Articles Tagged with crazy DUI

Most DUI arrests don’t get a lot of attention from the general public or news media unless they involve a celebrity and/or result in a horrendous accident. Over the last two decades, however, there have been several arrests for DUI that have attracted widespread media notice and/or gone viral because they are simply so outrageous or bizarre.crazy-los-angeles-DUIs-of-21st-century-300x144

Here’s a sampling.

The family that drinks together…

Celebrity arrests for DUI in Los Angeles attract a great deal of attention, but they are not the only DUI-related incidents making the news. Here’s what’s happening in other areas of the country.crazyweird-los-angeles-DUI

•    In Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a judge ordered Thomas Candler Felts, 25, to serve from 30 days to six months in jail after he pleaded guilty to providing alcohol to a group of Amish teenagers. According to Fox 43 News, Felts had pulled into a parking lot of a convenience store next to the young men, who were riding in a horse-drawn buggy. He talked to them about “Rumspringa,” which is the time when Amish adolescents have more freedom to explore the world outside the Amish culture.

The buggy left the parking lot and traveled down a road, but Felts eventually passed them yelling “Rumspringa.” He then stopped his car abruptly, causing the buggy to crash into his vehicle’s rear. Police called to the scene measured Felts’ BAC at .126.
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The last thing drivers arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles want to do is call attention to themselves; they don’t want friends, family or employers to know what’s happened. But stories about DUI incidents get a lot more play in the news media when they are out of the ordinary. Here are a few unusual stories that made local headlines.derp-los-angeles-DUI-stories

The Chicago Tribune reported on 28-year-old Jeremy Walsh, who went into a grocery store, opened and chugged a bottle of vodka, left the store without paying for the liquor and then drove away. Officers called to assist observed Walsh’s vehicle crossing over the double yellow line on one of the roads in Naperville, Illinois. Walsh gave a false name and wouldn’t take a breathalyzer test or a field sobriety test. Police charged him with DUI, retail theft, driving without a license and obstructing identification. (Walsh really should have maintained a lower profile. After police arrested him, they found that the Kane County sheriff’s office already wanted him because he failed to appear at a court hearing on reckless driving and speeding charges.)

Then there’s Tara Monroe, a 20-year-old junior at Texas State University. After Monroe refused to take a breathalyzer test on her way home from a concert, her father came to campus and repossessed her car. Monroe’s solution—which gained national news attention—was to buy a kid-size, hot pink Barbie car to tool around campus. At least she can’t speed; the pink Barbie car doesn’t move above 5 miles per hour.

North Carolina resident Patrick Mercer, 29, made headlines when he taunted Tennessee police on Facebook. After Tennessee police posted photos of people wanted on outstanding domestic violence warrants, Mercer responded that he was in North Carolina and the police should come and get him. They did. Mercer ended up in jail charged not only with domestic assault but also with DUI, reckless driving, theft and harassment.

Designing and executing an effective defense against DUI charges (even simple ones) is not intuitive. Fortunately, you can trust the seasoned, highly successful Michael Kraut. Call a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles with nearly two decades of experience.

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Even Los Angeles DUI attorneys get a chuckle out of some of the bizarre DUI charges brought against individuals throughout the world. Sometimes the definition of “motorized vehicle” stretches even the best imagination, and other times people exhibit a complete lack of common sense.goat-dui-los-angeles

Regardless, the stories of these crazy DUI instances live on through the internet. Here are a few of our favorites:

1.    Man arrested for DUI on a horse. One inebriated individual decided to ride a horse around a strip mall while intoxicated. The man clearly exhibited signs of intoxication, but the police scratched their heads after the arrest. They knew how to handle an intoxicated man, but what do you do with his horse?

2.    Russian tank crash. This case is not a DUI, per se. Russian soldiers decided to make a trip for more vodka – in a tank. During the trip, a solider steered the tank directly into a civilian house. A second crash very nearly occurred when the tank backed out of the first home. The official story from the Russian military blames mechanical malfunctioning for the accident.

3.    Motorized coolers, Barbie cars, and wheelchairs. Three separate DUIs from around the world feature these “motorized vehicles.” A man riding a motorized cooler with a 50cc engine faces DUI charges in Australia. Officers pulled Paul Hutton of England over for DUI in a souped-up toy Barbie car. Another case in England featured two individuals riding a motorized wheelchair under the influence.

4.    Goats at DUI checkpoints. One lady in Washington, DC, almost made it through a DUI checkpoint, until police heard noises in the trunk. When asked, Fiona Enderdy told officers about the goat in her trunk. The poor fellow was tied up in the back of the miserably hot vehicle. Enderdy escaped a DUI charge that night, but she did face charges of cruelty to animals.

Respond strategically to your arrest and charges by calling a former Senior Deputy D.A. and highly successful Los Angeles DUI defense attorney with the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. today for a complimentary consultation.

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