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One of the most stinging, annoying punishments for a DUI in Los Angeles is the license suspension. california-drivers-license-dui-suspension.jpg

Even if this is your first ever DUI – indeed, your first time doing anything illegal – prosecutors can ask the Court to suspend your license for six months or a year or even longer, depending on what happened. Whether you’re a UCLA or USC student, who needs a California driver’s license to attend class; or you’re a single mom of three who needs a license to get to and from work, you want to avoid or at least minimize the suspension.

Here are 3 strategic ideas:

1. Retain a Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer, sooner than later.

Don’t wait. The clock is ticking, and a suspension may soon automatically go into effect. A seasoned attorney can tell you how you can fight back. Perhaps you can stop the suspension or at least obtain more lenient terms.

2. Once you know how many days (or months) you’ll need to go without a license, make an action plan.

First, determine your ideal outcome. How do you want the next four months (or however long the suspension will last) to work? Make a list of goals. For instance:

• Keep my job;
• Make sure I can get the kids to and from school and doctors appointments, etc.
• Stay out of legal trouble (i.e.. don’t violate the terms of the suspension);
• Arrange alternative transportation, so all bases are covered.

Once you’ve got a solid list of goals, work backwards to try to achieve them resourcefully. Ask yourself questions. For instance:

• Can the kids take the bus for the next three months?
• Can a neighbor or nanny help with errands?
• Can your spouse or partner help with childcare responsibilities?

An experienced Los Angeles DUI defense lawyer can advise you about this plan.

3. Execute your action plan, and stay the course.

Setbacks may happen, no matter how well you plan. For instance, you may not be able to anticipate an illness in the family. Or your boss who originally agreed to let you telecommute may change her mind and demand you come to the office every day. Solve such problems when they occur, and be creative and resourceful.

For help dealing with your Los Angeles DUI charges, connect with Attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers to schedule a free, no pressure consultation.

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Picture in your mind someone who’s been charged with driving under the influence in Glendale. Odds are, you’ll conjure up a stereotype, like:firefighter-dui-glendale.jpg

• A recidivist alcoholic;
• A college student at UCLA or USC who got busted after a night of partying;
• A debouched celebrity who’s been in and out of rehab.

Odds are, you did not picture a firefighter on a rescue mission.

But disturbing new reports from the San Francisco Chronicle suggest that DUI driving may actually be common among Bay Area firefighters.

Two fire chiefs and a battalion chief may be on the verge of suspension, after a firefighter drove DUI in a fire truck and slammed into a motorcyclist at the intersection of Howard Street and 5th Street. Michael Quinn, a lower level firefighter, allegedly had been drinking at a bar before he hopped into his truck to respond to what turned out to be a false alarm.

During the rescue mission, the fire truck smashed into motorcyclist, Jack Frazier, and catapulted him into a fire hydrant. Frazier broke many bones and suffered a collapsed lung. Amazingly (and fortunately) he survived the crash, but he’s still struggling and in pain from his injuries.

After the crash, the firefighter’s blood alcohol concentration level was measured; it came back at 0.13 percent. That’s just 0.03% percent shy of double the California (and Glendale DUI) limit of 0.08%. Other firefighters involved in the crash tested negative for DUI and drug consumption.

Frazier’s attorney pointed out that, while the firefighter “made an incredible … egregious mistake,” the problem of firefighter DUI driving appears to be “systematic.”

What can we take away from all this?

1. First of all, if you’ve been arrested for driving DUI in Glendale, appreciate that you’re not the only “ordinarily upstanding citizen” who’s ever been charged with a similar crime.
2. Secondly, use the incident as a wake up call. Strive to understand what’s going in your life that may have motivated you to act carelessly (if you did indeed act carelessly).
3. Third, if you have not already done so, take time to connect with a DUI defense attorney to construct your defense. Mr. Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers is an experienced, respected Glendale DUI defense lawyer; he and his team can help you put together a sound, results-focused case.

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As regular readers know, the Los Angeles DUI limit, as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 23152(b), is 0.08% BAC, as it is for most of the country. NTSB-pasadena-los-angeles-dui.jpg

However, that might all be about to change, thanks to a new initiative spearheaded by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). According to the NTSB Chairman, Deborah Hersman, “most Americans think we have solved the problem of impaired driving, but in fact, it’s still a national epidemic … on average, every hour one person is killed and 20 more are injured.” Investigators want to alter the recommendations to reduce alcohol impaired crashes, citing research that suggest that cognitive and visual impairment begins to decline at a BAC of 0.05%, rather than at 0.08%. The NTSB also says that America is behind the pack: over 100 countries worldwide have their BAC max set at 0.05% or lower.

It’s understandable why the NTSB wants to crack down and enforce more draconian Los Angeles DUI rules. But let there be no doubt – at least compared to the current paradigm, the measures the safety board wants to pass are, indeed, draconian. They include:

• Mandatory installation of interlock ignition devices (IIDs) for all offenders (currently, only one in four DUI offenders, nationwide, gets an IID);
• Stricter compliance with IID rules;
• The Board wants to boost the number of high visibility anti-DUI enforcement efforts, such as saturation patrols and sobriety check points;
• The NTSB wants police in Los Angeles and elsewhere to utilize passive alcohol sensors to look for alcohol in the ambient environment.

The NTSB and other concerned groups cite scary facts. Some statistics suggest that people who are under the influence of alcohol cause 60% of all wrong way accidents. Check out the report for yourself at http://go-usa-gov/Te: “reachingzero:actionstoreducealcoholimpaireddriving.”

The NTSB and the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration (NHTSA) want to help states like California improve the effectiveness of their anti-DUI programs by finding and communicating best practices.

But not everyone is on board with the proposed changes to Los Angeles DUI limits.

The American Beverage Institute’s Managing Director, Sarah Longwell, lashed out against the NTSB’s recommendations, calling them “ludicrous.” She told reporters “moving from 0.08% to 0.05% would criminalize perfectly responsible behavior … further restriction of moderate consumption of alcohol by responsible adults prior to driving does nothing to stop hardcore drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel.”

Per government statistics, if you’re at or above 0.08% BAC, you’re 169% more likely to get into a crash than a sober driver would be. But if you’re at 0.05%, you’re just 38% more likely. That may make the NTSB’s case seem bulletproof. But consider that drivers who do not sleep for 24 hours are at least as impaired as Los Angeles DUI drivers.

By that logic, should we criminalize “insomniac driving” the same way that we criminalize DUI? If not, why not? After all, studies show that driving while exhausted is just as dangerous as driving DUI.

It’s easy to gin up moral outrage at DUI driving. Obviously, it’s a problem that any responsible Los Angeles DUI defense attorney wants to stamp out as well. We all want to drive on safer roads and protect ourselves, our friends, and loved ones. The question is: how do we do this? What laws and rules and societal norms should be adopted and enforced? Furthermore, HOW should those rules and norms be enforced?

If you’ve recently been arrested for driving under the influence in Los Angeles, these questions are far from theoretical for you. Fortunately, the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers in Los Angeles is standing by to provide sensible, accurate Los Angeles DUI defense help. Connect with us today for a free consultation with an experienced ex-prosecutor.

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As a Glendale DUI offender — who caused an accident or suffered an illness or accident after the fact — you face a catch 22. You know that you need to build a sound defense. But you also have almost no energy to get the process started.sick-after-los-angeles-DUI.jpg

That you’re even able to surf the internet for advice about Glendale DUI is a pretty big accomplishment, given what you’ve been through. Unfortunately, as much as you’d love to be able to rest and recuperate, the longer you delay getting started with your DUI defense, the more difficult it may be to preserve your license, avoid jail time, and maximize your case.

• Maybe you hit a pole on Olive Blvd while driving DUI in Glendale, and you sustained a concussion, bruises, broken ribs, and worse.
• Maybe you don’t have any friends or family around to help you take care of matters.
• Perhaps you got a DUI at a checkpoint — police arrested you because you didn’t do well on your Glendale field sobriety test due to a previous injury. If your legs or knees hurt, it’s hard to walk a straight line, stand on one leg, et cetera.

The good news is that it doesn’t take that much effort and energy to lay the groundwork for an effective defense. A brief and confidential consultation with the team here at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers, for instance, can be all it takes. We can help you with “legal stuff,” so you can focus on healing from your injuries.

Recovering from a Glendale DUI accident or arrest is as much a psychological game as it is a physical one. Attorney Michael Kraut is an experienced, sensitive Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney. He’s worked with many clients who’ve been hurt in crashes; he understands the complex stresses that you’re under.

Just because you’re hurt, scared and under duress does not mean that you have to suffer in silence and accept unfair punishments.

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Why do so many Los Angeles DUI defendants trust Attorney Michael Kraut of Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers? One reason is that Mr. Kraut spent 14 years “on the other side” as a widely respected, highly accomplished criminal prosecutor. los-angeles-dui-ex-prosecutor.jpg

Here are three reasons why working with an ex-prosecutor makes tons of sense.

1. An ex-Los Angeles DUI prosecutor understands how your prosecutor will think and negotiate.

A baseball coach who actually played pro ball will have insights into the sport other coaches (who never made it to the “The Show”) won’t. Similarly, a nutritionist who heals herself through diet will understand what it’s like to go through diet struggles in ways that her “healthy from the get go” colleagues. Likewise, criminal prosecutors can develop deep insight into the prosecutorial mindset that defense-attorneys-for-life will never have. Sometimes, that intuitive empathy can give an edge.

2. Looking at the law “from both sides” can lead to unique solutions.

Your Los Angeles DUI case is a negotiation, technically speaking. It’s a conversation between your defense team and the prosecution to come up with an effective solution (punitive or otherwise). In any negotiation, stakeholders who invent more options often get better results. A former prosecutor can help invent options that might not be apparent to Los Angeles DUI lawyers who have only practiced defense.

3. Some ex-prosecutors remain very close to their former colleagues, and those relationships can be important.

Attorney Kraut, for instance, currently works as a criminal defense attorney. But he remains well respected by other prosecutors, police officers, et cetera. He uses these relationships (ethically, of course!) to help his clients navigate their complex situations, so that everyone involved wins.

For help with your Los Angeles DUI defense, turn to Harvard Law School educated attorney Kraut.

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Your Burbank DUI arrest might have been pretty “garden variety.” burbank-dui-134.jpg

Maybe you blew a 0.13% BAC on a breath test, after spending the night drinking and playing pool at Burbank Town Center. A sheriff saw you swerve on Hollywood Way, while you were driving to an after-party at an acquaintance’s house.

Or maybe you crashed into a sign while getting off the 134.

Your case is a huge deal to you. Depending on what happens with the charges, you could have to confront the loss of your California driver’s license, and you may face substantial jail time, fees and fines, hikes in your insurance rates, and other mayhem.

That said, odds are that your case is pretty “run of the mill.” In fact, you might be surprised by how similar your Burbank DUI case is to others. When you study large numbers of Burbank DUI cases, the results are stunning. People tend to misbehave in the same ways.

So is there anything new under the sun?

Definitively: yes! The details of each case ALWAYS matter.

• Tiny details can determine, for instance, whether the court accepts or rejects the results of a blood alcohol test that found that you had twice the legal limit for Burbank DUI, per CVC 23152(b);
• Tiny details can mean the difference between whether the court will let you off with or without jail time;
• Tiny details can mean the difference between whether this will be your one and only Burbank DUI arrest… or whether this event will signal a downward spiral in your life towards more criminal behavior.

Understand these two paradoxical truths about Burbank DUI:

1. Most DUIs are pretty similar to one another;
2. The details always matter in DUI cases.

So what should you do?

The answer is simple: sweat the details. Understand that no one can predict which small choices that you make (or fail to make) will affect your life. So to the extent that you can make good “little choices,” do so!

• Take time to be selective about your Burbank DUI criminal defense lawyer. Don’t just choose the first random name that you find on Google or choose an attorney that your third cousin recommended because he saw an advertisement several years ago.
• Choose a DUI defense law firm that has good values and credentials.
• Take action immediately to begin your defense. Don’t wait several days or weeks.
• Understand your arrest in context. Spend some time mulling over why you got in trouble. Address the root cause of your arrest, not just the superficial cause, so you can avoid trouble next time.

In life, if you get the “little things” moving in the right direction, the big things will often, spontaneously, move in that direction too. Connect with a Burbank DUI defense lawyer at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers today to build your effective defense.

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The story of Chicago Bears’ fullback Evan Rodriguez may be an important cautionary tale for Pasadena DUI defendants. Evan-Rodriguez-DUI-pasadena.jpg

On May 31, Illinois State Police stopped Rodriguez on the Kennedy Expressway (early in the morning) and tested him to have a BAC of 0.17%. For those of you keeping score, that’s nearly twice the legal limit for Glendale DUI of 0.08%, as set forth in California Penal Code Section 23152. Coach Phil Emery chastised Rodriguez early in the off season, when the fullback got into a scrape with police in Miami Beach. Police cited him for speeding and improper lane usage on I-90. Taken in context with his March arrest for resisting a police officer, the situation doesn’t auger too well for Rodriguez.

If you were arrested for extreme DUI in Pasadena (more than twice the legal BAC limit), you could be subjected to extra penalties, including extra jail time and very restrictive probation terms.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Cook County, a 53-year-old grandma got convicted of her seventh DUI on May 30th. The woman went drinking before she picked up her one-year-old grandchild from a local daycare. A jury convicted her of a special kind of crime – a Class X felony – and she faces up to 30 years behind bars.

According to news reports, police arrested Jenkins in April 2012, after she picked up her granddaughter at the Community Child Care Center of Palatine Township. Daycare workers were concerned. They thought she had been drinking. They saw her stumbling. After she hit another car while leaving the daycare, workers called the police, who stopped her on Quentin Road and subjected her to a field sobriety test.

Her breathalyzer tests were not sufficient to provide a reading, but witnesses at the daycare believed that she had been under the influence. In his closing statement, a prosecuting attorney told jurors, “the assistant director came out and pled for the defendant not to drive away, that she would call a cab. The defendant told her to go to hell.”

The law treats recidivist Pasadena DUI defenders very seriously. In fact, if you’re pulled over for a “standard DUI” — and you’ve already been convicted twice for DUI in the last 10 years — prosecutors can automatically elevate your charge to a felony.

This means that, instead of facing a few hours or days behind bars, you could face a half a year – or much more, particularly if you hurt someone, pulled a hit and run, resisted arrest, et cetera.

Building a strong defense against Glendale DUI charges is a challenging business, even if you have grounds to challenge the breath test or dispute the police’s version of events.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wage this battle on your own. The team here at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers is standing by to give you sensible, effective guidance. Connect with a former prosecutor and Harvard Law School educated attorney today for help to get the results you want for your Pasadena DUI case.

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In a recent blog post, this Los Angeles DUI defense blog summarized some of the dramatic anti-DUI recommendations proposed on May 14th by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The Board, together with groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), wants states like California to institute a rash of enforcement and policy measures, including: NTSB-Los-Angeles-DUI.jpg

• Mandatory interlock ignition installation for anyone convicted of DUI;
• More research on administrative license revocation (which lets police seize your license during an arrest);
• Most dramatically, lowering the DUI legal limit from 0.08% to 0.05%.

According to uncontested statistics, 30% of all fatalities on U.S. roads are tied to DUI driving. Three decades ago, 21,000 people annually lost their lives to DUI. That number has plummeted to around 10,000 deaths a year. That’s still 10,000 too many, but we’re certainly headed in the right direction.

President Obama has gotten behind strong anti-DUI laws. Since he committed to making U.S. roads safer, we’ve seen a substantial national decline in DUI accidents. But when taken in international context — over 100 other countries on the planet have DUI limits of 0.05% BAC or lower — our current laws and Los Angeles DUI limit of 0.08% seem downright lax by comparison.

Bill Maher sarcastically tweeted: “Nanny-staters, enough! Now they want to lower the legal blood alcohol limit from 0.08 to 0.05? I’m just glad George Jones isn’t alive to see it.”

But is there another side to this story?

Unsurprisingly, the American Beverage Institutes does not like the NTSB recommendations.

The group worries that lowering the BAC way down to 0.05% would criminalize perfectly responsible behavior. Depending on your height, genetics, metabolism, sex, and dozens of other factors, you could reach 0.05% after just one drink!

On the surface, the NTSB recommendations sound smart. They could very well save lots of lives, if they were implemented effectively. But would the recommendations create more criminals? Would they criminalize normal and safe behavior?

Furthermore, are we focusing too much on Los Angeles DUI behavior? Why not crack down on people who chat and text on their cellphones while driving — or who drive while extremely fatigued? After all, many studies (such as a famous one done at Virginia Tech several years ago) suggest that texting while driving is actually MORE dangerous than driving DUI in Los Angeles.

Should texters be given the same punishments as DUI drivers? Should they be forced to spend years behind bars, pay thousands of dollars in fines, go through “texting behind the wheel rehabilitation” programs, and so forth?

This blog obviously cannot resolve or even articulate all the challenging questions raised by the NTSB recommendations. That said, you’re probably less interested in this general discussion and more keen on getting practical help with your DUI arrest and defense.

Look at the team here at Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers for sensible, sensitive insight into your case. Call attorney Kraut and his team to help structure a DUI defense today.

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At what point should you plead guilty to your Pasadena DUI charges? plea-deal-pasadena-dui.jpg

How do you know whether to fight all the way to trial or whether to cut your losses and accept a reduced set of punishments?

Believe it or not, the answers to these questions are not clear cut. Plea bargaining a Pasadena DUI case is an art and a science… although you neglect the “science part” at your own risk.

Here are two factors to weigh heavily:

1. The opinion of an experienced successful Pasadena DUI defense attorney.

Your attorney should have lots of practical experience dealing with cases like yours. So if he or she suggests that you plead guilty to a lesser offense, consider that advice strongly. Of course, not all attorneys will always agree on the best tactics and strategies to be used. If you want a second opinion about your case, please connect with attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers today. Not only is Mr. Kraut a well regarded Pasadena DUI attorney, but he’s also a former prosecutor, so he’s spent time negotiating DUI cases on both sides.

2. What you’ll risk if you lose vs. what you’ll get if you win.

If you fight the charges tooth and nail and lose, what would the worst case outcome be? How would that be different from what would happen if you accepted a plea arrangement? Will you have to spend several more weeks in jail? Will you lose your license for a full year instead of a month or two? Weigh the pros and cons of the extreme outcomes against one another. Consider them in the context of the probabilities.

For instance, speaking frankly, your attorney might think that you’ll only have a 15% chance of prevailing at a trial. Is that risk worth it to you? Is the expense of going all the way to trial worth it? There is no one right answer for everyone.

To deal with your Pasadena DUI charges, turn to the thorough attorneys at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers. Mr. Kraut is a widely respected Harvard Law School educated ex-prosecutor. He amassed a track record of over 99% success at jury trials when he was with the DA’s office.

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On some level, you recognize that your Burbank DUI arrest could have lingering effects for months or even years. what-if-burbank-dui.jpg

You can’t help but wonder: “what if?”

• What if you had taken a different route home and avoided the checkpoint on Olive?
• What if you’d had one fewer drink, and you only blew a 0.06% on the breath test… instead of a 0.10% on the breath test, like you did (thus putting you over the legal limit, per California Vehicle Code Section 23152(b))?
• What if you had stayed in that night instead of partying with your friends?

These kinds of scenarios — known as counterfactuals — can drive anyone a bit crazy. If you had done a few small things differently, you wouldn’t have a huge Burbank DUI defense crisis on your hands.

To protect your sanity — and to ensure that you stay focused on what needs to be done — put the counterfactuals aside. What happened, happened. You got a Burbank DUI. That’s reality.

If this was your first arrest — and you didn’t hurt anybody — prosecutors might only try to tag you with a misdemeanor. If convicted, you can still face punishments like jail time, probation, and California license suspension. If you committed a more serious crime — like hit-and-run or an injury DUI — prosecutors can ask the court for harsher penalties, such as longer jail time and long-term restrictions on your driver’s license and other rights.

Regret is a natural emotion. But it’s only useful if it helps to direct your activities and your thoughts. Rather than focus on what you should have done, focus on what you’d like to happen now.

Imagine if everything “went your way.” What would that future look like? Would it mean that all your charges would be dismissed? Would it mean that you’d get away with a relatively minor punishment? If you caused an injury DUI in Burbank, would it mean that the person you hit fully recovered and forgave you?

Try to get as clear as possible about what you’d love to happen. Then direct your energies to that end. There is a strategic reason for doing this exercise. When you have a crystal picture of what you want to accomplish, you will find it easier to get motivated and to take the actions you need to take to make that inviting vision a reality.

Let the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers help you on this journey by providing a free, private consultation. We can help you understand your charges and construct and deliver a sound Burbank DUI defense.

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