures available from the state) and compared them with results from previous years. It found that the number of DUI arrests had declined from 188, 327 in 1998 to 160,388 in 2013. The rate of DUI arrests decreased from 908 per 100,000 licensed drivers in 1998 to 651 per 100,000 licensed drivers.
That’s the good news. But there is a downside. The Bee analysis found that while there were 1,417 motor vehicle deaths related to drugs and alcohol in 2010, that number increased to 1,699 in 2013.
San Francisco had the smallest rate of DUI arrests in 2013, with a rate of just 2.5 percent per 1,000 drivers. But if you want to avoid sharing the road with a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol, steer clear of Inyo County, where they have a DUI arrest rate of 16.3 percent.
The article cited the tougher laws enacted by California’s legislature as one reason for the decline in DUI arrests. But it noted that one preventive measure instituted by several counties does not seem to be having the desired effect. Four counties in the state (Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Tulare) have mandated the use of an ignition interlock system for all drivers convicted of DUI, including first timers. The California DMV has analyzed the data from this five-year test program, and it was not able to find any significant difference in repeat DUI offenses.
California motorists arrested for multiple DUIs face severe consequences under section 23103.5, and section 23152 of California’s Vehicle Code. If convicted of three or more DUIs within a 10-year period, they may go to jail for six months to a year and pay fines from $390 to $1,000.
Please call the experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyers at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. for substantial and skilled assistance with your case and a free, private consultation.