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On the Monday before last, the Los Angeles County District Attorney dropped Los Angeles DUI charges against Eric Wright, a former cornerback for the Detroit Lions.
Per the Los Angeles Times, Wright had gotten into a car crash near the Staples Center. Police said he refused to take a Los Angeles DUI breathalyzer test or submit to a field sobriety test. eric-wright-dui-los-angeles.jpg

Since the car accident caused an injury to someone, Wright was initially hit with a felony DUI charge. As regular readers of this blog know, standard misdemeanor DUI charges (per CVC 23152(a) or 23152(b)) can be bumped up to felony DUI counts (per CVC 23153(a) or 23153(b)). You probably are familiar with the distinction between misdemeanor and felony convictions. But you may not “get it” viscerally. Please understand: convicted felons lose important rights (e.g. the right to vote), and they can face over a year behind bars.

In any event, Wright is lucky that no charges were filed, since he could have potentially faced disciplinary actions from the National Football League. He just signed a $37 million deal with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for a five year contract – a contract, which presumably might have been jeopardized had he been charged and convicted.
This blog has reported on a prolific number of NFL related DUI offences this past year or so.

The Detroit Lions in particular seem to be prone to getting into DUI related trouble. Aaron Berry, the cornerback positioned to replace Wright on the Lions’ squad, got hit with a DUI charge the previous Saturday and slapped with additional counts of failure to stop, failure to give information to police, and causing damage to an unattended vehicle.

Will you likewise be able to get your Los Angeles DUI charge dismissed or pled down to a lesser offence?

There is really no way of knowing, unless you talk to an experienced and thorough Los Angeles DUI criminal defense lawyer, like Mr. Michael Kraut of LA’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028).

Why work with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers?

• Attorney Kraut served as a prosecutor for 14 plus years before taking on criminal defense cases. As a result of his experience as a prosecutor, he understands the kinds of strategies that will be used against you, and he can prepare you effectively;
• Mr. Kraut is Harvard Law School educated;
• Mr. Kraut has won extensive plaudits from his legal peers, prosecutors, judges, and the lay press;
• Mr. Kraut can provide a free and confidential consultation to you to help you regain some peace of mind and develop a smart strategy to get out of your mess.

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When you got arrested for driving under the influence in Long Beach, you were not exactly pleased. No one is.long-beach-dui-no-nos.jpg

The decisions you make after you get stopped, however, can have an enormously profound impact on your ability to fight the charges — i.e. to get them dropped or pled down to lesser offences — as well as on your capacity to regain emotional equilibrium after the event.

For an extreme example of what “can go wrong” after a DUI arrest, let’s turn our attention northwards to Boise, Idaho. Last week, police arrested 53-year-old James P. Krapp (real name) for driving under the influence and a host of other crimes.

As regular readers of our Glendale DUI blog know, golf cart DUIs are surprisingly common, both here in the Southland and throughout America. The crime sounds a bit preposterous – like something out of a Caddyshack outtake, perhaps. But we keep seeing examples of it in the news. For instance, Sunday night before last, Mick Brown, the 55-year-old drummer for classic rock icon Ted Nugent, got hit with golf cart DUI up in Bangor, Maine. Brown’s story is more than a bit humorous – it reads like a stereotype of the “classic rocker bad boy breaking the law.”mick-brown-dui-glendale-attorney.jpg

According to police reports, Nugent stole a golf cart and drove it on a footpath recklessly, while DUI. Police officers tried to stop the runaway drummer, but he “sped past them” on his cart and even pushed a security officer aside. Eventually, two security officers grabbed Brown and pulled him off. He was riding with two females (of course).

Brown was arrested on a smorgasbord of charges including:

If you’ve recently gotten in trouble for a Beverly Hills DUI, you have company, in the form of 27 National Football League professional athletes. That’s right. Since the conclusion of the Super Bowl on February 5th, there have been 27 DUI arrests involving professional NFL athletes. Things really started to heat up in mid to late July, when three separate NFL DUI arrests hit in one week. The culprits: Kenny Britt of Titans, Robert Quinn of the St. Louis Rams, and Marshawn Lynch of the Sea Hawks.kenny-britt-dui-beverly-hills.jpg

In a series of posts, we’re going to address these arrests, both specifically and in a larger context. What might they mean for NFL? More importantly, what lessons can you learn from this trend to help you deal with your Beverly Hills DUI charges, put your life back together, and avoid trouble in the future.

In today’s post, we’ll take a closer look at Britt’s arrest.

According to news reports, the Titans receiver was tooling around Fort Campbell, Kentucky with teammate Tommie Campbell, when he was stopped at a security gate, tested and arrested for driving under the influence.

Britt was no stranger to brushes with law enforcement.

Last April, he got busted in New Jersey after speeding 20 miles over the speed limit and trying to elude an officer. His charges were ultimately reduced down to a fine and misdemeanor. But he got a stern warning from the League. Prior to that, he had been arrested on marijuana charges, resisting arrest, participating in a bar fight, failing to pay a promised bail, and a motley assortment of other unpleasantries. Sports watchers suspect that Britt’s punishment this time will be more severe – he will likely get a multiple game suspension on top of other punishments.

Fortunately, his DUI did not result in anyone getting seriously hurt or killed. If you do injure someone while DUI, you can face felony charges per California Vehicle Code Sections 23153(a) or 23153(b). If convicted, you could lose many rights, face over a year in jail, and be subject to other life altering (and not in a good way) restrictions and penalties.

Furthermore, if your Beverly Hills DUI was not your first brush with the law, prosecutors might go especially hard on you.

What can you do to manage your legal challenges?

Connect today with an experienced professional with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (8484 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 660B Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3220 Phone: (310) 550-6935). Attorney Michael Kraut is a Beverly Hills DUI criminal defense attorney who spent well over a decade on the prosecutorial side before switching over to represent defendants like you. He understands how prosecutors think and work, and he can help you devise and execute the most appropriate strategy for your defense.

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Driving under the influence in Glendale or anywhere else in California can lead to conviction under California Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) or 23152(b), which can result in serious jail time, fines, fees, and other radically harsh punishments – even if you didn’t hurt anybody and even if you were just “a little bit” over the limit.marshawn-lynch-glendale-dui.jpg

On the one hand, it should a “no brainer” to avoid driving DUI. On the other hand, it’s a relatively common offense – even among famous politicians and athletes and celebrities. Consider, for instance, the debacle that has been the National Football League: since the conclusion of the Super Bowl back in February, there have been 27 DUI-related arrests of NFL players. One of the folks caught up in the dragnet is Marshawn Lynch, a runningback for the Seattle Seahawks. He was hit with a charge of DUI in California up in Alameda County (Emeryville).

According to news reports, officers saw Lynch weaving around I-880 in a Ford Econoline van. CHP officers said that Lynch almost crashed into two other vehicles on the road before cops stopped him. He was put through the paces of a field sobriety test, arrested, booked, and then tested again with a breathalyzer test while in jail. Lynch’s attorney stated that his client was under the 0.08% BAC limit that defines the limit for DUI in Glendale and elsewhere, per CVC 23152(b).

But Lynch will likely face additional challenges due to his criminal history. Back in 2009, Lynch pled guilty to a misdemeanor gun charge here in Los Angeles and got 80 hours of community service along with a multiple game suspension. Back in 2008, he hit a woman with his car in Buffalo, NY and then drove off – resulting in a hit and run charge.

Will the discrepancies in Lynch’s blood alcohol tests ultimately help him get the charges dropped? Will his past criminal history and other brushes with the law impact his legal fate?

At this point, it’s impossible to know. His court date is scheduled for August 14th.

What you can learn from Lynch’s situation, if you have been charged with driving under the influence in Glendale?

The main takeaway is that subtleties about your arrest (or accident) — as well as your background — can dramatically influence your ideal strategic course, legally speaking. For instance, if the Glendale breathalyzer test that officers used on was miscalibrated or otherwise inappropriately handled, you might be able to build a case to get the breathalyzer evidence dismissed entirely (and thus possibly get your charges dropped or substantially reduced). On the other hand, if you can’t make that argument, you will need to find to some other way to develop a defense.

Very few people have the same sense for the subtleties of Glendale DUI law than attorney Michael Kraut of Glendale’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123). Mr. Kraut is a Harvard Law School educated lawyer who is often quoted in publications like the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times as a DUI expert. He is also a former city prosecutor – that means that he understands the mindsets and motivations of those who will be prosecuting you.

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A Pasadena DUI arrest can be a folly or a tragedy, depending on your perspective. todd-harrell-pasadena-dui.jpg

Often, there are aspects of both folly and tragedy in the story. Consider, for instance, the arrest of Todd Harrell, the 40-year-old bassist for the rock group 3 Doors Down. According to a Mississippi police chief, Harrell was stopped at D’Iberville, MS after he flew through an intersection and hit a pickup truck. Harrell was not wearing his seatbelt.

The bassist just recently left 3 Doors Down due to reported health problems. Harrell helped form the group back in 1996 along with singer Brad Arnold and guitarist Matt Roberts. Harrell’s blood tests and toxicology report are both pending, according to the local Mississippi authorities. He was released on a $1,000 bond.

Fortunately, no one was serious hit or killed in the collision, although Pasadena DUI situations can often unfortunately end in disasters – like serious injury or death. In that case, a charge that ordinarily only be considered a misdemeanor DUI (per CVC 23152(a) or 23152(b)) would be ratcheted up to a felony charge per the Pasadena injury DUI statutes, CVC 23153(a) and 23153(b).

Even if you arrest was relatively straightforward — for instance, say you were stopped at a checkpoint near the 210 and you just barely failed a field sobriety test — you can still face suspension of your California driver’s license for over a year, major fees, court costs, fines, points on your license, a huge spike in insurance rates, and, yes, even jail time. Even first offenders who don’t hurt other people can be compelled to spend serious time behind bars.

And if there was anything that complicated your DUI charge — e.g. you were extremely intoxicated, you hurt someone, you have a conviction for DUI on your record – then prosecutors can really go after you and make your life very challenging. While even the most effective Pasadena DUI criminal defense attorney cannot make miracles happen, your choice of lawyer can be pivotal.

Turn to Pasadena DUI criminal defense lawyer – and former L.A. city prosecutor – Michael Kraut for help. Mr. Kraut has the wherewithal, skills, and resources to put together a powerful defense for you. Connect with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers team today for a free, confidential, and thorough consultation (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899).

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Everybody knows that you’re not supposed to drive under the influence in Long Beach or anywhere else in the country.kidd-dui-long-beach.jpeg

Yet it seems like sports celebrities, in particular, have been forgetting this fundamental rule.

In a recent post, we talked about the rash of recent NFL-related DUIs. Today, we’re going to go to a different sports league — the NBA — and take a look at the arrest of Jason Kidd, a celebrated guard for the New York Knicks. According to repots, Kidd piloted his Cadillac Escalade into a telephone pole in South Hampton, New York and then continued to blaze a trial into the woods. The 39-year-old Kidd was taken to a local hospital (South Hampton Hospital) for treatment for his minor injuries and also tagged with a misdemeanor DWI charge. Kidd recently signed a three year contract with New York – worth $9.5 million. He is a 10 time NBA All Star.

Not exactly role model behavior.

Kidd apologized to his fans via his Twitter account: “I regret any disruption my accident last weekend may have caused members of the community and want to thank the local authorities… I’d also like to thank my family and friends for their support.”

Why are so many NFL players, NBA players, and other sports figures getting arrested for crimes like driving under the influence in Long Beach and elsewhere in the Southland?

The answer could be diverse. It could have to do with high adrenaline living that characterizes many sports celebrities. It could have to do with a lack of proper education about the dangers of DUI or how to prevent it. Unfortunately, there is lot of misinformation – and a lot of condescension – with respect to DUI out there.

If you or someone you care about was recently arrested and charged with DUI in Long Beach, you will likely encounter some serious friction – not only from the authorities but also from friends and family members who should support you better.

Defining and building an effective DUI defense means getting the right people “on your team.” Long Beach DUI defense lawyer Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers in Los Angeles (444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454 ) is an esteemed, experienced attorney who can talk to you about your case and help you develop a sound defense to get your life back together.

Connect with Attorney Kraut – a Harvard Law School educated former city prosecutor – today to being your path to a more sober and safe future.

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Policymakers, police, and lawmakers are in a perpetual desperate scramble to stop Burbank DUIs. This is an admirable quest. Even an A-list Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney, like the Harvard Law School educated Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers, would agree that reducing DUI arrests is a wonderful and important goal for our community.talking-urinal-cake-burbank-dui-prevention.jpg

Everyone wants the roads to be safer. The question is: how do we do it?

Once you get into the question of strategies, differences of opinion emerge!

One intriguing strategy got deployed over the 4th of July weekend in Michigan. It was an indirect strategy, intended to influence intoxicated men to call a cab, find a designated driver, or otherwise make smarter decisions.

How do these men access this font of wisdom? When they go to the bathroom.

That’s right — a company called Wizmark, based in Maryland, has been advertising wisecracking urinal cakes, which warn urinal “patrons” about the dangers of DUI in Burbank or Michigan or wherever. The message goes something like this: “Hey there, big guy! Having a few drinks? Then listen up. Think you’ve had one too many? Then it’s time to call a cab or a sober friend for a ride home.”

This message will certainly take restroom patrons for something of a loop. Who knows, maybe it will have some positive impact. The State of Michigan sure believes that the cakes will help – Michigan ordered 400 of the cakes to be deployed in various bars and eateries across the state.

Obviously, it’s important to test various mechanisms to try to thwart Burbank DUI events.

And thinking out of the box like this might even work. But when policy people lean on solutions without measuring results, they’re being unscientific. If policymakers really believe something like this might help, then they need to measure what happens in a controlled and sophisticated way that can be replicable and scalable.

Because if warnings like this do actually have a good effect – if they reduce DUIs by even just a small percentage – then maybe the program should be scaled up to a nationwide endeavor. Odds are, however, that this is an ad hoc experiment that’s not being carefully measured and controlled.

And therein lies a problem! Even sophisticated and seemingly useful tools, like the breathalyzer, are often highly flawed. Defendants often get confused about what test results might mean. That’s why it’s useful to at least talk to a Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney )2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810) as soon as possible after your arrest, so that you can get informed about the realities of your situation.

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No one wants to get arrested for DUI in Glendale or anywhere else. But there is a time and a place for pleading your defense. And that time is not when police are waving you and other cars over to pass through a Glendale DUI checkpoint.crazy-dui-in-burbank-and-los-angeles.jpg

Consider, for instance, what happened the Sunday before last on Pennsylvania’s Route 413.

A 52-year-old man, John Connors (no relation to the hero from the Terminator series) blew through a sobriety checkpoint and nearly hit five police officers, according to the Pennsylvania State Police allegations. In court documents, police said that Connors blasted his red 2005 Dodge Dakota through the checkpoint “at a high rate of speed, causing officers to jump out of the way from being hit by the vehicle.”

Unsurprisingly, the police took off after him and chased him onto Snowden Avenue, where the SUV ran out of room. The driver hopped out of the truck and fled into a wooded region, where police ultimately caught and arrested him. Connors resisted, prompting an officer to taser him twice to stun him into submission for the arrest. After taking him into the car, police noticed an odor of alcohol, slurry speech, glassy eyes – typical symptoms of a Glendale DUI. They also allegedly found marijuana on his person.

Connors was hit with a diverse and scary battery of charges, including third degree felony fleeing and attempting to elude police, first degree misdemeanor DUI, misdemeanor reckless endangerment (second degree), and multiple other charges. And guess what his bail was set at? A humongous $150,000.

Now imagine if we dial back in time, and instead of fleeing the checkpoint, Connors stops at the checkpoint and deals with whatever comes his way. He might indeed get arrested for something like misdemeanor DUI – and he could still face serious punishments, including jail time and fines and other “unfun” stuff. But he wouldn’t be facing all of the extra counts – his legal situation would be monumentally simpler.

The takeaway for you, if you face Burbank DUI charges.

Even if it’s a day after your arrest – or a week after your arrest – your actions from here on out will determine and perhaps define how your arrest will ultimately impact your life, your freedom, and your self-development for years to come.

In other words, your DUI situation is not yet over!

To that end, it’s time to take sober, responsible action. Let the team here at Glendale’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123) help you build an effective and strategic legal response. Attorney Kraut is a Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor who has a long and diverse history of helping clients like you succeed even in difficult circumstances.

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Independence Day has come and gone – and whether you or someone you love got arrested for DUI in Los Angeles over the holiday or after all the celebrations died down – you may find it useful to understand your situation in a broader context, so you can put forward the most effective and appropriate defense. dui-in-los-angeles-july4.jpg

To that end, did you know that 4th of July is single most deadly holiday of the year with respect to driving under the influence? July 4th “beats out” New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, President’s Day, you name it, according to 25 years of statistics parsed by the wonks at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). More than half of fatal July 4th crashes, on average, are related to alcohol.

The latest NHTSA statistics, which date back to 2010, found that during the three-day 4th of July weekend that year, 491 people died in auto accidents – 42% of fatalities were suspected DUI related. Meanwhile, during a four-day New Year’s period that same year, only 423 people died – a similar percentage, 41%, were suspected DUI related.

NHTSA statistics show that nights and weekends are the most dangerous times to drive. Researchers suspect that the reason why more 4th of July fatalities happen is that people know that New Year’s is a dangerous time to drive, so they know to stay off the roads; whereas the 4th of July is kind of a hidden danger – not many people realize that it’s a bad time to be on the roads.

All these statistics aside, you and your family need accurate and strategic guidance designing your Los Angeles DUI defense (Local: (323) 464-6453 Toll Free: (888) 334-6344). Connect immediately with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers for a confidential and thorough case evaluation. Attorney Kraut is very well-known and highly respected Los Angeles criminal defense attorney who spends a lot of time on DUI cases, and he can help you make better decisions and maximize your chances for getting good results.

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