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A Glendale DUI arrest might have radically altered your life and, potentially, your family’s future. But an even more profound (at least from the perspective of national politics) arrest took place last Sunday in Crenshaw County, Alabama, when Caleb Moore, the 20-year old son of possible presidential contender Roy Moore, got pulled over on suspicion of speeding. Police arrested Moore on charges of possessing drug paraphernalia and controlled substances and driving under the influence. Now how, you might ask, does Mr. Moore’s arrest tie back to both the 2012 presidential campaign and to issues germane to those who’ve recently been stopped and charged with Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Burbank DUI, Los Angeles DUI, etcetera?judge-roy-moore.jpg

Let’s go slowly, and we’ll tie it all together.

First, understand that Moore’s arrest creates a certain degree of trouble for his father’s presidential aspirations. Roy Moore, if you might recall, is an extremely conservative former Alabama Supreme Court Justice who famously was removed from office for refusing to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments from the court’s lobby. This defiant act made him a hero to many social conservatives. Given that Moore tried to cultivate a persona as a morally upstanding figure, his son’s arrest might damage his image.

According to the Washington Post, Roy Moore is refusing to talk about the details of the arrest “because his son has applied to be treated as a youthful offender.”

But rather than get side-tracked on a tired discussion about political morality and hipocracy, let’s think about this situation from a more compassionate point of view. Many people – including friends, family members and co-workers – are quick to “judge” anyone arrested for driving under the influence in Glendale. Even if you clear your name by, for instance, showing that you passed all of your Glendale field sobriety tests or that the police made a mistake, you may find yourself subjected to a lot of subtle moral judgments.

How do you deal with all of that?

The answer is trickier than you might think. If you really do have a problem with alcohol — or even with impulsive decision-making in general — you want people to tell you the truth. You want to address the root causes of that behavior. On the other hand, you want to be able to separate yourself from your DUI arrest – to avoid having the arrest become a kind of albatross hanging around your neck, dragging down your self esteem, your work prospects, and infecting your relationships with colleagues, friends, and family members.

Cultivating the most appropriate response begins with getting good help. Glendale’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123) can provide a free consultation to help you sort out your strategic options. Mr. Michael Kraut, an experienced and highly regarded Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, will work with you to help you come up with a plan that meets your needs, goals, and principles.

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What if you could just click your heels three times and make your Pasadena DUI charge disappear, like something out of the Wizard of Oz? That’s obviously impossible, even for the most adept Los Angeles criminal defense attorney. But you may have more resources to battle charges of Burbank DUI, Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, and Los Angeles DUI than you realize.pasadena-dui-montana.jpg

Situations that at first seem dire can often be resolved successfully through negotiation, strategic planning, and well-directed effort. Consider, for instance, the case of Nate Montana, a quarterback for the University of Montana and the oldest son of Hall of Famer Joe Montana (try saying “Montana” three times fast). On June 3rd, the younger Montana got pulled over and arrested under suspicion of DUI. He refused a breathalyzer test but performed relatively well on field sobriety tests. Ultimately, the Missoula County Attorney’s Office decided that Montana’s performance on the FSTs did not merit a DUI charge. Montana worked out a plea deal. He agreed to pay $435 in court costs and fines, participate in a chemical dependency program, and accept a six month license suspension (because he refused the breath test). In exchange, the court suspended a 90-day jail sentence for the Grizzlies’ QB.

This was not Montana’s first brush with the law – or with charges of intoxication. Last year, while playing for Notre Dame, he and 10 other Fighting Irish athletes were busted for underage drinking and charged with misdemeanors.

If you’ve been recently hit with a charge of driving under the influence in Pasadena, you might be wondering how this “football royalty’s” experience relates to yours in a constructive way. It does, obliquely. Nate Montana’s experience illustrates that DUI defendants – even ones who perform inadequately on Pasadena field sobriety tests (e.g. figure to the nose, Rhomberg, walk the line, counting backwards by threes, etcetera) can rebound surprisingly quickly from their charges and from the humiliation, frustration, and agitation.

The first step is getting the best help you can and identifying a clear path toward success. Pasadena’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899) can help you outline, sketch out, and move forward with an appropriate strategy based on your needs, concerns, and principles. Mr. Kraut is a renowned former prosecutor who often appears on television (and in major newspapers) as an expert guest commentator on DUI news issues.

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Last Tuesday, a Los Angeles DUI story managed to (briefly) distract Angelinos from the imminent closure of the 405 (a.k.a. “Carmageddon”). Rodney King — the famous LAPD beating victim whose video beating, as you might remember, ignite race rights in the city and ultimately branded L.A. as a cauldron of intolerance for over a decade — got stopped by police who witnessed him committing multiple traffic violations. carmageddon.jpg

King was apparently pulled over and booked without incident. (not unlike most arrests for Los Angeles DUI, Burbank DUI, Glendale DUI, or Pasadena DUI). The 46-year old minor celebrity (he appeared on a recent season of Dr. Drew’s “Celebrity Rehab”) is no stranger to charges of driving under the influence in Los Angeles. In 2003, he collected a DUI. And just this March, police pulled him over one day short of the 20th anniversary of his famous taped beating for driving with an expired license.

It’s unclear yet whether King was indeed violating California Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) or 23152(b). Either way, given King’s history with city law enforcement – and their history with him – even if the charges turn to be relatively mundane and King cooperates (i.e. there is no drama), you can be sure that you will be reading a lot about the aftermath of this arrest in the blogosphere. Perez Hilton, for one, published a snappy and snarky blog post about King’s arrest just hours after the news broke.

Can a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney help you identify a practical and strategic way to respond to charges like DUI? Or will you be doomed to lose your license and suffer penalties like extended jail time, harsh probation terms, and massive fines and court costs, no matter what actions you take?

Truth be told, your choice of legal representation can matter tremendously. Attorney Michael Kraut (of Los Angeles’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers – 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1520, Los Angeles, California 90028) provides free consultations for defendants charged with DUI in L.A. Attorney Kraut is a former prosecutor for the city – for well over a decade, he worked every day to put criminal defendants behind bars – so he understands how the prosecutors working against you think and act, and he can use his knowledge and relationships to build you a more effective defense.

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When a celebrity like famous 80’s rocker Rick Springfield faces a charge like driving under the influence in Beverly Hills or Malibu, you can be sure that tabloids and websites like will be all over the story: speculating, criticizing, and occasionally sympathizing with the famous person at the center of the storm. Rick_Springfield_DUI.jpg

If you or someone you care about has recently been hit with a similar charge, such as Glendale DUI, DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Los Angeles, or driving under the influence in Burbank, you might follow these celeb arrests particularly closely – not only to see whether they might have indirect bearing on your case but also to learn more about how defendants deal with them, functionally and dysfunctionally.

Before we get into too much speculation, let’s take a closer look at what happened to Springfield. On May 1, as this blog reported, the “Jessie’s Girl” singer got stopped on Pacific Coast Highway in his 1963 Corvette – allegedly he had been speeding. The 61-year-old Springfield took a blood alcohol test and scored 0.10% BAC – as regular readers of this Los Angeles criminal defense attorney blog know, a BAC level of over 0.08% constitutes a DUI level of intoxication, according to California Vehicle Code 23512(b).

As this blog also tries to hammer home, just because you fail a Beverly Hills breathalyzer test, field sobriety test, or even blood test does not mean that you will be convicted of charges. Springfield, for instance, pled not guilty through his lawyer last Tuesday in Malibu. His case is relatively straightforward (or at least it appears to be, from news stories). His misdemeanor DUI charge is not associated with injuries, hit and run, or other criminal or logistical complications.

Not every defendant faces such simple charges. You might face extra legal trouble and hurdles if you have previously been convicted for a DUI or other criminal charge, if you hurt someone during your DUI, if you engaged in a “hit and run” accident or acted belligerently or inappropriate to police at the scene, etc.

One of the keys to success is acknowledging your specific reality – your concerns, values, fears, and potential punishments. The details of your DUI case matter profoundly – as does your choice of legal representative. Beverly Hills’ Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935) can not only advise you about your rights but also help you uncover unique and extremely helpful strategies to battle charges, potentially get them dismissed, and get your life back on track. Attorney Kraut is a well respected former prosecutor (14+ years as a Senior Deputy DA). His combined experience from both sides give him an advantage that few other defense attorneys have.

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A roiling debate over Burbank DUI checkpoints (and checkpoints throughout the Golden State) has taken Sacramento by storm. A Democratic assemblyman from Los Angeles, Gil Cedillo, introduced legislation to prevent law enforcement from impounding the cars of unlicensed drivers stopped at checkpoints for DUI in Burbank, DUI in Glendale, DUI in Pasadena, DUI in Los Angeles, and DUI elsewhere in CA. Cedillo’s bill passed, and it is now headed for the Appropriations Committee. Burbank-DUI-Check-point.jpg

The legislation passed — but not without some very vocal detractors, including Ellen Rosenberg, whose child was killed by an unlicensed driver in 2010. Ms. Rosenberg testified a Senate Public Safety Committee meeting and protested the bill. Opponents have cited an AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study from 2000 that found that unlicensed drivers cause more than five times as many auto accidents as do licensed drivers. Cedillo and others point out that many DUI checkpoints are not anywhere near bars or drinking establishments and have been engineered purposely by law enforcement agents to impound cars instead of to protect against DUI.

As with most debates over how to clamp down on driving under the influence in Burbank, strong opinions are common. Reality is likely far more complicated than both sides wish to acknowledge. Unfortunately, our civic discourse often devolves to the point where sides with opposing interests simply fail to hear each other’s deep human needs.

As Marshall Rosenberg, founder of a school of thought called Nonviolent Communication, often inveighs: When two sides fail to connect at the level of need – to really empathize with one another – the solutions wind up being punitive, frustrating, and dissatisfying.

So let’s examine, as an experiment, the needs of various potentially affected people:

• Immigrant drivers who may not have a license: they need respect; they need to be able to see their friends, family, and to get to work; they need to build a life for themselves.
• Drivers and pedestrians: They have a strong need for safety on the roads and elsewhere
• Police: They have a need to exert autonomy, enforce the law, and experiment with strategies to make their jobs easier and make the lives of the citizens they protect safer and better

This is obviously an incomplete inventory. But even if you just look at this list of needs, they all sound pretty universal and understandable. The challenge, of course, becomes devising strategies that meet everyone’s needs, and that’s often not an easy thing to do – but it’s a particularly difficult challenge when various sides won’t even listen to one other.

If you have recently been arrested for DUI, an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorney at the Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (2600 West Olive Avenue, 5th Floor, Burbank, California 91505 Phone: (818) 563-9810) can listen to your needs and help you come up with an appropriate strategic response to limit your penalties or get them dismissed entirely. Attorney Kraut is a former District Attorney (prosecutor) who understands Los Angeles DUI law from multiple perspectives, and he has a terrific reputation among legal peers.

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Ask anyone who specializes in helping people who have recently been charged for driving under the influence in Long Beach about their experiences, and you will hear a common refrain: Drivers often needlessly dig themselves deeper after getting stopped, and these stupid post-hoc actions often cause far more legal trouble than defendants realize.silver-tongue-long-beach-dui.jpg

Let’s say you get pulled over for driving under the influence in Pasadena, Glendale DUI, Los Angeles DUI, Burbank DUI, or what have you: Likely, you will feel terrified, angry, frustrated, ashamed, and many other emotions. In that highly volatile, spiked emotional state, you might say or do things that can make your legal woes infinitely worse. For instance, you might swear at or hit a police officer, leave the scene of an accident that you just caused, or even try to flee an accident by swimming across a local reservoir (as a Boulder Colorado woman recently tried to do – this blog covered that last week).

Perhaps the most common mistakes come from failing to hold one’s tongue.

By saying things to the police like “I only had 6 drinks,” talking back to police, prematurely confessing to guilt in an accident, and so on, you might, within a span of seconds, accidently add months or even years to your sentence.

Last week, a DUI suspect in Santa Rosa illustrated this lesson literally. According to California Highway Patrol reports, Olan Yahal Mitchell got pulled over early Saturday morning on the 101. The suspect refused to take field sobriety tests (common Long Beach field sobriety tests include walk the line test, finger to the nose test, Rhomberg test, other balancing tests, reciting the alphabet backwards, counting backwards, etc).

According to officer Jonathan Sloat: “While seated [in the police cruiser], Mitchell began to lick the keyboard of the officer’s computer…the officer ordered Mitchell not to interfere with any equipment. Mitchell repeated his behavior, and the officer reached in to move the computer out of his reach… That’s when Mitchell kicked the officer, promoting both officers to restrain him and put him in the back of a “caged” patrol cruiser.”

At the end of the day, Mitchell was charged not only with DUI, driving without a license, and possessing marijuana but also with resisting arrest and battery on a peace officer.

As a qualified Los Angeles criminal defense attorney will tell you, those extra two charges – the battery charge and resisting arrest charge – will almost certainly compound the defense.

Part of the problem is that, if you’ve already committed a crime (or likely crime), you may be in an irrational state of mind. Thus, you might not realize the consequences of your continued criminal conduct. Education is critical – not only to help you deal with your current situation but also to help you avoid future mistakes and punishment.

Connect with Long Beach’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454) for a free consultation to go over your options and figure out a smart and strategically sound plan to go forward. Attorney Kraut understands how prosecutors think and react, since he actually was one for nearly a decade-and-a-half (Los Angeles Senior Deputy District Attorney).

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One of the reasons why stories about driving under the influence in Beverly Hills capture media attention is that Beverly Hills is well, Beverly Hills. Celebrities, sports stars, movie executives, politicos and other A-listers live, visit and celebrate the city. Thus, stories about DUI in Beverly Hills as well as Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Burbank DUI, and Los Angeles DUI tend to get a ton of press because they involve famous people and, often, very weird

But Boulder, Colorado – of all places – was in the news twice last week for gripping, bizarre, jaw-dropping stories. We already covered the sad story of a 32-year-old woman who allegedly committed a DUI homicide then tried to flee by swimming into a reservoir. The other big story involved a 19-year-old Boulder man who was arrested and held on a $10,000 bond after he allegedly stole a school bus and then smashed the bus into his house. According to an Associated Press article, “police found a privately-owned school bus parked and still running in the yard of William Levin Goodrich on Tuesday.” Officers said Goodrich’s license had been revoked for multiple DUIs. Goodrich told officers he felt weird after eating something a friend gave him. Police said Goodrich then told them the friend gave him the bus keys and told him to drive home.

Goodrich was held in a county jail on multiple charges, including leaving the scene of an accident, aggravated motor vehicle theft, careless driving and DUI.

Here’s a key takeaway from both these bowl-you-over-in-Boulder stories: the Beverly DUI arrest and conviction process can be complicated – and your situation can be made FAR worse — if you continue to make bad decisions after you’ve been tagged with a DUI.

In this case, assuming the allegations are true, Goodrich already would have been in trouble for stealing the schools bus. But he wildly aggravated the situation by crashing the school bus into his yard. It’s a bit like the “Butch and Sundance syndrome” – once you’ve become an outlaw, you take your crime to the “nth level” because you come to believe “there’s no turning back.” Not that this line of thinking makes sense. But apparently that’s how some people react once they realize that they have committed a crime, like Beverly Hills DUI.

Your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney – no matter how good – can only do so much for you if you compound and “complexify” your crime. It’s time to break the cycle. Connect immediately with the reputable Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450, Beverly Hills, California 90210 Phone: (310) 550-6935) for a free and confidential case evaluation.

Attorney Kraut served as a prosecutor of DUI crimes for 14 years for the City of Los Angeles, rising to the level of Senior Deputy District Attorney. So he knows how prosecutors typically approach DUI crimes, and he can walk you through the ins and outs of what to do – and what not to do – to develop and execute a plan to restore your name, reputation and freedom.

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The dark side of driving under the influence in Glendale (or really, anywhere in the United States) is that fatal accidents can strike anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. A vivid example of why it’s so important to beat the problem of Glendale DUI, Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI and Los Angeles DUI occurred the Saturday before last, when a Boulder, Colorado woman, 32-year-old Lisa Norton, was arrested on a smorgasbord of charges, including DUI-related vehicular homicide. DUI-escape-in-Reservoir.jpg

Norton allegedly crashed her Ford pick up into a Nissan coup at around 6:30 PM, killing the driver, 33-year-old Gabriel Nielsen, and severely hurting his wife and young child. After the crash, Ms. Norton allegedly fled the scene by diving into the nearby Clover Basin reservoir. Area boaters eventually fished her out of the water and delivered to her to Longmont Colorado police. According to her arrest warrant affidavit: “Witness statements from the boaters indicate that Ms. Norton was combative and denied having any involvement in the crash…that she was combative and verbally abusive to both officers and rescue personnel who were attempting to render aid.”

All told, her charges include:

• DUI homicide
• Failing to remain on the scene of a crash resulting in death
• Two counts of DUI vehicular assault
• Two counts of reckless vehicular assault
• Driving with a revoked license
• Failing to provide proof of insurance
• Possession of drug paraphernalia (a glass marijuana pipe)
• Child abuse causing serious bodily injury
Obviously, any Glendale DUI homicide is a serious and horrific situation. But many defendants needlessly complicate their situation by assaulting officers, fleeing the scene, acting belligerently, or otherwise “digging their hole deeper.” These acts will ultimately make the job that your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney has a lot more difficult and challenging. Much like how panicked investors throw good money after bad, recently arrested Glendale DUI suspects often radically compound their own problems.

Fortunately, there is a smart way to begin to get clarity on your situation and to stop the downward spiral. Connect with Glendale’s Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (located at: 121 W Lexington Dr, Glendale, CA 91203 Phone: (818) 507-9123) to start to synthesize and execute a smart strategy. Attorney Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor who has a terrific record at jury trials and glowing reviews not only from past clients but also from legal peers and respected figures in the media.

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Last Monday afternoon, while most Pasadena DUI blogs (and, let’s face it, the entire news media) had attention turned towards the fatal catastrophe in Pennsylvania that took the life of Jackass co-star Ryan Dunn, Idaho Senate Caucus Chairman John McGee quietly bailed himself out of jail on a $5,000 bond, following a brief 10 minute hearing. The Republican Chairman of the Canyon County’s GOP was involved Saturday night in a truly bizarre disaster that surpassed any of the weird arrest and news stories involving Los Angeles DUI, Burbank DUI, Pasadena DUI, and Glendale DUI last week.idaho-state-senator-john-mcgee.jpg

Let’s lift the lid on this curio and discuss its broader implications.

According to the Idaho statesman, “The 38-year-old Caldwell Republican was arrested early Sunday morning on a charge of felony truck theft and misdemeanor DUI, after police found him in the backseat of an SUV – towing a 20-foot trailer – that witnesses say he initially tried to drive off in.”

McGee apparently blew a 0.15 BAC level – nearly twice the Pasadena DUI limit of 0.08% — after drinking and partying at a golf course club house in Boise.

Around about 3 A.M., he hopped into a Ford Excursion and drove away… but then jackknifed the 20 foot rig before getting too far. Two teenagers watched the bizarre accident scene unfold, and the mother of the boys noted that “McGee appeared to be disoriented and hallucinating.” The Idaho Statesman also noted that the Senator’s attorney “might argue that a medical issue was at play.” A hearing has been set for the 1st of July, and many Idaho state political figures are keenly watching the outcome here, as it might have strong bearing on future elections.

One thing that’s striking about this story is that McGee was not exhibiting typical Pasadena DUI symptoms. Normally, someone under the influence might behave recklessly, incoherently, smell like alcohol, or blow a high BAC reading on a breathalyzer test. But if McGee indeed had been hallucinating — and if he did in fact have an underlying medical condition — these factors might influence the nature and quality of his defense. Obviously, it’s illegal to drive with a BAC level of greater than 0.08% in Idaho, just as it is here in Pasadena. But your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney will probe the details of your arrest for facts just like these to help construct a sympathetic and smart defense. After all, your punishments (and potential counterarguments to prosecutorial charges) depend intimately on a clean and vivid accounting of the true facts of the DUI stop and any subsequent acts that you or police officers took.

Pasadena’s Michael Kraut (Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers located at: 790 East Colorado Boulevard, 9th floor, Pasadena, California 91101 Phone: (626) 345-1899) has the track record and success at jury trials, knowledge of prosecutorial tactics and strategies, and diverse experience you need to identify your most strategic path to success. This may not mean getting all of your charged dropped, but it will mean feeling less overwhelmed, anxious, and confused. And more confident about exactly what you need to do to restore your life and make amends for any wrongdoing you committed.

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Last Sunday was not a good day for R&B singer Nivea. Her story of DUI in Atlanta was largely drowned out in the Long Beach DUI blogosphere by Ryan Dunn’s (of “Jackass” fame) explosive 130 mile per hour fatal wipe out in Pennsylvania. But pundits and celebrity watchers who listen closely to news about Glendale DUI, Pasadena DUI, Los Angeles DUI, and Burbank DUI story lines couldn’t help but notice some similarities between Nivea’s crash and the fatal crash that took the life of Dunn and another passenger on Monday.nivea-dui.jpg

• First of all, Nivea wrapped her Mercedes around a tree that had fallen down (she apparently missed the police lights and yellow tape around it); whereas Dunn crashed his Porsche into a tree on the side of the road.

• Nivea had a passenger in her car with her (a tiny baby – Lil Wayne’s); whereas Dunn also had a passenger with him;
• Significant circumstantial evidence suggests at least some wrongdoing. The police allegedly reported that Nivea “had bloodshot, glassy eyes and smelled like alcohol,” swore at an officer on the scene, and admitted to having had 3 drinks before getting behind the wheel; Dunn, for his part, had a history of reckless and careless driving charges (including a DUI) and he photographed himself earlier in the evening at a bar.

• Both had been driving expensive, fast cars (for whatever that’s worth): Nivea was driving a ’06 Mercedes’ whereas Dunn had been driving a Porsche 911 GT3.

What happens when someone gets charged and convicted of driving under the influence in Long Beach with injury to someone else? The answer is stark and scary: You can be charged pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 23153 (a) or 23153 (b) – basically what these CVC codes do is escalate what might ordinarily be a misdemeanor charge (still pretty serious) to a felony count (extremely serious). The result? More jail time, stricter penalties, bigger fines, and a harder road back to normalcy.

Can a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Help You with Your Long Beach DUI Case?

The answer depends on whom you select, how you work with that lawyer, and the nature of your DUI arrest and behavior afterwards. The Kraut Criminal & DUI Lawyers (located in Long Beach at: 444 West Ocean, Suite 800 Long Beach, California 90802 Phone: (562) 531-7454) can provide a free and confidential consultation regarding your arrest and suggest best practices to prevent you from doing more damage and to put you on a path towards maximizing your defense. Attorney Kraut is not only an experienced defense attorney who has garnered great reviews from clients, legal peers, and the media (e.g. CNN, New York Times, KTLA News), but he is also a former prosecutor who uses his knowledge and connections as an ex-deputy DA to help his clients.

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