Image Wrap

If you failed a breathalyzer and got arrested for driving under the influence in Burbank or elsewhere in the Southland, odds are you are beating yourself up right now. You’re scrambling to figure out how your life will change once your California driver’s license is stripped away, you’re forced to pay massive fines and spiked insurance rates, and you’re compelled by law to serve jail time.burbank-breath-test.jpg

Before you continue dreaming up “worst case scenarios,” it may be worth it to take a breath (no pun intended) and learn a little bit about the potentially flawed and contaminated science behind Burbank DUI breathalyzer tests.

Many Questions, Surprisingly Feeble Rebuttals
1. The “lung volume” problem.

The volume of air that you expel from your lungs depends on a slate of factors. Are you a man or a woman? Did you take a big breath or a shallow one? Often, police officers will ask you to take a deep breath before a breathalyzer to yield a higher BAC rating.

2. The “diversity of metabolism” problem.

Every person’s biochemistry is different. We have different metabolisms. Our blood vessels dilate differently. We absorb alcohol at different rates in different situations. Our bronchial tubes are different — this fact, too, can impact the rate at which the alcohol permeates into the sample. Our “blood breath” ratio can vary widely, depending on temperature, genetics, and other factors. Most breathalyzers are rudimentary, simple tools — not great for dealing with the massive complexity of the human body.

3. Prominent researchers’ concerns are un-refuted.

Researchers like A.W. Jones, Kurt Dubowski and Michael Hlastala — widely recognized authorities in alcohol breath testing — have pointed out many flaws in the common methodologies. Dr. Kurt Dubowski, a decorated member of the National Safety Council’s Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAOD) and recipient of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ top honor, has been a vocal critic of breathalyzer thinking. In one paper, Dr. Dubowski argued that time curves for blood alcohol can vary widely: most people assume that alcohol gets absorbed within 60-90 minutes, but the science tells us this is just not true.

An Isolated Example of “Junk Science”?

As any Los Angeles DUI lawyer will take you, most Burbank DUI defendants automatically assume that breathalyzer results must be “true” or at least probably valid because these tests are so ubiquitous and popular. If they didn’t work, why do so many police still use them? If the science is so bad and ambiguous – as this blog article and many other sources have argued – then why has there not been more of an uproar?

The answer has to do, probably, with human groupthink. Indeed, there is evidence in a surprisingly diverse number of fields that junk science may be the norm. It could impact fields as far ranging as climate science, diet and nutrition science, and even particle physics.

Of course, you are probably less interested in saving the world than in figuring out what to do about your Burbank DUI. To that end, connect with a Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810) to get a free and comprehensive consultation to find your best defense strategy.

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The typical Glendale DUI defendant often has a lot to complain about. Sketchy police behavior, a daunting bureaucracy, and less than sympathetic colleagues and family members can make your situation more complicated and fraught than it already is. However, the real problem may lie even deeper.glendale-DUI-treatment.jpg

Say you have substance abuse issues. You might diagnose yourself as “addicted” to substances like alcohol, narcotics, pain killers, prescription drugs, et cetera. So the question of whether you’re being “treated fairly” has a double meaning. Are you being “treated fairly” by the Los Angeles DUI defense system? Are you being “treated fairly” for Glendale DUI rehab?

Addiction: Caused by Powerlessness… or a Misplaced Attempt to Empower?

As any Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, the dominant treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is the 12 step program. One animating principle behind this approach is that addicts must admit that they are “powerless” over drugs and alcohol to regain control. Most treatment approaches build off this assumption. We believe that behaviors like drinking too much or eating too much or doing anything else in excess stem from impulse control. Unless you acknowledge that you are “acting out” in a destructive way – and work towards suppressing that “acting out” – you’ll likely fail to get your problems under control.

The bottom line: you’re likely to become a Glendale DUI recidivist. As we have talked before on this blog, the more times you get arrested for Glendale DUI, the more trouble you can get into – a person who gets a third misdemeanor conviction within 10 years, for instance, can see their charges bumped from misdemeanor to felony.

An alternate point of view suggests that addictive behaviors are rooted in our need for empowerment. Think back to the last time you “craved” a drink or a smoke or even some time to play video games on the internet. Odds are, you probably had an unhappy or frustrating thought prior to that impulse. Maybe you fought with your boss or spouse. Or maybe you got cut off in traffic.

Once you make the decision to have a drink — to do the addictive behavior — you automatically start to feel better. Taking this action reestablishes your sense of power and control over your life. Think about what that means! You are inspired to take these destructive actions because you need MORE power over your life – not less! Thus, treatment approaches rooted in trying to strip you or your power are going to encounter resistance, since they’re approaching the situation backwards. You need better STRATEGIES for finding how to get/maintain control that don’t involve alcohol or dangerous substances or behaviors.

For help dealing with a charge like driving under the influence in Glendale, connect with a prominent Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123 ) now.

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If you’re tagged for driving under the influence in Long Beach one time or twice, your story likely won’t make the AP,, or any other high-profile media outlet. Unless, of course, there is something extravagant or strange about your arrest—you are a celebrity, a politician, you drove a lawnmower while DUI, you rode a horse on top of a camel on top of a pig while DUI, etc. Likewise, if this isn’t your first or second arrest but your 102nd, odds are great that you will make the national spotlight.long-beach-dui-multiple-arrests.jpg

Consider the news last week. In Westport, Massachusetts, a driver from East Falmouth scored his sixth DUI, and the arrest made regional news. In Missoula, KPAX TV is reporting a parallel story—a man who had five DUI convictions under his belt notched his sixth charge the weekend before last on Brooks Street. In Tennessee, Kyle Brasher, 27, of Franklin, Tennessee posted a bond after he was arrested for his fourth DUI.

The intensity of the alleged crime, as well as its eccentricities, combine to make a Long Beach DUI story “newsworthy” or not.

As a Los Angeles DUI lawyer would tell you, any charge of DUI in Long Beach is serious—whether it’s on the front page or just the local police blotter. But if your story is fascinating in some way, or if you are charged with a serious crime, such as a hit and run or fatal DUI, or if your BAC level is extremely high (0.50 and or above), or if you did something crazy after your arrest like punch a police officer or spit a breathalyzer test back in an officer’s face, then your story might get picked up by the blogosphere and the major media.

What to do if your Long Beach DUI story “goes viral”

It’s challenging enough to deal with an arrest for a scary, embarrassing charge like DUI in Long Beach, even if your arrest is low profile.

If your case is on the road to becoming “famous,” the quality of your representation will play an enormous role, not only in determining whether or not you are cleared of the charges and can get “back to normal” quickly, but also in terms of whether you successfully deal with the media and the negative attention. If you make inappropriate public comments, you could ratchet up your challenges ten-fold.

Dealing in Reality
You may regret what happened on the night or day of your arrest/accident. That’s a normal feeling—that’s human. Some regret, in fact, is healthy. But regret, in and of itself, can’t help you plan your next steps. You need clarity. What’s your current reality? What are your challenges? What are the charges against you? What are you doing to prepare?

You also need clear goals: what’s the best-case outcome for your case? How can you recover emotionally, financially, and legally? Lastly, you need the right strategies and outside help to bridge the gap between your current reality and your vision for success.

Let Attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454 ) help you discover an effective strategy for going forward. Attorney Kraut is a highly successful and well-respected Long Beach DUI criminal defense lawyer with a Harvard Law School background, and he served in the DA’s office as a prosecutor for more than 14 years.

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The Long Beach DUI news was rather pedestrian last week—but not the DUI news out of Malibu. james_mee_mel-gibson-los-angeles-dui.jpg

No, Mel Gibson did not get arrested yet again for driving under the influence on the PCH. However, the deputy who arrested him that fateful night back in 2006 has won a settlement of $50,000 in a religious discrimination lawsuit related to the Gibson stop.

Deputy Mee is Jewish. Allegedly, Gibson ripped into him with anti-Semitic comments, after Mee pulled him over. According to a Fox News report, “Mee… claims his superiors forced him to remove the anti-Semitic comments made by the actor at the time from a report… he later received negative performance reviews and was denied promotion opportunities.”

The settlement marks a victory for Mee. Earlier, a judge doubted that he would be able to prove his case. The judge had said that Gibson and Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca would not be called as witnesses.

Gibson expunged his Los Angeles DUI conviction in 2009, after he served his sentence. His public persona was damaged, particularly because of the alleged anti-semitic tirade. In 2011, Gibson again made national headlines when his taped rants against his ex-girlfriend were released on celebrity blog sites. Gibson sounded totally unhinged and scary on those tapes.

As the Gibson story illustrates, the quest to put your Long Beach DUI behind you can be an elusive one.

You may find success in the short-term only to relapse and be rearrested for DUI in Long Beach a month or a year or 5 years later. And every time you get arrested or get into trouble with the law, you are more likely to face steep fines and punishments.

As your Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, first-time offenders for misdemeanor DUI charges can face a large number of penalties (jail time, mandatory alcohol school, CA driver’s license suspension, major court costs and fines, etc). But these penalties pale in comparison to penalties for repeat offenders. For instance, if you commit three more DUIs within a 10-year period, your simple misdemeanor charge can get transformed into a felony charge. If convicted of that, you could face over a year in jail and other harsh punishments.

Long Beach DUI criminal defense attorney
Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454) will help you work through your struggles and develop the most reasonable, most strategic defense based on the facts of your arrest, your history, and your values.

Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor with a Harvard Law School education who is well known in the community as a compassionate, yet aggressive, legal representative.

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The Super Bowl may be over (sorry, Pats fans), but the Glendale DUI sports news keeps pumping out interesting stories. The Associated Press reports that Knowshon Moreno, a running back for the Denver Broncos, was pulled over in South Denver last week on charges that he had been speeding in a construction zone (going 70 miles per hour when the speed limit was 45 mph) and driving under the influence of alcohol.Knowshon-Moreno-DUI-glendale.jpg

Not great news for Moreno or the Broncos. Moreno is on the roster bubble—he is recovering from a torn ACL he suffered last year—and the Broncos’ stern written response may not augur well for his prospects next year (assuming he is well enough to play).

You might be wondering: What does Moreno’s relatively pedestrian arrest mean, if you’ve been charged with the driving under the influence in Glendale?

Good question.

We can extract several lessons from what happened to him:

1. No one is immune from Glendale DUI charges.

In some sense, it’s helpful to read stories about sports figures, politicos, legislators, and even police officers who have been tagged for crimes like driving under the influence. As a Los Angeles DUI lawyer will tell you, many defendants feel alone or isolated—full of self-blame and self-judgment. When you see just how many different people from diverse backgrounds get charged with this crime, you at least feel slightly less alone.

2. DUI is often psychologically driven.

No one can know what was going inside Moreno’s head before and after he got caught. But consider that he had torn his ACL and had been out for the season; he was on the so-called “roster bubble”; and he was still recovering from one of the Broncos’ most watched seasons in years (thanks to the heroics of QB Tim Tebow). All that pressure undoubtedly played some role in Moreno’s decision-making process. As a good Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, your underlying psychology can have an unbelievably profound influence on your capacity to build and execute a sound defense.

3. Your Glendale DUI arrest is just the beginning.

Your life is not over. In fact, you have a tremendous ability to influence your future. The bad choices you made may have profoundly negative effects: You could wind up serving significant jail time, suffer a long license suspension, be compelled to attend mandatory alcohol classes, be forced to install an interlock ignition device in your vehicle, and so on.

For instance, if you try to represent yourself or if you choose a poor Los Angeles DUI lawyer to represent you, your case could wind up compromised. On the other hand, by connecting with a Glendale DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123), you might be able to begin on the road not just to saving your license and staying out of jail, but also to dealing with the underlying problems that led you to this brush with the law in the first place.

Attorney Kraut understands what defendants need. He also understands what prosecutors need and how they operate because he was one—he served as a Senior Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles for nearly a decade and a half. He is widely recognized as one of the top authorities of Los Angeles DUI law. Attorney Kraut is widely sought after as a trusted commentator on Los Angeles DUI news by likes of the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Fox News, KTLA, etc.

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The death of pop icon Whitney Houston has vast cultural implication; whether you are a Los Angeles DUI defendant, recovering narcotics addict, or merely a fan of the great late star’s music. So it’s worth it to spend a bit of time reflecting on her legacy and discussing the implications of her tragic death at age 48.whitney-houston-dui-los-angeles.jpg

Pundits and bloggers have been quick to speculate about Houston’s death, based on her public battles with drug and pill addiction. As anyone who has been pulled over for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Los Angeles can tell you, once you’ve developed a “reputation” as an addict – or simply as someone who has trouble controlling behavior – that reputation then colors people’s future judgments of you. Often unfairly.

It’s not that such speculation is necessarily groundless. It’s just… we often rush to conclusions. For instance, consider statements made by CNN anchor Nancy Grace on Monday. Although Grace admitted on air that the cause of pop singer’s death was not yet figured out, she began to speculate wildly, comparing her death to the deaths of Michael Jackson and Anna Nicole Smith. Grace wondered aloud on TV: “I’d like to know who was around her… who, if anyone, gave her drugs following alcohol and drugs. And who let her slip, or pushed her, underneath that water?”

As an LA Times blog article noted, CNN’s other anchors quickly did damage control and tried to reel Grace back from the speculation.

The moral here is: when we allow our speculation to get the best of us, we often overlook crucial information. When you idly chat about what happened to such and such celebrity, the consequences are negligible.

But as any Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, when you plan your defense against serious charges (such as charges of violating California Vehicle Code section 23152 (a) or 23152 (b)), your “rush to judgment” can have massively negative consequences.

For instance, you might assume that, since you had not been drinking or driving under the influence of medication, that you will be ultimately exonerated. But that’s not necessarily the case! The “truth” will not necessarily set you free, by itself. You might have blown a “false positive” on a breathalyzer – or the police may have arrested you just on the basis of your erratic driving and failed field sobriety test.

Although you experienced the arrest first hand, you may not be clear about the objective reality of what happened that day (or night). And you certainly likely do not understand the Los Angeles DUI process well enough to rest easy.

It’s okay to be confused. It’s okay to be scared.

But you have a critical next step: find a Los Angeles DUI lawyer who can take a clear headed, calculated look at the circumstances of your stop and arrest and construct a thorough and smart defense for you.

Attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028) can provide a free consultation. Attorney Kraut is a very experienced Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney who spent years working as a prosecutor (racking up a very successful jury trial record) before switching to represent criminal defendants.

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A Pasadena DUI arrest can be a devastating blow not just to your freedom and your pocket book, but also to your potential career advancement.Shayne-Skov-dui-pasadena.jpg

Witness a sad and frustrating story reported in the Stanford Daily last week: College linebacker Shayne Skov got stopped and arrested Sunday morning for driving under the influence and taken to a San Jose jail.

Skov had been one of Stanford’s top players—an NFL prospect and a “team leader.” He suffered a serious knee injury in a game at the University of Arizona; this blow knocked him out for the season. Insiders believe that, had he been healthy, he would have been one of the top inside linebackers in all the PAC12.

But now what? With his knee hurt and a DUI under his belt, what will become of Skov’s future, both as a player (and potential NFLer) and as a California citizen?

A Los Angeles DUI lawyer often must act not only as legal counsel but also as a “listening machine” to understand what’s really at the root of a defendant’s crisis. A Pasadena DUI arrest, for instance, might have many deep root causes:

• A psychological or even physiological dependence on alcohol or controlled substances;
• A “lapse of reason” provoked by a very emotional event (including happy events);
• A temporary and tragic misjudgment (e.g., thinking you only had two drinks when in fact you had four);
• Deep-seated psychological issues, which can stretch all the way back to childhood;
• Peer pressure;
• And beyond.

To develop the most rigorous possible defense, your Los Angeles DUI attorney will need to examine the facts on the ground, as well as the psychology. Why did you fail the Pasadena DUI breathalyzer test? What symptoms of DUI did you exhibit? Did the police act Constitutionally? Did the police make any errors in terms of stopping you, arresting you, or booking you?

Potential holes in the prosecution’s case might abound. But you need an accurate and experienced Los Angeles DUI defense attorney to exploit those holes. Moreover, you need to act quickly. If you do nothing or move too slowly, the punishments and penalties can mount up, and you may automatically lose your California vehicle license for a long period of time. Evidence that could potentially exonerate you or challenge the prosecution’s case may disappear or be forgotten. The prosecution may use your “lag time” to build a more solid case against you.

Fighting back effectively
A Pasadena DUI criminal defense attorney with the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899 ) will help you identify “best practices” for your defense situation. In some cases, this might mean fighting all the charges and demanding complete exoneration. In other cases, it might mean trying to settle with prosecutors for a lesser charge. Each case is filled with nuances and potentially tricky elements. So it’s very important to choose the right lawyer for your needs. Attorney Michael Kraut is a Harvard Law School-educated former prosecutor. As such, he understands what your prosecutors are thinking, and he can help you make the right choices to respond to what they are planning.

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It’s a theme this blog often covers: Someone gets stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence in Burbank (or elsewhere)… and that’s when the REAL trouble starts. Like-father-like-son-dui-burbank.jpg

In other words, the suspect does something stupid after the police have already stopped him or her, and the net result is a hugely more problematic situation.

As an experienced Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you, your Burbank DUI penalties can escalate wildly if you commit crimes after the fact, such as hitting a police officer, spitting a breathalyzer test back at the police officer, resisting arrest, committing a hit and run, etc.

A crazy case out of Central Pennsylvania illustrates how badly things can go wrong after the fact. Twenty-four year old David Peterson, Jr., was arrested after police found him passed out in his vehicle. The young man had a BAC of over twice the legal limit (the Burbank DUI legal limit, as defined by CVC Section 23152(b) is 0.08% BAC). No doubt scared and intimidated, Mr. Peterson called his father, 44 year old David Peterson, Sr., who promptly hopped in his vehicle and drove to the station to pick him up.

Surprise—the elder Mr. Peterson also had alcohol on his breath. After admitting to police that he had driven to the station, Mr. Peterson submitted to a breathalyzer test and was found to have a blood alcohol concentration of 1.5 times the state’s legal limit. So guess what? He, too, got arrested for DUI.

On some level, this father-son DUI arrest sounds amusing: We leave it to the reader to speculate on the potential Freudian issues at play. On another level, it speaks to the point we were talking about earlier about how Burbank DUI suspects often engage in, shall we say, less-than-strategic behavior after the police arrive.

The younger Mr. Peterson faces a preliminary hearing on February 15, while his father faces a hearing on February 22.

Here are some good rules of thumb to help you stay out of trouble AFTER you’ve been tagged for a Burbank DUI:

1. Speak with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer as quickly as possible.

A good attorney can help you collect and synthesize evidence and statements, challenge police reports and tests, and generally give you a strategic path to avoid things like significant jail time, massive fees and court costs, California drivers’ license-related punishments, etc.

2. Remember that the past is past.

Although you may regret consuming alcohol, narcotics, or medications and then getting behind the wheel, you can’t undo the past. If you get stuck ruminating over what went wrong, you won’t learn the appropriate lessons from what happened. Accept that what happened, happened. And move on by making smarter choices going forward.

3. Learn from what went wrong.

Even if the police wrongfully arrested you or messed up their investigative work or breathalyzer testing, you likely made some mistakes that put you in a position to become a criminal defendant. Spend some time thinking about and writing about what went wrong, and what you can do next time to circumvent that kind of problem.

For help with your defense needs, connect with an experienced Burbank DUI criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810). Michael Kraut is an experienced former prosecutor (Harvard Law School educated) who has won the respect of peers and delivered results time and again at jury trials.

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The law is the law. Driving under the influence in Pasadena (or elsewhere in the Southland) can be punished pursuant to California Vehicle Codes 23152(a) or 23152(b)…or, if you caused injury to someone, by the harsher CVC Codes 22153(a) and 22153(b).pasadena-bradford_dui.jpg

No one wants to have to find a Los Angeles DUI lawyer to fight these charges and deal with the hassles of punishments like license suspension, mandatory alcohol school, mandatory interlock ignition device installation, fines, court costs, jail time, insurance hikes, destruction of personal reputation, etc.

But at the very least, if we’ve been accused of a DUI in Pasadena, we can take heart that the law will treat us just like it would treat any other citizen. After all, this is America.

Or is it?

Steven Colbert style humor aside, a news story out of Denver, Colorado has some observers scratching their heads: are some Pasadena defendants, in fact, more privileged than others?

The Scoop Out of Denver
In late January, Denver police nearly arrested Republican representative Laura Bradford for DUI. Nearly, but didn’t. Bradford was driving erratically, after she attended a “lobbyist happy hour” function. It’s unclear whether or not she was actually above the legal limit for DUI in Pasadena (or Colorado or wherever) of 0.08% BAC. But critics have accused the lawmaker of “invoking legislative immunity” to get out of her DUI charge.

A spokesperson for the Denver Police Department, Matt Murray, issued an apology for harassing Bradford. Curiously, Bradford reportedly told the sergeant who pulled her over that she had a firearm at her car. In Colorado, if you drive DUI with a firearm, you can be tagged with a significant misdemeanor.

Meanwhile, the political implications of this “DUI that wasn’t” could really stir the pot of Colorado’s politics.

Currently, Colorado’s house is almost totally divided between Republicans and Democrats: 33 to 32. Bradford now may face an ethics investigation. She’s apparently furious at the “lack of support” she’s received from Republican colleagues. She’s even hinted that she might switch parties. If she went from Republican to Independent, Colorado politics would be momentarily thrown into turmoil, since the House would have to elect a new speaker. If she flipped to the Democratic side, the Democrats would control the ball game.

Not every Pasadena DUI case is as dramatic and fraught with political implications, obviously.

That said, you want to connect to a Los Angeles DUI attorney who has the capacities, resources and experience to help you, if your case does become complicated or convoluted. So even if your situation seems simple now – perhaps you just got pulled over at a checkpoint and tagged for driving under the influence in Pasadena with a BAC of 0.10% or something (no injuries or vehicle damage, etc) – the seeming simplicity of your case may be misleading. When your Los Angeles DUI lawyer delves into your case, who knows what he or she might find? You need to be prepared to face anything the prosecutors will throw at you.

To that end, consider connecting today with Pasadena DUI criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut of Pasadena’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899). For nearly a decade and a half, Mr. Kraut served as a city prosecutor (going after people for crimes like DUI) before switching over to become a criminal defendant. Connect with this well-established, highly reputable, Harvard Law School educated attorney today to solve your Pasadena DUI defense issues.

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Last November 14th, LA Dodgers first baseman James Loney was busted and charged with driving under the influence in Los Angeles, after he crashed his Maserati into two other cars on the freeway. James-Loney-los-angeles-DUI.jpg

The 27-year old apparently spat a breathalyzer mouthpiece at one of the police officers and demonstrated symptoms that any Los Angeles DUI lawyer would tell you could get you in serious trouble with the law. Per “Loney’s behavior was incredibly bizarre…[he] exhibited eyelid tremors and his shirt was soiled and moist from perspiration, from his armpits down to his waistline.”

From the headlines, the case sounded cut and dry. But lo and behold, twists and turns have happened, as they often do, as any established Los Angeles DUI attorney will tell you.

The toxicology reports on Loney came back NEGATIVE. That means the prosecutors do not have evidence to pursue his case. The LA City’s Attorney’s Office has dropped the matter.

No drugs and no alcohol. Interesting.

Loney’s arrest obviously captured the city’s imagination. He plays for Dodgers. Also, it’s not every day that you see a Maserati spinning wildly out of control and crashing into vehicles on the freeway. Incidentally, Loney just inked a deal with the Dodgers for $6.4 million. Next year, he will be eligible to be a free agent.

But not every LA DUI arrest is as flashy. If you or someone you love was involved in a more pedestrian (meaning: “less dramatic” not “I was walking”) experience of Los Angeles DUI, you might wonder how this story could be relevant to your defense.

After all:

A) You’re not a first baseman for the Dodgers.

B) You do not (presumably) own a Maserati.

C) You know better than to spit a breathalyzer mouthpiece at a police officer (presumably).

Fair enough. Also, you have no way of telling, from the news reports alone, what actions Loney’s Los Angeles DUI attorney did (or did not) take to help him. Obviously, the negative toxicology reports certainly didn’t hurt his chances of getting exonerated.
But you should never count on good luck to get you out of a tight spot!

Instead, even if you’ve been accused of committing a relatively minor offense, like a misdemeanor Los Angeles DUI, in which no one was hurt and no damage was done, you can make a significant progress towards a better outcome simply by choosing your Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney carefully.

Michael Kraut of the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028) is a highly reputable former city prosecutor (14-plus years as a Senior Deputy District Attorney). He boasts a Harvard Law School education, wide respect from peers (and opponents) in the court system, and an excellent record – nearly immaculate, in fact – at jury trials.

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