Enough Prattle about Lindsey Lohan’s Los Angeles DUI Jail Sentence: Let’s Talk about Goats in Trunks
For the past several weeks, blogs and even the mainstream media have been endlessly covering Lindsey Lohan’s Los Angeles DUI related jail sentence (stemming from a 2009 arrest). And it’s not just Lohan who has had to face the music – actor Chris Klein, 80’s rocker Jani Lane, and seemingly dozens of celebrities, sports figures, and politicians alike have been taking the lumps. But one non Los Angeles DUI story that’s gone completely under the radar – but which is nevertheless quite interesting – involves neither a celebrity nor an athlete nor a politician.
It involves a goat and a trunk.
Yup. You read that right. Here are the details.
On June 11th, a police officer in Bedford County Virginia pulled over a woman named Fiona Enderby for suspected DUI and discovered that she had a goat locked up in her trunk. The Sheriff’s Deputy “liberated” the animal and turned him over to new owners at a local farm, Johnson’s Orchards. The goat was humorously rechristened “Trunk” and, according to a local affiliate news source, he is getting a royal treatment now – “a fenced and aerated room, with a creek and plenty of trees for shade…and several other goats to play with, including female goats.”
Getting a little more serious, let’s return our attention to the laws governing Long Beach DUI arrests (and arrests for DUI elsewhere in Southern California). The California Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) and 23152(b) spell out precisely what a charge of “DUI in Long Beach” constitutes and how it should be punished. According to the first statute, 23152(a), if a police officer stops you while you are driving a motor vehicle while DUI, you can be arrested and subjected to myriad punishments. The court can order you to spend time in jail, suspend your driver’s license, require you to install an interlock ignition device in your car, enforce terms of probation, and set other punishments. 23152(b) defines DUI in a different way – as having a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of 0.08% or greater. The same penalties spelled out in 23152(a) apply.
Obviously, only the small minority of DUI in Long Beach cases involve celebrities, politicians, singers, or goats. If you or a family member currently faces charges pursuant to 23152(a) or 23152(b), the quality of your legal representation can make a huge difference in terms of the sentence you get and whether or not you can put up stiff resistance to the charges.
So who should you get in your corner?
Attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. is a former DUI prosecutor – his experience fighting for “the other side” has given him tremendous insight into how prosecutors think and work, and he now uses this insider information to battle strategically and effectively for his clients. And, for what it’s worth, Attorney Kraut is also Harvard Law School educated and a regular commentator on national news programs like Fox and CNN.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Long Beach or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.